Those who started at 300+ pounds!



  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I used to be 307 lbs.....I have been a MFP member for almost 2 years and here I am.....1/2 the person I used to be!
  • WOW! I didn't think I was going to get so many responses on this! How cool is that?!

    Feel free to add me any of you! I could sure use as much motivation and tips that I can get!

    Well, here's my story. I've had 4 babies in the last 6 years with my oldest being 6 and my youngest being 3 months old. Before having my first baby I was 5'11 and I weighed 188 pounds. I am now at my heaviest. When I started MFP 7 days ago I weighed 318.5 pounds. Yesterday I weighed 316 pounds. I have a short term goal of reaching 250 pounds, then after that I will make it 200 and so on...

    I feel like I'm doing everything right at this point. I just wish the results would come faster! I am easily discouraged. So far I have lost 2.5 pounds.

    Well add me if you want =] Thanks everyone so much for posting on here!
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    started at 379 in january 2011. i am down 98 lbs...was hoping for 100 at my 1 year aniversary but i am experiencing a plateau right now. you can do it with all the great support you will ger from this sight. the very best of luck to you in your journey and life change.
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    I was 312, now im ~268
    I'm 5'11
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    The day I went into labor I was 315 (May 2011). I lost a quick 29 lbs in a matter of weeks (baby, fluid, blood...) and was feeling pretty good about myself until I went in for a post-baby check up in October and was at 296. That's when I joined MFP. The first couple months were easy and I lost about 30 pounds. At this point I've lost about 5 pounds since December. Long and frustrating 3 months. Makes me feel like I am never going to get there!

    I do however feel pretty good. I've gone down 2 pant sizes and have noticed subtle differences in the way my body moves. Sometimes I'll do something, like squat down to pick something up with the (heavy!) kid in my arms, and think "wow, I can squat without falling over!". Things like that. Also, my son weighs 25 lbs, which is 10 lbs less that what I've lost, and it's amazing how heavy I think he is, but didn't notice when it was part of my body.
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    bump for later. Too late to write much, but I started 341.6 Sept 15 and I have lost 50 pounds so far.
  • You can do it! Consistency is the key and MFP helps so very much with that. Plus, remember to drink lots and lots of water!

    My highest known weight, a year after a traumatic miscarriage, was 389. I'd been over 300 for years before that, but finding myself just 11 pounds from 400 was a major wake up call! I joined a gym and started going 5 times a week and eating 1200-1400 calories a day. Eight months later I was at 306. I'm not sure why, but I stopped going to the gym and watching my diet so closely and soon was back into the 330s. Well, now I'm back at the gym, eating no more than 1500 calories a day and am now 267. I still have more than 100 lbs to go, but having already lost 122 is great motivation to keep going. I'm more than half-way to my new life and I'm really looking forward to it!

    Best of luck to you!

  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I started at 316. If I were asked to give one piece of advice to others starting in the 300s, I'd say don't focus on your ultimate weight goal. I set my initial goal to 199 lbs, meaning I had to lose 117 lbs. Well, no one can do that, it sounds impossible, especially when you're over 300 lbs. So here's what I did:
    - Focused on losing 5 lbs, however long it took. It ended up taking about 3 weeks.
    - Then I focused on losing 2 more lbs to get into a new decade, which only took 1 more week.
    - Then I focused on losing 3 more lbs to hit 10 lbs lost, which took another 3 weeks or so, but it got done.
    - THEN I focused on the next 5. get the idea. I just worked on losing small chunks of poundage so that I could feel successful by achieving those goals, & it worked. They add up quicker than you think.

    Everybody who loses weight does it the exact same way, a pound at a time.

