Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these Pants Week 16



  • Welcome to the newbies...jrs_lovely and talbiya!!!

    Christine -- don't sweat not checking in, you're on a different continent for goodness sake!!! I just knew you'd come up with something good. Thanks!
    Congrats to everyone else. BTW I didn't weigh this week, I'll catch it next week. I knew it would just make me depressed. But it can't take my self esteem, right?!
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Big welcome to our newcomers jrs_lovely and talbiya!!!.

    Christine – Congrats on the one pound loss. The challenges you posted are great ideas!
    Mizzmez – I hope you feel better soon!

    Today is our employee appreciation lunch at work – which means lots of tempting desserts and bad food. Luckily, I am helping to serve, so I will be on my feet for most of the afternoon (that’ll burn a few extra calories) and won’t have time to do much eating of bad foods. I managed to get in some aerobics last night and the knees are holding up good. 

    I have already had 16 ounces of water and working on another 16 as I type. I’ll check in again soon
  • jrs_lovely1
    jrs_lovely1 Posts: 35
    Good afternon ladies,

    Well last night I was POOPED almost too pooped to work out but I pressed through and pushed play on my P90X any ways. I worked out at 930 at night which I did not want to do but I had to do it. I try not to start my work out unitl my son (6 months) is sleep. Normally he goes to sleep around 630-730 and I begin around that time but not last night....NO he is stuck on that VTech ball. He had a nice relaxing bath, some milk and solids and instead of drifting off to lala land he was up giggling and rolling a ball. I LOVED IT but kept looking at the clock wondering when I was going to get to sweat.

    Hopefully he will be back on his schedule tonight. If not I will be having another late night work out which means late night replenishing of fuel. So IDK about the eating after 700pm challenge. I don't eat junk so if I do eat and then go to sleep within 2 hours I think that is ok. also my body is still int he burning mode right after working out so Ithink that is ok too? What do you ladies think?

    I hop e you are all well. I am off to try to reach a 2 liter drinking goal.
  • K2T4e2n6
    K2T4e2n6 Posts: 50
    So I finally saw an infomercial for P90x. Gotta say I was impressed with the results. Anyone get that in real life?? Hmm let's see I weigh 150 and is there anyway to subscribe to this topic or something?? This is the first time I've seen it in the new posts section usually I have to go hunt it down and that's a big pain so generally I don't.

    Ok thanks!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    K2T4e2n6-as long as you've posted on this thread, it should show up in "my topics" at the top of your page. Usually, we have a link on Tuesday taking you to our new week...

    As for really great results for P90X, there are a bunch of people who have had some terrific progress from it. I'll attach a link, and check out the profiles on Sandy, CJBranson, Kenewayne, and Jessmomof3. I've had some results, but am a long, long way from being considered "ripped" like on the commercials. You can look at my profile...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Here's the link to a good P90X thread, and check out the profiles on some of the people here, and you'll see some really good results. Littleluvbug is a good one to check out, too!

    Hope it helps!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys sorry i didn't check in yesterday, was playing with the baby :)

    i maintained this week, which with my parents here over the weekend and my mini-vaction to nyc i am very happy about! i now have to get through the next 10 days which are senior week and graduation (not for me, but for many of my friends) with TONS of food around. after that, i will have much more space to do my own cooking. yay!

    also, just got the HG cookbooks today!!! so psyched to be able to start cooking some of those delish recipes real soon! and to try this famous laughing cow cheese.

    this challenge is also perfect because i just got a new water bottle! i was using plastic disposable ones and saving them forever but it gets kind of gross, so i caved. 2 liters here we come!

    lastly, i have my last final today and then im freeeee. i have quite the exercise routine scheduled for the next month then because i will not have any responsibilities! but then in june i go home for a while, and will have to really amp it up.

    anyway, have a great day guys! keep up the great work!! and - welcome newbies! you'll love it here at MFP :)
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    OK Challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ladies and our missing Mr. Sister,

    I know some of us have been here for several weeks and others are new. I challenge us to drink at least 2 liters of water a day! I am sure some of you already do but I know I have started to slack recently. Then try and post everyday how much water you drank.

    I also challenge us to not eat anything within 3 hours of when you are going to go to sleep. I cut off my food intake at 7 pm, and I attribute my weight loss to that!

    OK lets see how we do, I am off to fill my water bottle.
    Good Luck Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    all i can say is i will b peeing all day gonna b bad with this challenge missy although im drinking diet iced tea to make up for my water but im still not so great better but not great (although thurs 14 cups of water baby :drinker: )

    food such issue cause i get home so late like 9 & 10 mon and tues cause of school and thats when i eat cause of class yes i know bad. usually dont even eat dinner till 8 9 pm 7 is early for me but since i dont sleep (if i do bed about 1 so i may make the three hours lol)

    where is mister?

    welcome all newbies too lazy to give background but im ariella used to be tortoise now im snail :bigsmile:


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella :wink:
  • Hello to all the new people. :flowerforyou:
    I felt like I was def falling off of the wagon this weekend. So today I really amped up my workout. I just really really need to stop being so tired, so that I can be consistent with my workouts. Well one day at a time I suppose, today goal accomplished.....
  • Hello to all the new people. :flowerforyou:
    I felt like I was def falling off of the wagon this weekend. So today I really amped up my workout. I just really really need to stop being so tired, so that I can be consistent with my workouts. Well one day at a time I suppose, today goal accomplished.....
  • jrs_lovely1
    jrs_lovely1 Posts: 35
    Good afternoon SISTERS!

    I really like that I come here and just post to some women about working out. Nothing particular just sort of random rumbles.

    Last night I completed Day 3 of P90X Lean and I have to tell you that I feel amazing. I truly feel good about this program and am committed to sticking to it. It is the first time I have done something in a while and felt immediate results. I feel tight everywhere. I still have 87 more days to go. LOL BUT I feel like I am going to make it to the end. I am going to visit my family in CA at the end of July and it will be the first time they have seen me PP (post partum) I am excited to have the potential of actually being better then my pre preg self.

    I also did Turbo Jam fat blaster last night before starting P90X since I was doing shoulders, tri's and biceps plus the ab ripper which was great! I feel so good. I am on my 1st container of water that holds 24 oz so hopefully I can drink 3 before I get off of work.

    I hope you all are having a great day so far.
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Good afternoon SISTERS!

    I really like that I come here and just post to some women about working out. Nothing particular just sort of random rumbles.

    Last night I completed Day 3 of P90X Lean and I have to tell you that I feel amazing. I truly feel good about this program and am committed to sticking to it. It is the first time I have done something in a while and felt immediate results. I feel tight everywhere. I still have 87 more days to go. LOL BUT I feel like I am going to make it to the end. I am going to visit my family in CA at the end of July and it will be the first time they have seen me PP (post partum) I am excited to have the potential of actually being better then my pre preg self.

    I also did Turbo Jam fat blaster last night before starting P90X since I was doing shoulders, tri's and biceps plus the ab ripper which was great! I feel so good. I am on my 1st container of water that holds 24 oz so hopefully I can drink 3 before I get off of work.

    I hope you all are having a great day so far.

    Great job on finishing Day 3 of P90X. I really, really, really want to do this series. But I don't have the extra cash to spare on the DVD' I am trying to go it the old fashioned way - cardio and weight lifting at the gym. I am excited to report that my husband wants to start waking up earlier 2-3 mornings a week, so he can run on our treadmill. And since he will be up, I will more than likey get up with him and do my step aerobics video. That means I will get my day started on a great note - and have no excuses for not working out. I am also going to try a workout class tonight that is taught by one of my co-workers ....if I ilke it then I will be doing that 2 days a week. :-) The class is designed along the lines of P90 and Body Pump, so it should be a good workout.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    hello lovely congrats amazng

    hello all had rough day yesterday ended up not eating dinner long story.

    today started out awful began with massive headache proceeded by me slamming two fingers in my dreeser resulting in a black and blue bloody mess (ur welcome for the image :bigsmile: )

    tried something new today mango with hot sauce and lime juice (really good)

    today shaped up better got told to go home early cause i was working so hard and the rain has finally stopped a bit the sun is out it feels like summer and my mother and i are gonna squeeze in a bonus walk today just cause :wink: never thought i would do extra exercise lol

    have a beautiful rest of ur day


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella
  • Good job Ari! :drinker:

    I too am having a little bit of a frustrating day, and I really dont feel like working out but I am goin to go straight to the gym after work so I have no choice :tongue:

    I will check back later after my workout :flowerforyou:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey y'all. I'd like to chime in on this topic. I like the concept. I can do weigh in on Tuesdays. That okay with everyone? Sounds like y'all have so much support between everyone. Great!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Hey ahmee in the words of our fearless leader Kacee the mor the merrier everyone is welcome. Weigh in is tues for most (the originals started tues but some o other days) this is the best supportive group i could have ever imagined i love all of these ppl who have gotten me through the past 16 weeks. im ariella call me ari or toriose but know my motto which is slow and steady wins the race and together we will win this race.

    Good job Ari! :drinker:

    I too am having a little bit of a frustrating day, and I really dont feel like working out but I am goin to go straight to the gym after work so I have no choice :tongue:

    I will check back later after my workout :flowerforyou:

    i go girl glad u got up and went to the gym. i cant tell u how incredible our walk was we needed it the weather in NYC is now incredible although that was only for the last few hours cause its been pouring but i went with short sleeves we went to the park and back in 34 min (a 45 min walk) incredible ill write more later but im starving....


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella :wink:
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Ari - I'm happy to hear that your day got better and that you enjoyed your walk.

    Ahmee - Welcome to our group! I am a relatively new member myself. And I am finding this group to me a great supportive group!! You will love it here.

    Hope- Did you make the workout????
  • jrs_lovely1
    jrs_lovely1 Posts: 35
    Good afternoon SISTERS!

    I really like that I come here and just post to some women about working out. Nothing particular just sort of random rumbles.

    Last night I completed Day 3 of P90X Lean and I have to tell you that I feel amazing. I truly feel good about this program and am committed to sticking to it. It is the first time I have done something in a while and felt immediate results. I feel tight everywhere. I still have 87 more days to go. LOL BUT I feel like I am going to make it to the end. I am going to visit my family in CA at the end of July and it will be the first time they have seen me PP (post partum) I am excited to have the potential of actually being better then my pre preg self.

    I also did Turbo Jam fat blaster last night before starting P90X since I was doing shoulders, tri's and biceps plus the ab ripper which was great! I feel so good. I am on my 1st container of water that holds 24 oz so hopefully I can drink 3 before I get off of work.

    I hope you all are having a great day so far.

    Great job on finishing Day 3 of P90X. I really, really, really want to do this series. But I don't have the extra cash to spare on the DVD' I am trying to go it the old fashioned way - cardio and weight lifting at the gym. I am excited to report that my husband wants to start waking up earlier 2-3 mornings a week, so he can run on our treadmill. And since he will be up, I will more than likey get up with him and do my step aerobics video. That means I will get my day started on a great note - and have no excuses for not working out. I am also going to try a workout class tonight that is taught by one of my co-workers ....if I ilke it then I will be doing that 2 days a week. :-) The class is designed along the lines of P90 and Body Pump, so it should be a good workout.
    Thank you for the support. Ididn't buy the program, I actually borrowed it from an unmotivated friend. LOL he has had it since I was pregnant and I told him if he didn't use it and see some results by the time I had my son then I was going to borrow it from him when I was able to work out again. WELLL he is still not ripped so I made him give it to me. LOL. BUT this is such a great program that I need it in my collection for future use so I am going to invest in it after I finish this round.

    When you do get it let me know we can start together. Did you do that work out class?
  • jrs_lovely1
    jrs_lovely1 Posts: 35
    hello lovely congrats amazng

    hello all had rough day yesterday ended up not eating dinner long story.

    today started out awful began with massive headache proceeded by me slamming two fingers in my dreeser resulting in a black and blue bloody mess (ur welcome for the image :bigsmile: )

    tried something new today mango with hot sauce and lime juice (really good)

    today shaped up better got told to go home early cause i was working so hard and the rain has finally stopped a bit the sun is out it feels like summer and my mother and i are gonna squeeze in a bonus walk today just cause :wink: never thought i would do extra exercise lol

    have a beautiful rest of ur day


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella

    THANK YOU... Looks like you are a juicer as well? I gotta try that recipe of mango,lime and hot sauce. I am a boring juicer. i stick to citrus mixed with strawberries or carrots. I haven't done anything wild yet.
  • jrs_lovely1
    jrs_lovely1 Posts: 35

    I am on Day 4 and 5 of P90X. I didn't do it last night because it was the first day this week that I made it home and it wasn't raining so I seized the oppurtunity and got behind the jogger and took my son on a 5k. IT WAS AMAZING! I hadn't put my feet tto the pavement in over a week and a half and didn't realize how much I needed too. I love running. Such a mind easer, stress reliever etc. PLUS I know I came home looking like I just stepped out of a sauna. SWEATY!!! and stinky :laugh: but thats when you know you are burning up some guueeee! So today I will be doing P90X yesterday's prigram and today's program which I am looking forward too.

    I am going to buy a HRM today along with some new excercise bands. I can't believe how I am all into fitness now. WHO AM I? Where did I come from? LOL My husband is like "Sheinnin....are you working out AGAIN?" and I am confidently saying " HELL YES!!!" He is so proud of me. He is a fitness buff and has been trying to motivate me for years but I rather just run! I love running and before P90X never thought about liftng weights but now I am all on it. He is jealous that Tony (P90X) was the one that won me over instead of him.

    I hope you ladies have a great FRIDAY! TGIF by the way. My favorite day of the week means no more work until Monday. I get to sleep in and play with my baby all day long. :love:
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