no one's noticed!



  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 76
    Yes I have! I lost 48 lbs and NO ONE at work said a thing about if for ever! It wasn't until we were having one of our pot lucks and we were all talking about our weaknesses with food, and people were like, "please, like you have to worry about that much". I was obviously overweight before, so I knew that they noticed. Not sure why they didn't say anything, possibly because I didn't really say anything to them and I just did it. They might have been too embarrassed to say anything in case I wasn't trying to lose weight or something lol! No one else really commented either until I was about 7 lbs away from my goal weight!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member

    On the other hand, there is a quite overweight young lady that I work with and I am almost positive that shes lost weight. She hasnt mentioned anything about trying to, though, so Im not 100% sure. I want to tell her that Ive noticed but what if Im imagining it (she still has a long way to go) and then I offend her?!
    That is the dilemma that a lot of people have so dont be upset if no one says anything. Especially if you havent made it known what you are doing.

    You could try to bring up the subject with a little subtlety . Maybe something like 'Have you changed something in your diet? You seem to have more energy (if she does) or you look healthier' And then take your cues from how she responds.
  • adornedelle
    Don't worry they really don't notice until 40 or so. People can only tell the 1st 20 if you were small to start off with.