Sixers Spring into Summer - week 6



  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey Sixers Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there!!!!

    I have 2 tests in the next week and I drove home after 3 hours of sleep this a.m. to surprise my mom for mother's day. now I'm back home and needing to pull it together for my test tomorrow. You all enjoy your day! And send up a few prayers for me please :-)

    Happy Mother's Day!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    So.... the family visit went well... It was 11:30, and I was starting to stress, because I was scrubbing the potatoes for the pot roast, and still needed to do the mushrooms, cake, and hadn't yet taken a shower, and people were going to arrive at 1. DH came in from farting around outside, I told him I was stressing, and he helped by washing and prepping the mushrooms, and frying the bacon, while I chopped the spinach. (the mushrooms get stuffed with crumbled bacon, spinach, and cream cheese mixture). He then stuffed the mushrooms while I took my shower. I decided I wasn't going to sweat the cake, I could work on decorating it while people visited. The cake turned out cute, I did a basket weave with the frosting, then had fresh flowers on top of it. Once DH gets the pic on the puter, I'll put it on my profile so all can see.

    Did manage to get a nice walk in tonight, didn't push too hard, but felt good to get out and move around. Hope everyone else had a good day too!

    Good luck on your test tomorrow Tiff... You'll d great!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Oh, forgot to say how I did get spoiled today... My son got me some happy bunny socks (I do enjoy the evil 'lil rabbit) and a gift certificate to a tanning salon/spa for 20 minutes in the moisture bed with a 12 minute follow up in the high pressure booth. The moisture bed I've heard, is wonderful-- you lay down in it (nakey) and it heats up to 140 degrees while spraying you with moisturizers and aromatherapy. There's mood lighting and music (your head sticks out of the bed), and the pad you lie on in the bed vibrates. After the moisture bed is done, you dry off and put on the fuzzy spa robe and go to the high pressure booth. It's a stand up tanning booth that blocks the UV ray that burns you. I'm looking forward to using the certificate, but I have to wait until I'm done with my antibiotics, because I have to avoid sun exposure...

    DH says my mothers day gift was the $1200 extra it cost to get a room with a veranda on the ship than the room without :laugh: . I did get a nice footrub from him earlier today though!

    What about you gals? Anything wonderful?
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Robin, glad things turned out!

    My day was AMAZING. My kiddos cuddled me awake and whispered 'Happy Mother's Day' then brought in the beautiful cards they had made me and both explained their art work. Usually we don't do gifts (I prefer to do things together) but this year Ava and Leith got me something. With the weight loss, my wedding rings don't fit me anymore (and I don't want to resize until I'm holding at my goal, just in case). So my thoughtful, lovely 4-year-old decided she wanted to get me "a ring that fits". She chose a BEAUTIFUL ring that really suits me (sterling silver with 5 swirly shells) and Leith (all on his own) decided to get me earrings that match. It was lovely. Then we had a (healthy) pancake breakfast all together then took off for a hike in the woods out to this beautiful waterfall. There was also a festival on the grounds in the area so we listened to some good music after our walk. Headed over to my brother-in-law's for supper with the in-laws which was also nice. A REALLY nice mother's day :heart: :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Brit, you poor dear. I hope the docs get the right meds and treatments to your mom. I know you must be exhausted, but keep pushing through sweetie. If you can get some fresh fruits and veggies in your diet, it will help keep your energy levels up. Try to sleep as much as possible... gotta keep your immune system boosted. Time of stress often lead to minor illnesses with me. Hugs for you dear. not-tagged-smiley-10615.gif

    Rhiannon, I'd thought about not getting on the scale for six weeks. I decided against it. I have no will power, I'd just cheat the entire 6 weeks, lol. Your Mother's Day did sound wonderful. :heart:

    AmyLou, hope you rock that final today! I know your cramming worked! And I think everyone is entitled to a pint of ice cream every now and again. :wink:

    Stef, I'd totally flop on your diet :laugh: . Good luck! It's a tough one but I hope it helps.

    Tiff, you were so sweet to drive home and surprise your mother!!

