this just might start a riot, but...



  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    someone make a thread about loving fats! i do!
  • Hollyjd1019
    Hollyjd1019 Posts: 148
    Loving them is one thing, overindulging is something different.

  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I LOVE Pirates Booty!!
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    No carbs = :devil: or :sad: or more likely... :mad: and most often times: :angry:

    That's why I eat them... for the sake of everyone around me. haha

    Same here!

    I LOVE carbs and as long as you chose the right ones there is literally nothing wrong with them! I try to get wholegrain ones as much as possible but my breakfast of choice is currently rice crispies. My weight is dropping steadily. I lost 5lbs in the week before i joined this site and have lost 20.5lbs in 8 weeks.
    I love them and wont be giving them up. They are good for you anyway!
    Yay for carbs lol!
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    Totally agree, if your metabolism is decent (not insulin resistant) and you work out regularly, carbs aren't a big deal. On the other hand... I was eating about 3 bagels a week (work was providing them free) and I gained 14 lbs in 2 months, even with increasing exercise... Darn Panera Bread!! :-)

    I do eat carbs, about 120 a day. I think avoiding them completely can set you up for failure in the end.
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i too love carbs! i could never cut them out -- the feeling of deprivation would drive me over the edge!
    i'm a vegan so even if i'm eating a lot of protein, it's probably also carby... take beans and whole grain pasta, for example! packed with protein but SO MANY CARBS!
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    I have to concur...I eat all of those things :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    someone make a thread about loving fats! i do!

    I wish i did--I eat them as a byproduct of eating OTHER, more delicious, things. haha.
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    i too love carbs! i could never cut them out -- the feeling of deprivation would drive me over the edge!
    i'm a vegan so even if i'm eating a lot of protein, it's probably also carby... take beans and whole grain pasta, for example! packed with protein but SO MANY CARBS!

    Yes, but you listed the healthier complex carbs, way better for you then the simple processed carbs with all the sugar. :-)
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    I love carbs! But I'm just picking different carbs now. Brown rice instead of white, quinoa, wholemeal wraps, that sort of thing.

    LOVE pizza. I love it A LOT. And as luck would have it, I make a damn fine pizza from scratch - a thin wholemeal crust that's pretty harmless, lots of toppings (tomato base, caramelised onions, some meat of some description - particularly love chicken - and then whatever veges I fancy. Weirdly, I hardly use any cheese but because I used feta and parmesan I don't need a lot). It's really filling, there's only about a tablespoon or two of oil, and I can only squeeze in two slices - so one pizza lasts the two of us two dinners, or dinner or lunch or whatever.

    If I had to not eat pizza in order to be healthy I think I'd cry.
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    I am Canadian also and only like maple syrup in my cooking! and I cannot give up my carbs.. just have to limit them and work out harder!

    Canadian here too, I only like maple syrup on waffles, pancakes and bacon....

    I'm a big carb fan. Won't be cutting them out here.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    A lot of the problem is common sense is not very common. The human body has evolved as an omnivorous animal. Food allergies and personal preferences aside, we are capable of digesting and living off of all manner of food types. But you can't live off of just one or two. You need certain levels of protein, carbs and fats as well as vitamins and minerals like sodium, potassium and magnesium to function at your peak capability. Balanced is best.

    The problem I've seen is that only the fad diets get attention. Once upon a time everything had to be fat free and the cholesterol in eggs caused instant death. Then type 2 diabetes grew to epidemic proportions and carbs became enemy number one. So of course the processed food manufacturers and people who make a living selling books on diet advice all switched gears and came up with the no carb diet to make some money off that bandwagon. *grumble*

    And I mean no offense to anyone with diabetes, I realize how serious a disease it is.

    *stepping down off my soap box*

    Carbs are not evil. Just watch what you're putting in your mouth. The occasional pizza, brownie or run to a greasy burger shack is fine done in moderation. Now I need to eat these Reese's peanut butter cups before they melt....
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    Actually I guess I'm not totally afraid of carbs...just of having too many. I eat loads of fruit and do eat some heavier carbs such as wraps, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc...and of course I eat nutella by the boatloads....but I'm always still very careful of keeping them at 35-40% of my daily intake.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    Carb phobia? Who has a carb phobia?

    *Drinks a beer*
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    Oooooh, now I'm jonesing for multi grain tortillas and homemade guac! Or popcorn doused in nutritional yeast. :love: Carbs plus salt equal :heart: :bigsmile:
  • ChristineandRoxy
    ChristineandRoxy Posts: 48 Member
    mmm popcorn mmmm
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    FYI... there is NOTHING wrong with carbs!!! Low/no carb = FAD! End of FAD = WEIGHT GAIN. Keep enjoying your carbs! :)
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Carbs are YUMMY.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Love me some carbs!

    Went to an authentic Polish Buffet today... and pretty much everything was made with or from potatoes.. Carb city? Yes. Utterly delish? Hell YES!
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