Those who started at 300+ pounds!



  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    I started at 377 and have lost 170+. Don't give up!! It's so worth it!!!
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    I started at the end of January at 304, after trying since September to lose weight with no success. I went to a dietician on the 9th of Feb and weighed 298. I will be reweighed when I see her again. I know that it seems a very long journery, but I have set my first goal at 10% and plan on doing it that way till the end. Feel free to add me we can support each other
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    I began my weight loss journey in August 2011. At that time, I weighed 355 pounds. Today, I weigh 235 pounds -- a total weight loss so far of 120 pounds! I am only 5'4" tall, and small framed, so my goal weight is 120. That means I am half way there! I am nearly 56 years old, and have been obese ever since I can remember! So, it CAN be done, even by an older lady who has always been very large! Keep at it!

    P.S. I am new to MFP, so my ticker doesn't show all the weight I lost before I joined!
  • MeganSWoods
    MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
    I started at 305, and now I'm 180-- on my way to goal weight of 165 for my 5'10" frame. You really can do this-- I know it seems impossible now-- that's exactly how I felt. But if you take it one day at a time or even one meal at a time, you can do it! Focus on making every decision a good one-- even if you slip up once in a while, get right back to it!

    Here's a progress pic to show you:
  • TaraBeFree
    TaraBeFree Posts: 456 Member
    Started towards the end of Nov 2011 with 310 lbs on my 5'4" frame. I lost 27 lbs pretty quickly. Today I am at 281.6. It has been a very long time that I have been under 278. I am now really struggling with the food and keep jockeying within 5-7 pounds. I am starting to have some health issues as a result of my eating and weight. Hoping to get through this mental & emotional plateau.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    So, who had a starting weight of 300+ pounds? I feel like it's going to be almost impossible to lose all the weight, but if someone else did it, SO CAN I! I am 5'11 and my starting weight with MFP 7 days ago was 318.5. I now weigh 316. So.....go're turn!

    I started at 400+ pounds ~ as of this morning (3/10/12) I weigh 346 :happy:
    Is it going to be easy? No.
    Are there going to have days that you get discouraged? Yes.
    But it can be done :smile:
    Where you are now I hope to be before the end of 2012.
    I am always looking for weight loss buddies that are committed to sticking it out ~ Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Nothing is impossible if you believe enough in yourself to make it happen.... I started my journey in May of 2009 and 560 lbs. and today I am 257 lbs. and to date have lost 303 lbs. You have to put yourself first and foremost... Goodluck to you on your journey.....
  • punkybuddah
    punkybuddah Posts: 10 Member
    I started i was at 395lbs and i knew i was heavy but i never realised i was just that heavy to be honest and it realy shocked me. But i got this sie i can get thin :) Ive lost 26lbs so far to some people it might not sound much but to me its ALOT!! This is 1st time ive really tried oosing weigh and not gave up after a week.
  • jujubean97
    jujubean97 Posts: 2 Member
    I started 160 days ago at 333 as of today I'm 283. 50 lbs!!!! Yey!!! Still have a long road ahead but my fitness pal works !!!
  • novelwriter1
    Jessica, I know how you feel. I am 5'11 and weighed 360lbs. Now, that's a YIKES. Everyone would guess I was like 250 or so because I carried the weight evenly, but I knew the truth. I would get winded going up and down the stairs or a hallway. I would just sweat sharpening a pencil. By the time I finished I would be dripping in sweat. I said this is ridiculous. I couldn't see my feet, my joints hurt, I had headaches, and I was tired all of the time. Enough was enough. Sometimes, it seems so hard. I want to get to a size 18 and be healthy. Now, I'm 299 which is so far from my true goal weight of 180 lbs. My smaller goal is 250lbs. I have so far to go and it seems like it's never enough. I'm glad I saw your post and the other replies. It will give me some inspiration. Good luck!!!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I started last May at 302... my heaviest that I know of was 309lbs. My first 6 months I lost 60lbs very easily... the loss has slowed down this past few months, but that's my fault for not being as strict on myself as I was to begin with. I'm down to 225lbs now and have plenty to go lol. This is very doable, just set small goals and reward yourself when you reach them (just don't reward yourself with food lol.) Take progress pics along the way and measure yourself occasionally so that if it seems that the scales won't go down, you will find that you are still shrinking. Best of luck!! This is a great place to surround yourself with people who have similar goals!
  • liha0808
    liha0808 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm with you-started at 311 and I too feel like first, how the heck did I get so far before I woke up and second how can I do this! But it is what it is now and if we don't keep going forward with a lifechange, it could be more! 8-/
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I started Jan of 2011 at 332.4 pounds. I lost 92 pounds by the end of September. Then I went of vacation and fell off the wagon for the rest of the year. Gained back about 30 pounds. Restarted this past January at 269 pounds. I am now 254 and more determined than ever to get the rest of this weight off of me.
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    I started at 344 and now weigh 142. Just focus on doing the right thing and don't think about how much you have to lose. The weight will come off!
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    You CAN do this! There have been so many great examples posted before now. In December of 2008 I was at my heaviest. I was 345.

    I started MFP on January 1, 2012 at 313 and today I'm 288. So all told thats about 57 lbs.

    The reason it took me so long to use that was because I used to think of weight loss as a temporary thing. I never believed it could be my lifestyle because I craved so many things that were bad for me.

    Something changed this year when I joined MFP. For the first time in my life something clicked, and I realized, this doesn't have to be temporary. Even my goal on my clicker is a "temporary" goal because I still need a short term goal because its so ingrained in me that it can't be forever. But now I know it can. I'm never going to stop. I'm never going to have a bad "week". Maybe a bad meal, maybe a bad day but I'm never going to let a spoiled meal ruin a day or a spoiled day ruin a week again.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Well I was almost 300 pounds. I started in October 2011 at 290 pounds. As of last Thursday, I weighed 228. It can be done! Hang in there and keep on moving!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I started in January 2011 at 376 lbs, and now I am at 186 lbs, don't get frustrated it can be done, just stick to your plan and if you fall off the wagon, the quicker you get back on the easier it will be to get back on. You can do it.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    started at 320. I fell off the wagon a lot but made it to 274 in one year. I think I am at 280 now (not sure but my back has been keeping me immobile for a few weeks soooo.... I am assuming I must have gained) I keep on going. Even if I do weigh 280 now, I am still smaller than I have been in 4 years.
  • mamasyd
    mamasyd Posts: 80 Member
    My starting weight was 385 pounds.


    This was along the road.


    Here I am with my husband a few weeks ago.


    What I would encourage you to do is to try to figure out why you are where you are. So many stories involve the yo-yo syndrome and that is what you want to overcome. I am now only two pounds away from my goal. It can be done. If you're interested in more of my story you can check it out here:

    Blessings in your journey!
  • nrgins
    nrgins Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh 322, and I just started a few weeks ago, with a goal of losing one pound per week. So I can't say for certain whether you're going to lose the weight. All I can say is that I FEEL so much better since I've been watching what I eat and eating fewer calories and less fat, that I'm not even really concerned about whether or not I lose the weight (though I do want to lose it). I just feel that, just for feeling better alone, it's worth it to be on the diet, and the weight loss is an added benefit. :-)