Working full time AND working out?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member


    Not being harsh, this is the graphic that is on my desktop at work.
    I see it every day, and see it more if I wimp out on working out.
    It seems to keep me motivated...

    That said, there are always days you just can't.
    But I find there are more days I can because i love the way I feel.

    Just thoughts.

    ++added. Clearly, I'm an idiot when it comes to posting pix. I tried it without the spaces in the brackets, and with. So go to the link, it'll make sense, lol

  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    Pack your gym clothes w/ you when you go to work in the morning so you can go right when you get off of work >just get it over with youll feel better after you do and youll prob have more energy in the long run.
  • addies_mom
    I've got a 9-month old daughter, 2 dogs, I work two evenings and a weekend day per week as a massage therapist, and I'm taking my Master's degree. I used to find it difficult to be motivated to work out. For the last two months, I've been up at 6:30 each morning to do my Jillian Michael's DVD before the rest of the house is awake. Then each afternoon, I strap my daughter into her stroller and take our dogs for a walk. It's difficult, yes, but so worth it. I have so much more energy now than I did two months ago, and working out makes me want to make better food choices. It can be done!
  • hvergelmir
    I tip my hat to those of you working multiple jobs, going to school, taking care of kids, etc and finding time to take care of you. You all are rock stars. <3

    Absolutely. My life is a breeze compared to some of you. I tip my hat to all of you multitasking heroes!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I love that 'Your Excuse is Invalid' pic. Very true.

    I also work full time, take a part time load at Uni and I am training for a half marathon.

    I work full time so I have the money to enjoy the lifestyle I want.
    I am at Uni to change career and be the best I can be.
    I am training for a marathon because I LOVE IT and health and fitness is now important to me.

    I strive every day to balance my life - and yes, sometimes its hard, but you do it. Work out your priorities, suss out a little timetable for yourself and quit making excuses!

    It'll be liberating when you find yourself handling it all!
  • methodless
    I treat it like an extra hour of work and go every day after work.
    Beats being stuck in traffic anyway
    60 minutes at the gym gets me home maybe 25 minutes later :)
  • Elizadolots
    Elizadolots Posts: 178
    Hi Katie, I also work full time. I do 30 day shred in the morning while my kids are having breakfast, then get ready for work. If I have enough time and energy in the morning or evening I'll do another bit of something. On weekends I try do at least an hour of exercise.

    Funny thing off course is the more you do, the more energy you have!

    Good luck on your journey.
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I work between FT/PT im a mom to 2 kiddos, a wife, and i just going to the gym tonight for a couple hours. My gym is open 24 hours so very conveinent for me. I hope you are able to figure your schedule out.
  • JulesofWinsto
    You may find with good nutrition and regular consistent exercise you will start to have more energy.

    I work full-time (and travel a lot for work) and study part time. Absolutely nothing compared to what some other people juggle. If you r health is a priority, you'll make the time to work out.

    Life's never ideal. Excuses only hurt yourself. If you want it, make it happen.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    You just do it. Simple. I work a minimum of 50 hours a week and spend a minimum of 10 additional hours a week travelling for work - and I work out about 10 hours a week on top of it.

    Think of it this way - If you were told you HAD to work an additional hour a day or you'd lose your job, you'd work the additional hour. If you care about your health you can use that hour to work out.
  • chic_mama_25
    I would LOVE to work 9-5! I would have so much more time lol. Not meaning to be mean, but I understand about being tired and not having time because I work 6am-6pm. I have to go to bed at the same time as my 7 year old haha.

    To kill two birds with one stone, I cycle the 8 miles into work and back every day (35 mins each way). This helps keep my exercise ticking over until the weekend where I will typically do one hour long run and one 1,5hr Bikram yoga session. Hope this helps!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Calories in - calories out = weight change.

    If you cannot work out as much as you did you cannot eat as much as you did. As simple as it sounds it took me ages to realise this.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Honestly, I usually feel the same way, but, when I make myself workout, I find that I have more energy.
  • monicalynne68
    monicalynne68 Posts: 87 Member
    Just squeeze in exercise whenever you can. Do you work in an office building? Take the steps instead of the elevator. When you go shopping, park further away so you have to walk. At the grocery store, carry the bags to the car rather than pushing the cart to the car. You can sneak exercise in and not realize that you are doing it.
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    Wow thank you all for replying so fast!
    I really appreciate all the comments (even though I'm sitting here completely red in the face with embarrassment from feeling like a big lazy whinger!..not that whinging was the intention...I wish I'd worded it all better!)
    I understand my schedule is far and away easier than some of yours, but it's still really hard for me, especially with my mental problems. You're all really amazing! I could never do what some of you do. But at least I know it can be done :)
    You're all so super motivating, I'm going to try working out in the mornings instead of the evenings and see if that makes a difference to my energy levels.
    I suppose its just all about making good habits (which I'm severely lacking in, but I'll change that!)
    Thanks again all :)
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    tip - before or after work, without going home in between, works for a lot of people i know, might work for you. can't hurt to try.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    i work with kids with autism 55 hours a week (7am-7pm ugh) and am finishing my masters degree- its EXHAUSTING, both physically and mentally. i find if i suck it up and work out first thing in the morning i have more energy for the day, feel better, make better choices, and am better with the students I work with.

    it literally took me 1 month of forcing myself to wake up at 5:00 am and just turning on my light and laying in bed before i could even think of getting out of bed and exercise. now i wake up at 5 am without an alarm- just took some getting used to!

    make time for you and make new habits :)
  • littleblueallie
    littleblueallie Posts: 16 Member
    I have a "play by ear" working schedule for the most part, and I do work 40 hours a week. It can be exhausting, the thing that helps me out THE MOST is the whole routine of it all. I know it may seem boring but that's the only way I can keep up! I wake up, go to work, go to the gym on my lunch break, go back to work, go to the gym FROM WORK. That's another thing that helps. I pack my gym clothes with me so that I don't go home in between, because I know that if I stop at home, I will lay on the couch and eat thin mints and take a nap aka not go to the gym! Haha. So i know it's hard but if you can make a steady routine for yourself it'll be way easier to just get it done and then flop down after a long day's work AND a great workout!
  • erv78
    erv78 Posts: 7
    To be honest, you have to set your priorities first. It doesn't matter what time you work, you will ALWAYS have an hour or two free per day. Sometimes you have to make choices, that 1-2 hours you spend going out with friends you could be spending on working out. I'm not saying that's what you do I'm just saying that health should always come first, so whenever you have free time, use that to better yourself. Hope that helped :) Good luck!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yup, it's about habits and priorities. I get up earlier in the morning so I can run or walk or do some other workout. I find that it makes a huge difference to my energy level and mood, so it is worth sacrificing some sleep (or going to bed earlier) to get that extra boost to my day.
    The other thiing that might help is to do some research into exercise options that you enjoy that only take 30 mins or so. When you have all day to fill, you can afford to hang out in the gym and do classes and routines that take an hour or more but its really not essential.
    For example, you can get a great workout in a half hour run if you throw in some intervals. Or, I know there are a bunch of workout DVD's out there than take 30 mins or less. Or read up on Tabata workouts - short and sharp and apparently very effective.