    Robin, is the pic of your cake up yet? I wanna see!! You are so talented. Also, that bed sounds DELIGHTFUL.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hey Sixers,
    Coupon for a free Light Orange Julius on June 19th (my birthday:smooched: )
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :explode: :explode: :explode: :sad: :sad: :sad: I'm so frustrated with myself! I WENT TO TOWN yesterday on sweets. I don't know for sure, but I don't feel I'm exaggerating when I say I probably went over my MAINTENANCE by at LEAST 2000 calories. If not more. And this morning I was feeling really depressed about it (AND when I have a lot of sugar I instantly begin TOTALLY craving it again) and Kyle didn't take to work the massive batch of cookies his mother sent home with us so I ended up having a bunch of them for breakfast. SERIOUSLY, WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?! I know I can't dwell on it because there is nothing I can do about the last day's choices and can only move on, but we all know that even with moving on and looking forward the pain and anger and disappointment and guilt is real. I just don't get how I could have such a major lapse when I'm generally feeling so good about things. I needed to vent. Now I need to figure out when in my day I can get my workouts in.

    Have a good one ladies. Sorry for no personals :frown:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    lauryn wish i had read that post a few days ago. guess what? I got a cold T_T

    So life really sucks for me right now.. gah

    butttt thanks for all the support sixers. Im really depressed now haha. gosh I ate 3 pieces of pizza last night o.0 my tummy hurts today.. T_T

    SOOOOO im going to do something about it! Im going to put on my work out clothes find my tennis shoes and i am going to go enjoy the nice weather with my couch to five k podcast. (week 1 because I havent worked out in 2 weeks.)

    <3 I will update after run and will do personals.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Brittney, hope you feel better soon! Good for you deciding to work out in spite of it!

    Rhiannon, put the cookie down and back away! I understand though, how easy it is to slip up. Heck, we've got cake and brownies sitting on our counter, and I'm counting the minutes until I can eat again! But, you know, you can make the decision right now to make the rest of the day better. I know you're already planning on it, because you're fitting in a workout. Just think how good you'll feel at the end of the day, when you look back and see that yes, it may have started rocky, but you finished off the day strong.

    Lauryn, nope... no picture yet... It'd be up if I knew how to do it, but I've got to wait for the manly man to do it :laugh:

    Amylou, when I worked in retail, as a manager, I ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's every day on my half hour lunch. I'd nuke it in the microwave and get it semi melty, then go to town... Yup... I understand ice cream making you feel better. But don't make a habit of it like I did!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals! Happy Monday! And Happy Be-lated Mother's Day! Just wanted to share my ultrasound photos taken at 21 Weeks and 2 Days!

    4D Face Shots






    4D Body

    Face Front


    Forearms and Fist



    Profile Shots!


  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Awwwwww How exciting Kristin! Happy Mother's day, a day late!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Brit, 'atta girl! Get running! I LOVE RUNNING NOW. Such a great way to painfully burn off frustration! :laugh:

    Robin, I laughed about your nuked pint. Glad you are outta that job! :flowerforyou:

    Kris, I can't wait to get home and see all the photos!!! (Work filters. boo.)

    Rhiannon, frankly dear..... I mean, I hate to be the one to tell you this but.... Look, here it is --- You are only human. There, I said it. I know you think you are perfect, but you aren't -- you are human. And cookies happen. BOY do cookies happen!! I know what you mean about having sweets creating a want for sweets. I am positive this is why I have "seasons" of my sweet tooth. Best bet -- if you haven't downed all the cookies (I know I would have!!!!:bigsmile: ), give them away to neighbors and family and the kids and the birds outside and use them as frisbees at the beach. Get rid of them. I HATE not having sweets in my house and it leaves me a little angry honestly, but if it's not there, I can't eat it. And the good news -- going over your calories by 2k in one day.... it won't really hurt you that much, as long as you don't repeat. I binge that much easily. Often. It's resulted in the scale not moving downward, but luckily not creeping upward by more than a pound or two (and I'm a repeat binger). Just keep exercising and cut yourself some slack. :flowerforyou: and HUGS!!!

    ps- I ran 1.25 mi straight today, my personal best ever. :drinker: :glasses: :drinker: :glasses: :drinker: :glasses: :drinker: :glasses:
    My last best was this past Friday when I ran 0.65 mi straight. :bigsmile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congrats on your personal best and THANK YOU for the good, strong, loving words. I did stop myself at 10 :indifferent: cookies this morning and the rest aren't tempting me. I also entered them for the day and I'll still be within my reduced calories (not "dipping in" to the deficit from maintenance) and I've had a good talk with myself and feel okay. Now I'm going to set my noodles up with a craft (my children, that is) and get some cleaning done. I ALWAYS feel better when I can clean out my frustrations! I just wanted to thank you so much. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hope you all had a wonderful day! I loved the phrase :cookies happen: How cute!

