too full to eat my cals



  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Make friends with Mr. Peanut Butter. Solves so many problems with not eating enough. Make sure it's a natural kind without the hydrogenated oils for pure nutty goodness!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have never had this problem! I eat like a growing teenage boy and thoroughly enjoy earning more calories from exercise :) I agree with the poster that said try to increase slowly and like you said having a glass of milk or something will up your calories.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    It's definitely not a lack of protein, seems like a lot of you meals consist of a small amount of chicken with some veg.

    Throw some potatoes in there for a start.

    Also, have a proper breakfast instead of just a yoghurt or something. Have a bowl of mueslli maybe.

    And eat some fats as well - looks like you have a really low fat diet. That's an easy way to add calories.

    Maybe make some home made chips - just put them on a baking dray and rub them with olive oil. Healthy as but could help make up for what you're lacking.

    Also maybe add in some rice and/or pasta to your meals.
  • Pashen4fit
    I have read that you should eat your allotted cals every day!

    Well according to MFP I am allowed 1200 cals (before exercise) and I (on a normal day) eat about 850-950, On the wee

    If I exercise I DO NOT eat back the burned cals (in all honesty I only eat when I am hungry)

    I tried to change this yesterday by eating 1200 cals (I got to 1150), I also done a cal burn of 540 (which I didnt eat back) and today I feel sooooooo bloated and full that every mouthful I eat is a struggle.

    Any ideas why?

    I have opened my food diary to the public for this question if you want to have a look :) I genuinely need some help here. :flowerforyou:
  • Pashen4fit
    I am been having the EXACT same problem

    I am on 1200 calories plan as well, and I only eat between 750-900 :-(

    I have been trying to eat more food but it doesn't stay down and it feels like I am just forcing myself to eat
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    Vegetable oil in your cooking would be an easy way to add a couple of hundred calories every day - and your body does need some oil! Other than that, could you snack on a slice of cheese or some nuts?

    Rather than Vegetable oil i would opt for olive oil.

    with me personally if i don't have a salad to pour oil over then i just cook my food as i normally would and just have a tablespoon of olive oil... it goes down real easy!

    Olive oil is one of the vegetable oils! The reason I didn't specify a particular one is because it depends what she's using it for. I always use virgin olive oil for dressing salads, but you shouldn't heat it to high temperatures - for that sunflower or rapeseed are better.
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Hi there,

    I didn't read through everyone's comments, so I hope my observations are not a repeat.

    1) Add a handful of raw nuts or seeds (not oiled and roasted!). They have many essential phytonutrients AND add fast, easy delicious calories.

    2) I don't see whole grains. Switching to all 100% whole grains (rice, cereals, breads) helps lots of things.

    3) Keep up the veggies, or plants, and add even more. Avocados and olives are high in calories.

    4) Fruits? A fruit can easily add some very healthy calories.

    Wishing you success!

  • taylorblues
    taylorblues Posts: 49 Member
    I am kinda the same I eat a total of 1000-1200 a day and rarely eat my calories back. I always feel full of sick( also trying to drink 10 glasses of water a day) but what I do if I need extra calories is drink juice. It's a liquid so it won't overly fill u up and it gas alot of calories

    Its a horrible feeling to feel sick when eating (especially since we are all trying to loose weight) :ohwell:

    I never thought to make it up in drinks Maybe a cpl glasses of milk is my answer then not too filling but makes up a few cals :smile:

    If I have a lot of calories left I like to have a milky drink before bed - helps me to sleep.
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Hello, it's me again.

    I wanted to add that I would not add oil of any kind but what comes in "plant" food.
    Oils are a processed food that don't do us any favors. The oils in nuts, seeds, avocados and olives are great sources of the best oils.

    Thanks, and again, wishing you much success,

  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    A nutritionist would tell you to eat 100-200 calories more every day or every other day until you reach your goal intake. I had to do this myself. I was anorexic before, and started bingeing and gained a ton of weight (at the time, binges were like 1600 calorie days!) now I eat my BMR and then some... I went from having negative NET calories to being about 1200-1400 after exercise, but I did it slowly. Gained 4 pounds but then dropped 5 in a week after that, so just be patient, and don't watch the scale too closely as you increase... Once your body adjusts and you are at the right level, it will drop. Most weight gained during refeeding is water weight anyway :)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Vegetable oil in your cooking would be an easy way to add a couple of hundred calories every day - and your body does need some oil! Other than that, could you snack on a slice of cheese or some nuts?

    I even drain off excess fat when cooking lol ....

    I was looking at nut selections in the supermarket yesterday thats another option :) ty

    cheese noooooooooo lol ... that along with butter is on my "do not eat till at my weight list"
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    if you haven't been eating a lot, your body will not EXPECT you to eat a lot... on the "hunger scale" anyhow. that doesn't mean your body doesnt NEED them though!

    Its just getting them thats the issue, :(
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Sigh. I'm supposed to be eating around 1200 per day, and I struggle like mad to ever even possibly get that low!!! I love eating!!! Let's switch problems for a few months. :-)

    yes please need to see what im missing lol ..... I have eaten 602 cals today, its 7:30 PM ... and im wondering how I find another 598 cals :-/
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    Eat more fat. A lot of calories for not a lot of volume of food.

    You can drizzle some olive oil on all those veggies you're eating.

    The veg Im eating are normally in a home cooked meal or home made soup, I rarely eat raw veg, But I guess I could add some oil to my recipes, I tend to leave oil out when cooking , maybe thats one of my issues :)

    You're supposed to have some oil everyday (weight watchers, 17 day diet, and other diets suggest this) b/c it helps with digestion. it helps things come out lol. and it helps keep you regular. don't just use all those fatty oils. Make sure it's extra virgin olive oil. :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Are you eating really voluminous foods? If you eat 100 calories of broccoli, well, that's a ton of food in your stomach.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    You can live and exist on a suppressed metabolism and eating very little.

    Throw in exercise and you throw in a monkey wrench, because now you just don't have the energy stores to provide for that exercise.
    Muscle must be broken down to supply glucose in those cases.

    The question is - do you want to attempt weight loss with a slow metabolism?
    It will be slower if even possible, because there is less range to work with.
    It will be more prone to having issues.

    The main problem is, if your workout just burned up 300 calories worth of carbs to supply the energy (and 200 cal fat was used too) - do you even eat 300 calories worth of carbs each day?
    Your suppressed metabolism is going to use some of those - the brain itself will use about 400 cal worth a day by itself.
    You can lose muscle mass easy enough, and compared to fat at 3500 cal / lb, muscle gives 600 cal / lb, so easier to lose a lb of muscle.
    Might as well just cut off an arm or leg if that is acceptable.

    Or do you want to do it with a metabolism that could be burning at full potential. You could have a BMR that is ready to burn 1400-1600 calories everyday - just sleeping.
    Throw in other daily activity, perhaps 600-700 cal.
    But suppressed, you get 600 BMR burn, and daily activity on slower metabolism of 250-300 cal.

    Choice is yours. One has a better chance of failure doing it, and much greater when your are done and try to eat normal again.
    And if you just love eating very little, you can still reach goal weight, and then lower your metabolism.

    I have lost 2 stone previously doing what I am just now, I then maintained my weight for about a year (eating the way I do with the odd goody and little exercise)

    The main reason for this question is because I feel that I am doing it wrong, and im asking for help! obviously cutting a leg off is not an option .......:-/

    I am not lacking energy, (maybe I will in the long term) which is why I'M trying to alter it now ... I am losing weight at a slow steady pace about 1-2lbs a week) I am doing some form of fitness every day, Also I normally eat like this lol under 1000 cals is my normal intake. when Im not dieting I dont eat breakfast, and Ill have a naughty food after dinner

    The choice is mine, and I'M trying to choose to eat 1200 cals ... hence this post, I'M just not sure how to (without resorting to fatty foods) although there are quite allot of good suggestions so far and Im taking them all on board

    In answer to your question I have no idea if I eat 300 cals of carbs .... my total carbs come to from 90-150 each day ... I dont know if that means cals or grams?
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Vegetable oil in your cooking would be an easy way to add a couple of hundred calories every day - and your body does need some oil! Other than that, could you snack on a slice of cheese or some nuts?

    Rather than Vegetable oil i would opt for olive oil.

    with me personally if i don't have a salad to pour oil over then i just cook my food as i normally would and just have a tablespoon of olive oil... it goes down real easy!

    when I use oil its normally olive, sunflower, or toasted sesame. I couldnt eat it off a spoon thou eek xx
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Your body's hunger mechanism isn't necessarily a good measure for whether or not your body needs food. If you're having difficulty due to volume then eat higher caloric benefical foods (olive oil, nuts, eggs with the yolks, avocado).

    Someone else said about nuts also, never even tried avocado (not even sure what it tastes like) and I occasionally have poached egg TY Ill have a look into avocado :D
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Make friends with Mr. Peanut Butter. Solves so many problems with not eating enough. Make sure it's a natural kind without the hydrogenated oils for pure nutty goodness!

    TY ill look out for that, I stopped buying peanut butter cause of the fat in it :) what makes are natural ones?