Working full time AND working out?



  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member

    If you want it bad enough plan for it, and don't make excuses why you can't - find ways that you can!!

    I saw this in a video the other day : "I am Determined, Dedicated and Disciplined to be fit" - Ernestine Sheppard ..... do yourself a favour - look her up on youtube!!

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I work on a farm. Work starts at 7:30 and doesn't end until at least 5 or 6 most days, depending on what we are doing, planting, harvesting etc, it might be 7 or 8 pm.
    I work out at least 5 days a week. How do I do it, I just do. I want to work out so I do. If it is important to you you will stay awake for it or get up earlier. No offense intended, but if you don't have to be at work till 9, there is plenty of time in the morning.
    I am up at 4 am most days cause working out is important to me.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I just plan it out like it's part of my job. I've committed to taking care of myself and that's just how my life has to be. This is my basic day:

    4:30 am: wake up
    5:00 am: either headed to the gym or work (if the gym, then 1 -1.5 hour workout)
    Work until about 3 pm (or later on some days if I go in late because of the gym)
    Pilates 2-3 times a week on my lunch break
    3:30/4 pm - 5 pm: Run 4 days a week
    5-5:15/5:30 pm: Start dinner for the BF and I
    Chores/laundry/relax until about 9 pm
    10-10:30: Bed most days

    You just HAVE to plan time for it. Make it a part of your day. Non-negotiable.
  • radradradradrad
    radradradradrad Posts: 101 Member
    i had the same thing happen to me! desk job=15lbs heavier
    now i get home at 630, put my workout clothes on immediately and am working out by 7, done by 830 at the latest.
    the rest of my night is spent making dinner and lunch for the next day, chillin' on the couch and hittin' the hay by 1130.
    i feel GREAT when i've finished the workout and i know all i have to do is chill for the rest of my day.

    you can do it!
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I work two jobs & have a family, and it's all about determination to succeed. The days my kids don't have school, I'll go to the gym before work to run, & then again during my lunch hour to lift. 6 days a week I'm up by 5 and to bed at 10 if I'm lucky.

    If you have time to watch TV or read a book or take a nap, you have time to exercise. If you don't push yourself, who will?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I work full time (8-5 with an hour lunch) and am a new mother... I have a 20-35 minute commute one way (depending on traffic and which route I take to stay away from traffic)... and I just do what I can when I can. There are a couple of days I come to work 30 minutes early so I can lengthen my lunch break so I can go to a Zumba class and I try to work out after my little one has gone to bed for the night... otherwise, I try to do every little thing I can to burn extra calories. Whether that's standing instead of sitting at work or going up and down the stairs 50 billion times during my 15 minute breaks... and then of course I have time on the weekends (at least I make time). Any little thing helps, even when you think it won't.
  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    It comes down to sacrifice. What are you willing to give up to get what you want? If you sleep until 8, you may have to sacrifice 90 minutes and get up at 6:30. If you watch TV, you may have to sacrifice an hour of that.
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I work swing shift (3:30 pm to midnight), so I set my alarm clock, get up around 10 or 11 am and go the gym before work. It helped in the beginning to have a trainer so I *had* to go, but now I can go on my own. If I have other things to do in the morning (dr. appt. or whatever) I do a dvd at home. You just have to make it a habit, then it's not so hard. And you really will have more energy after work if you work out. Maybe go straight from work to the gym - that way there's no chance to park on the sofa! :smile:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Don't flop. Exercise self discipline and go out. I start at 0745 (up at 0600-0630 and do a Tabata) then I go to the gym on my lunch hour, then back in to work. Finish around 5, go to the gym for an hour or so again, then go shopping and eat dinner about 8pm. I sleep well. Btw, I have a mentally tough job... Air Traffic Controller so no excuses!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Here's what worked for me:
    Before when I was working out after work, I have arounf a 30-45 minute commute each way. But if I waited longer, the commute was only 15-20 minutes. I packed my gym clothes with me daily and hit the gym right after work.

    The most important thing was DO NOT GO HOME FIRST.

    The absolute number one key to making sure I actually got to the gym: having a snack 30-60 minutes before leaving work. Since eating gives you energy, this work me up and I didn't make an excuse not to go. ;) Also, I had a cup of green tea half of the time, or got the green tea powder for my water.

    I ALWAYS needed water with some electrolytes/vitamins or something to get through the workout. Not sure why, but this is easily remedied with one of those flavored drink powders. Now that I am aiming for 95% clean, I have eliminated those, and instead I add a splash of coconut water or a NUUN tablet.

    The last tip: have a plan for your workout.

    You said you only have 20-30 minutes. You need to make these count. Does your gym have a 30 minute circuit set up? I have noticed this is a trendy thing to do at my local gyms. If so, aim to do that 1-2X a week.

    If not, you are going to have to do your own. Here is what I would recommend if you only have 30 minutes.
    5 minute warm up, any cardio machine
    10-15 minutes of strength training. Pick 3-5 exercises (alternate days/body parts). Do 1 set of 10 reps of each and repeat 3 times. Rest for 30 seconds between each set. This should take 15ish minutes.
    10-20 minutes: interval cardio: go at a steady pace for 1 minute. Go fast for 30 seconds. Do this until you are don with your 10 minutes. If you are doing 20, try and make the intervals 1 minute/2 minutes
    5 minutes: do some full body stretching after your workout

    And then try to fit in another longer workout when you are not working.

    Now, I work from home, so I try to get my workout done first thing in the morning, before I get sidetracked. This helps me keep a consistent schedule, which is much harder when you work at home.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Suck it up, princess.

    Someone told me that once. And they were right.

    I'm in graduate school, I work, I exercise, I socialize, I do freelance work and I'm getting certified to be a fitness instructor.

    I spent plenty of of my life thinking "I don't have time" or "xyz excuse" but in the end, it was about just f*cking doing it even when I didn't want to. If you want it, you make it happen. If you don't want it bad enough, you don't make it happen.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I am having the same problem. I've been telling myself for weeks that I'm gonna get up and workout in the morning. YEAH RIGHT! I can hardly get up for my alarm, let alone setting even earlier. Usually, when I get home I don't wanna do **** either. Eventually, I convince myself to work. Its usually only 20 min, but if you do it 4-6 times a week it adds up.

    So really I guess the only advice I have is JUST DO IT. It is really hard and seems like such a feat, but you'll always be thankful you did. That's a good feeling.
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 126 Member
    I am up just before 5 am - do 3 miles with Leslie Sansone - (47 min)
    have my cup of coffee (and stop the sweat!) - (5-10)
    then shower @ 6 - bagel @ 6.30 while getting ready -
    out the door @ 7
    good luck!! you WILL find what works for YOU -!!!
    just stay motivated!!!
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    I am much more prone to completing a workout if I do it first thing in the morning to start my day. Because once I get home from work the last thing I want to do is work more. The most anyone is getting out of me is dinner and a few laughs :happy:

    P.S. you could also pack a gym bag before bed, take it with you to work (make sure to pack a good snack in there too) and instead of going home first head straight for a workout then go home afterwards.
  • bethdj5
    bethdj5 Posts: 1 Member
    I work 7:30 - 4:30 and I am not a morning person so I have to go after work. I pack my gym bag the night before, I mostly take the classes at the gym and find one that is either at 5:00 PM or 5:30 PM and I head to the gym directly from leaving work. I could never go home first because I will get lazy and not leave again. Even during nice weather if I want to walk or run on the bikepath - I bring my change of clothes and go directly from work.
  • Incredmrse
    I try to work out twice a day, once in the morning before work for about 45 min, then again after work for another 45 min. Most days I can do both, but on the days I am too tired to bother with one, I at least have the other one in.
    Its not perfect, and I feel really drained on the weeks I work 6 days, but its a start for me.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I get up at 4 to walk the dog then workout. I'm in bed by 10:00 almost every night. I have it easy, though. I like getting up early, so that's no big deal and I have time at night to walk the dog again, work on some stuff around the house and watch a bit of tv.
    I'm in awe of all those that have posted with so much more going on in their lives and still find the time to workout. You all are amazing! The amount of commitment you all have is inspiring - especially those with kid(s) and those who do shift work. I am in awe!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I work full time, 8-5, get home, cook dinner, bathe my son and put him to bed and then run. I am dead tired too but it is something that has to get done; just like dinner or anything else. Just freaking do it.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    nike was actually right. you just do it.

    :laugh: Love this.

    I also work approx. 45 hrs a week, plus travel a lot, and manage to have a social life. When I was ALSO still in college (I worked longer hours then, too), I actually worked out MORE.

    These days I almost have to do it in the morning. After work, I just want to do what I want. Socialize/chill/veg... so I get it done first thing. There are so many benefits for me... it also helps me keep my food in check for the day. HIGHLY recommend morning workouts!
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    I work full time also and it is hard to get enough sleep and fit in the work outs but i try to keep a balance. I bought 5 cloth tote bags and I pack them with my work out clothes on the week end and put them in the trunk of my car. I shower at the gym so I repack my gym bag w/ towels etc. as soon as I get home from the gym and put it back in the car. I also pack a appropriate protein snack for before and after the gym. Then I just swing by the gym before going home. I commit to a minimum of three 30-minute work outs but aim for 5. I alternate between nautilus, elliptical and working with my personal trainer. The regular exercise gives me more energy and protects me from stress better than not working out, even with being short of sleep.