    P.S. I've averaged over 2000 calories a day for intake since I started. At higher weight, you can eat a lot & still lose weight, so why wouldn't you? That way, if you hit a plateau, you have room to drop your calories by 100 a day or so to get things moving. If you start too low, you may lose quickly at first, but that doesn't last. At that point your only options are to exercise more, or eat more & let your body readjust to the sufficient calorie intake.
  • I logged on tonight first time for FMP at 330lbs. I have to do something :( My son needs a father not a dialysis patient with one leg Enough Is Enough HELP!!!
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    Started at 353. Down 75 lbs in last 250 days. It hasn't been easy... but you can stick with it and do it !
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    Oh it is hard! And daunting. But think about a smaller amount of weight - like 20 lbs, well, anyone can lose 20lbs right? So you just need to do that say 7 times or 10 times....I've lost about 50 (or will when i weight in) and have tons to go, but when i think "well, i just need to do this 4 more times, doesn't seem so impossible!. I think the hardest thing is in the mind...i still am somewhat pissed off at the realization that i will have to do work. And that being healthy is an "effort" for our whole lives. Worth it yes, but i think i was in denial about that my whole life long LOL
  • gussie1026
    gussie1026 Posts: 20 Member
    Westman67 - Never eating at a fast food joint in 2012 is almost unrealistic. It's doing it every day that got most of us were we are today, not when we just do it occasionally. And it makes a difference what we choose when fast food is our only option. Things come up that we were unable to foresee. Plus McDonalds the only place my grandkids want to go, so does that mean I never get to go? I see lots of skinny people in McDonalds. So go for the grilled chicken, dump the bun and get some fruit. Don't waste time kicking yourself. We all have to learn to live in the REAL world.
  • A few months ago, I went to the doctor and almost passed out when the scale hit 349!!!! :noway: I decided then and there enough was enough. I have lost 45 pound and weigh 304. It has been a long hard road. I am hoping and praying I can stick with it and get below 200 eventually. Right now I will be happy to see below 300 for the first time in many, many years!!!!!!!!!

  • MomDaze3
    MomDaze3 Posts: 24
    My highest weight was 345 right after my third child was born. I have lost and gained so much in the past. I started here at 305. We can do this!!!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I logged on tonight first time for FMP at 330lbs. I have to do something :( My son needs a father not a dialysis patient with one leg Enough Is Enough HELP!!!
    What kind of help are you looking for? If you have a question about something specific, there are obviously a lot of others here willing to share what has worked for us. I hope that seeing all these other posts reassures you that you are NOT a lost cause!!! You can do it if you set your mind to doing what you can, every day, for as long as it takes. Some days you'll be able to do more than others & that's normal. Consistency is key. Start out small, pick one or two things to focus on & get them down pat before incorporating something else. Doing too much will decrease your chances of being successful.

    I'd recommend logging every bite of food & trying to stay right around your calorie target to start. It can be tricky & it's normal for it to take several weeks or even longer to get used to. When you have that habit in place, start scrutinizing your food to see if there are things you can substitute with healthier alternatives. When you're ready, set an exercise schedule for yourself based on what you are physically able to do at the moment. Don't feel bad if it's not much...just do SOMETHING. Everyone had to start somewhere. Again...consistency is key. As long as you keep it up (I'd call 3x/week a minimum for exercise), even if it's 15 minutes of slow walking (which is what I started out doing), you'll progress a lot faster than you think. That 15 minutes will stretch into 20, 30 & longer.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Started at 381, now 367. So hard and have fallen behind the last few days.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    So, who had a starting weight of 300+ pounds? I feel like it's going to be almost impossible to lose all the weight, but if someone else did it, SO CAN I! I am 5'11 and my starting weight with MFP 7 days ago was 318.5. I now weigh 316. So.....go're turn!

    You can do it! I started at 370 on June 11th 2011. :(

    It's been a long process, and I still have work to do. But you can definitely do it
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    MFP group for those over 300 pounds:
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    MFP group for those needing to lose 200+ pounds:
  • augiedad
    augiedad Posts: 19
    I started at 322lbs on 1/11/10 which was probably 30lbs below my highest and on 1/22/11 my doctor said I was at a perfect weight of 222lbs with a range of 200 - 225. Today I'm at 214lbs. You can do it! I'm living proof.