    I had a test today and another one next Monday so I'm sorry to say that I will be busy, crazy busy for the next week. I have to catch up on my class because I've been studying for my last 3 test this week. I'm doing my best not to feel frazzled. I'm pushing it out for one more week and then it REALLY REALLY get's crazy once I start studying for my 2 year national cumulative test. We have 6 weeks to prepare and must study 11 hours every single day! we get ONE day off between the end of the year and when we start to study. :noway: :mad::noway: :explode: :laugh: So... I'm not sure how active I will be during the next challenge BUT I will join in... just maybe I will be missing in action and weigh in on Tuesdays!

    I wish you all luck with tomorrow's weigh in!! TOM for me... but I was 149.6 when I checked the scale this a.m. go me!

    OH and I wanted to tell you all that I bought the book Beck Diet Solution and I have a feelign this book is REALLY going to be an eye-opener turning point for me!
    So I suggest you all read it/ rent it/ or at least think about doing it. IT's behavior modification that teaches you specific responses to say/ do when you have sabotagging thoughts.

    I will miss you all if I don't get on much. But I will do my best to stop in as much as possible!:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ENDING WEIGH INS........................

    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS +5.6

    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 159 lbs PROGRESS - 3.5 lbs
    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW201.5 lbs PROGRESS -9.5 lbs
    SW 220lbs/ GW 205/ CW 220 PROGRESS +5.0 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 187.0lbs PROGRESS +1.5
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 150.0 lbs PROGRESS - 2.2 lb
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 154.8 lbs PROGRESS +1.4
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 169.6 lbs PROGRESS -4.7 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 212.5 lbs PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS +5.6
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 151.0 lbs PROGRESS -2.4

    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 159 lbs PROGRESS - 3.5 lbs
    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW201.5 lbs PROGRESS -9.5 lbs
    SW 220lbs/ GW 205/ CW 220 PROGRESS +5.0 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 187.0lbs PROGRESS +1.5
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 150.0 lbs PROGRESS - 2.2 lb
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 169.6 lbs PROGRESS -4.7 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 212.5 lbs PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3

    Miraculously, basically thanks to my cold and not having an appetite, I've managed to actually lose something during this last week of the challenge. although not the best way to lose, now i just have a good jumping off point now that i'm feeling better to really start back on track.

    See you in the new thread!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I don't wanna do an ending weigh in. *pout*


    But I will..... sigh
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS +5.6
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 151.0 lbs PROGRESS -2.4
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 188.0lbs PROGRESS +2.5

    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 159 lbs PROGRESS - 3.5 lbs
    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW201.5 lbs PROGRESS -9.5 lbs
    SW 220lbs/ GW 205/ CW 220 PROGRESS +5.0 lbs
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 150.0 lbs PROGRESS - 2.2 lb
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 169.6 lbs PROGRESS -4.7 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 212.5 lbs PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3

    I've been kicking butt this week, I think I only took Sunday off from the gym... and I ate well... except for two peices of cake (one each day)... and I went up a friggin' pound! How'm I gonna get thin for my stinkin' cruise? Although DH told me today I looked thinner... but it was not a good time for him to say it... I grumped at him and said he was wrong-that I gained... Then he told me it could be muscle and I laughed at him... Poor guy!
  • smagnan
    smagnan Posts: 53 Member
    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS +5.6
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 151.0 lbs PROGRESS -2.4
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 188.0lbs PROGRESS +2.5

    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 159 lbs PROGRESS - 3.5 lbs
    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW201.5 lbs PROGRESS -9.5 lbs
    SW 220lbs/ GW 205/ CW 220 PROGRESS +5.0 lbs
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 150.0 lbs PROGRESS - 2.2 lb
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 164.4 lbs PROGRESS -10.2 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 212.5 lbs PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3

    I must not have weighed in last week... my bad well I met and exceeded my goal for the six weeks WHOO HOOO!!!! :glasses: