Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these Pants Week 16



  • Good morning ladies :flowerforyou:

    I did make it to the gym last night, although it was a short run on the treadmill I still made it. :drinker: Today I am off to a slow start though so I will need to hit the gym after work again. Keep me motivated today :glasses:

    Jrs- that is awesome that you got to not only workout but do it with your son as well. Im sure he really enjoyed being raced around, and I bet it was a great workout too! I also have P90x my problem is I have a really really screwy schedule so it became difficult for me to follow the strict regimine everyday. Also in the meantime I am really trying to lose the weight so I want to concentrate on alot of cardio right now. That is awesome that your husband is being so supportive as well, makes things much easier im sure!

    How is everyone else this beautiful friday?
  • K2T4e2n6
    K2T4e2n6 Posts: 50
    MissResa-Thanks for the info. I think I'm gonna look into that to step up my workout a bit.
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Jrs - Yes, I made it to the workout class. It was fantastic. It was an hour of a combination of aerobics and toning. I was a sweaty mess afterwards and loved it! I will be going back to the class twice a week from now on.

    Today is a rest day for me - since I have step aerobics tomorrow and tennis lessons with my hubby on Sunday. What does everyone else have planned for the weekend?
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys

    its now my turn to be sick :( i have been in bed for about 36 hours, feeling a bit better today, and hoping to feel 100% by tomorrow. luckily, when im sick i don't have much of an appetite, so i dont have too much to worry about. im jsut sad that i havent been able to run.... hoping i havent lost too much stamina.

    welcome to all the newbies! this is a great place :)

    have a great weekend everyone! hope its lovely where you are!
  • Hi everyone!!
    Glad to see some newbies. Sorry I have been MIA again. We are getting ready to brand calves on Sunday, so lots of last minute things to get done. In addition to gathering and sorting off some old cows. I have been terrible at the challenges this week. Getting water in, but not enough. At least I've been more aware of it I suppose. Things are finally starting to dry out around here so I can get outside soon and try to run?!? We'll see. I would just like to say, I don't think it's fair all you natural runners out there at sea level, you should come up here and run. I'll keep telling myself that it's the thin air that makes me so outta breath when I try to run and not the 30 extra pounds!:laugh:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    hello lovely congrats amazng

    hello all had rough day yesterday ended up not eating dinner long story.

    today started out awful began with massive headache proceeded by me slamming two fingers in my dreeser resulting in a black and blue bloody mess (ur welcome for the image :bigsmile: )

    tried something new today mango with hot sauce and lime juice (really good)

    today shaped up better got told to go home early cause i was working so hard and the rain has finally stopped a bit the sun is out it feels like summer and my mother and i are gonna squeeze in a bonus walk today just cause :wink: never thought i would do extra exercise lol

    have a beautiful rest of ur day


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella

    THANK YOU... Looks like you are a juicer as well? I gotta try that recipe of mango,lime and hot sauce. I am a boring juicer. i stick to citrus mixed with strawberries or carrots. I haven't done anything wild yet.

    havent been a juicer for a while lol but my mother (who in our group but has been ill and busy with her students and promises to be back as soon as she can breath) and i are gonna b doing it a ton this summer seeing as my gut tells me NYC will b very hot.

    it was a fresh mango a collegue bought at a street vendor and they but it and put in the sandwhich bag if u want lime juice salt and hot sauce - soooooo good oddly and im a purist lol

    me i just got home from internship and confession time had a very very very tiny piece of cheese danish that my collegues bought just for me for my going away party (and while they are having another one next week next week they are buying me my salad for lunch no cake cause they know about the site and u guys :wink:

    its so stunning in NY that my mother and i are gonna go for our walk now im up to a little over an hour which we have been doing consistently really wish my pedometer hadnt broken (the clip part broke must fix it) curious to know how much i walk)

    missing mister hope hes ok and his wife is good

    luv to all be back soon


  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    meg u can do it if i can u can lol ive been fighting nauseau all week huge in class presentation which i cant stand doing and then on top of it this nightmare teacher is grilling everyone with thousands of questions..

    go to the gym missy and report back and i will be checking on u after my walk :wink:
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Hi all! Doing my check in since we've got that work competition going on and our weigh in days are Fridays! Happy to report I'm down to 162! Everyone else gained weight so I'm extra proud!

    I'm at work still so I'll check in later! Have a great weekend if I don't see ya!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    happy dance :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Ari- you are such a great motivator ! :flowerforyou:

    Mez- congrats on the loss!

    Just got back from the gym, and I feel wonderful :drinker:

    Happy Friday everyone :glasses:

    Oh shoot I forgot to post that I finished the goal for the day and drank my 2 liters :drinker:
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    welcome all newbies too lazy to give background but im ariella used to be tortoise now im snail :bigsmile:

    I'm a newbie and not too lazy (don't like assumptions...:wink: )

    Anyway, I'm a southern girl, Louisiana. I live near New Orleans but not close enough to count. My hubby's and my dream is to win the lotto and buy a house in the Garden District in New Orleans. What would we be without dreams! :ohwell:

    I started my lifestyle change last summer. Since then, I've lost 37 pounds and have 17 more to go (really hoping for 20 but will gladly take 17.)

    This topic, when I saw it, just floored me. I just bought a new pair of jeans (14P, mind you) and when I tried them on I said "holy crap!" Promise ya, I did.

    Well, let's see if I can get into at least a 10, shall we.
  • Hello Ahmee :flowerforyou: I was in new orleans last Aug doing legal aid work for Katrina victims and I got to see the garden district. Beautiful! Someday Im sure you will make it there :smile: Glad you could join us :drinker:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    hello my lovelys quick hey and check in cause i must eat (its after 9 here) i can feel the glares :blushing: 1 hr 3 min walk with mother who wanted to go more but she has a serious back injury and i didnt want her to push it. sun is out we will see how long that lasts. i just want it to be wed already so my presentation is over with .... positive not i end internship fri and 1st year grad school the following tues. now i just have to get through 4 papers and that in class presentation then i shall weigh in again cause hopefully the stress will end.

    being so so with the water im trying been drinking loads of diet iced tea (now if only i can lay off the diet soda things would b great) oh and 3 days ago i began drinking coffee again dont know how i feel about that.

    zucini lasagna for dinner and i promise to check back soon

    luv ya

    ari (snail formerly knnown as tortoise wishing i could b again if this plateu would end)
  • Ari- Im right there with ya...I have no choice but to eat late. Good luck on your final papers and presentation, I know you will do great!

    Today I went shopping specifically for veggies and am trying some new ones so hopefully this will kick start my weight loss again. I have been really good with our water goal so that is a plus :drinker:

    To all of the sisters in our lovely group that are mothers......

    You are wonderful women and know that even when you feel your kids dont appreciate all that you do, really they do! :flowerforyou: Happy mothers day!

    ~ from a daughter who realizes how special moms really are
  • Hi everyone!!!!
    Yes I was very MIA, but the good news is, now that all the little buggers are big and branded, we can kick them out!!! Yay!!:bigsmile: This means much less work for me, more for hubby, but less for ME!!! I did have small accomplishment at the branding though. Passed up sweets AND beer. We all know cowboys can't do much of anything without beer, so that was hard to pass up. The even better news is that I started the couch to 5K this morning. I think this week will be easy since I've been walk/jogging already. I can see how it will get harder though, but I'm looking forward to it. I guess that's about it, other than boring you with more details about cows.:laugh:
    Anyone have a good idea for a challenge this week?
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Hello Ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. The weather here was beautiful and I took full advantage of it. On Saturday morning, I spent 2 hours working on my lawns. Then in the afternoon I hosted a birthday party for my nephew (hard to believe he is 4 now) complete with water slide, wading pool, and sprinklers. And yes, I played in all of them just like a kid. Even better was the fact that I did not over-indulge in the hot dogs, cake or ice cream. I had small servings of each. Saturday night the hubby and I went out with my parents, his father, his grandmothers, his aunt, and his brother, sister-in-law and their 2 daughters. Hubby's sister-in-law's mother, father, grandmother, uncle, sister and brother-in-law also joined us. It was nice to share an evening with this big group of extended family (we call ourselves the in-laws and out-laws)...the only person missing was my mother-in-law. She is a labor and delivery nurse, and got called into work. Dinner was great - and I didn't over do it there either.

    Sunday was the usual routine of church, lunch with the family, and in the afternoon we watched our two nieces for a few hours. Around 7:30, the hubby and I met up with another couple and played about an hour's worth of tennis.

    All in all it was a good weekend. I made smart choices in terms of food, and was physically active --- what more can you ask for?
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hello all! i have been sick for the past few days and between that and all of the baby-fun-fest activities that have been going on, i haven't had much time to exercise. i tried not to overindulge on the food, but huge family gatherings tend to make that super hard. it wasnt terrible, but im excited to start a new week tomorrow (but not excited for the weigh in...). this is also "senior week" here at school so its not exactly going to be an easy one in terms of food either, but im hoping to get over this sickness and be able to exercise a tooon.

    hope you ladies had a fabulous weekend!

    over and out.
  • Kimlee- SOunds like a busy wkend. But congrats on doing so well with your eating!

    Kacee- I bet you are glad to have the cows gone :tongue: The couch 2 5 k gradually increases and you can def tell that things get alot easier when your lung capacity increases which is what I really like about it.

    For the challenge this week how about we do crunches everyday, like a set number?

    I woke up late AGAIN :explode: So I have to hit the gym after work. I'll check in later
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey all! I've been sooo busy, and haven't had any time to do much of anything! My sister graduated from college this weekend, so my parents made the drive up... It kept me on lockdown taking care of my grandfather, my girls, and 5 dogs!!!:sick: My husband was off working, so I had to hold down the fort on my own...

    On Wednesday, I went to a step/kickboxing class with my mom and burned 800+ calories! Then 45 minutes later, I played 2 hours of volleyball and burned 1600+ calories! I EARNED the right to a great dinner after that!!!

    Since staying at my parent's house, I didn't get to work out since FRIDAY! But am jumping back on it tonight. I was able to go on a walking field trip with my youngest today, and then tomorrow my oldest has a walking field trip-and then on Wednesday my youngest has ANOTHER walking field trip... Pretty much, I'll be burning off calories from the walks and the stress of being surrounded by a billion kids!!! I worked in my yard and flower beds today, too!!!

    I hope everyone had a great day!!!
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