Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these Pants Week 16

PunkinHeadsMOMMA Posts: 306
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Good morning all and welcome to another week:happy: :happy:

I nominate Christine to name our challenge for this week. :flowerforyou: Be nice to us:laugh:

I hope everyone is feeling better and we can get on with losing weight and enjoying the weather!!


  • Good morning all and welcome to another week:happy: :happy:

    I nominate Christine to name our challenge for this week. :flowerforyou: Be nice to us:laugh:

    I hope everyone is feeling better and we can get on with losing weight and enjoying the weather!!
  • Whoo, I'm actually here!

    I've completely slacked off in checking this. :ohwell:

    The past few weeks I've felt absolutely awful in regards to my weight loss. I slid into a pit of pessimistic thoughts and couldn't claw my way back out. But, I'm better this week, and I'm still chugging along!

    My last recorded weigh-in was 196lbs. I was up to 197 on Sunday, but it was my TOM so I'm not counting it as accurate. (is that cheating?)

    I hope everyone is well, and doing good. :flowerforyou:
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am feeling pretty good this morning. I've worked out for the past 3 days and my knees are not hurting. I've been bracing them during exercise - so that has helped tremendously. :-) I weighed in at 140 today.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    good morning every1 ive decided to give myself 1 more week not 2 weigh in because i fear the stress im having from finals and in class presentation (hate getting up in class) will b bad for my numbers) but my clothing is fighting better skirts i havent worn in years i can wear my jeans fit better so we will see.
  • Hello everyone!

    Sorry I have been MIA...I was in cleveland for the weekend for a wedding. It was so much fun :happy:

    Now back to the grindstone though, Im at work and will be working out tonight. No weigh in til next week though.
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    good morning every1 ive decided to give myself 1 more week not 2 weigh in because i fear the stress im having from finals and in class presentation (hate getting up in class) will b bad for my numbers) but my clothing is fighting better skirts i havent worn in years i can wear my jeans fit better so we will see.

    If your clothes are fitting better that is a good sign. Just remember no matter what the scale says - it has no right to steal your self esteem. You are working towards a better, healthier you and that is the most important thing!
  • That was awesome kimlee-- The scale has no right to steal your self esteem! Love it:love:
  • I agree :flowerforyou: I can feel my legs getting more muscular but that scale hasnt moved in forever!

    And oddly enough I have been walking the dog alot lately as well, and she has gained 4 lbs! :noway: Going from 9lbs to 13lbs is quite a jump. And she doesnt get any people food, and only gets limited dog food as well. Im going to have to amp up her walks to an hour a day I think. She is supposed to be a weiner dog not a sausage :laugh:
  • jrs_lovely1
    jrs_lovely1 Posts: 35
    Hey ladies I am new to the boards and just found this thread. May I please join the group?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Hi guys- I am staying at the same weight, which is a victory in itself considering how faithfully I have been logging all my food (NOT)

    We are gonna move at the end of the month, which is always fun.:grumble:
    Hopefully we are going to find a cheaper place, so we will reduce the overhead, so cross your fingers- it's harder to find a place when you have dogs.

    hope you all have a successful week. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Hey ladies I am new to the boards and just found this thread. May I please join the group?

    I think I speak for everyone when I say of course- the more the merrier-welcome!!
    We've been using Tuesday for our weigh-ins, but we also talk throughout the week, so keep us posted on how you are doing:bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I maintained this week, but I'm okay with that after finally getting over being sick! Hope everyone had a good day!
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Resa - Maintaing after the week you had is a great accomplishment.

    The hubby and I are hosting a Cinco de Mayo party tonight. I am hoping that the chicken fajitas that are on the menu won't derail all of my good efforts today. Hopefully, I can get in a quick step aerobics session before I have to start cooking. :-)

    If I don't make it back online tonight - hope you all have a great evening!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Hey everybody! Reminder that I'm weighing in on Fridays now because of the contest at work. Since I offerred my scale to be used for the contest, I'm not tempted to jump on it every day since it's in my boss's office! Not sure yet if I like that or not, but we'll see!

    I just got back from the doctor and have a bronchial infection (no swine flu though!) and I need an inhaler for the next while. My chest hurts lots and there's lots of coughing so I don't think I'll be doing much cardio until that clears up. On the plus side, my appetite is low so there's no chance of overeating while I sit around on my butt! :laugh:

    Congrats on everyone's successes this week (whether you weighed in or not). :flowerforyou:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    good morning every1 ive decided to give myself 1 more week not 2 weigh in because i fear the stress im having from finals and in class presentation (hate getting up in class) will b bad for my numbers) but my clothing is fighting better skirts i havent worn in years i can wear my jeans fit better so we will see.

    If your clothes are fitting better that is a good sign. Just remember no matter what the scale says - it has no right to steal your self esteem. You are working towards a better, healthier you and that is the most important thing!

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    HI everyone! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I am weighing in 1 lb lighter so 181 from 182 last week. I was 180 for a brief moment last week. I know I will see that number again soon. I feel horrible that Kacee nominated me to pick a challenge and I didn't even show up yesterday. OK let me think of a good challenge and I will post it soon. Since most of you all should be sleeping.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Awww... Don't feel bad! And I hope you're not going to be down because you aren't at 180 anymore! You've lost 44 POUNDS! My way of thinking about it is you've lost the weight of an average 5 year old!! Think about how it would feel to carry a 5 year old around all day long, and you'll realize how far you've come!

    Off to do Plyometrics with my husband... Tomorrow is going to be interesting, because my mom dared me to go to kickboxing/step aerobics with her, and then an hour later I have volleyball for 2 hours, and then I have P90X... I don't know if I'm going to be able to fit it all in, but I'm going to give it a try!!!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Awww... Don't feel bad! And I hope you're not going to be down because you aren't at 180 anymore! You've lost 44 POUNDS! My way of thinking about it is you've lost the weight of an average 5 year old!! Think about how it would feel to carry a 5 year old around all day long, and you'll realize how far you've come!

    Off to do Plyometrics with my husband... Tomorrow is going to be interesting, because my mom dared me to go to kickboxing/step aerobics with her, and then an hour later I have volleyball for 2 hours, and then I have P90X... I don't know if I'm going to be able to fit it all in, but I'm going to give it a try!!!
    OH thanks Resa! No I am not down. I am happy that I lost 1 lb. As long as I do not gain I am all good! I was carrying my daughter who is 11 months and 20 lbs. I was thinking it would be like straping her to my back and another one of her to my chest and that would be close to the amount of weight that I have lost. It is pretty crazy. I just would like to be at 175 by June 16th. That is the day we are going to try and fly to MD. I want to have some leave room since I don't think I will lose any while I am home. Any way good luck with plyo! I still have to come up with a challenge.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OK Challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ladies and our missing Mr. Sister,

    I know some of us have been here for several weeks and others are new. I challenge us to drink at least 2 liters of water a day! I am sure some of you already do but I know I have started to slack recently. Then try and post everyday how much water you drank.

    I also challenge us to not eat anything within 3 hours of when you are going to go to sleep. I cut off my food intake at 7 pm, and I attribute my weight loss to that!

    OK lets see how we do, I am off to fill my water bottle.
    Good Luck Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • talbiya
    talbiya Posts: 10
    Ok, I am not in week 16, but I need to have a group for motivation...might I join yall? I am on week one basically, and trying oh so hard to be good! :explode: I have never counted calories before, I guess I've never needed to, but I NEED to now! I am looking forward to the trip or actually, the destination!
    Best wishes!:flowerforyou:
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