ink == intimidating? i don't get it.



  • AccordingtoTodd
    AccordingtoTodd Posts: 197 Member
    this is just getting better and better
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    You're not missing out... anyone who isn't friendly to someone JUST because they have tattoos isn't worth having as a friend anyway.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    lots of ink == white trash == me not being worth talking to by the average joe?

    I don't feel this way. But, I think a lot of people do. It may be a contributing factor.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
    tattoos are lame

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    tattoos are lame

    To the OP, I'm trying to see if I can verbalize how I feel about this. I have two tattoos myself, and a few friends with a lot of ink, but I think seeing a female who is heavily tatted still throws me off a bit. I can't say that I'd be necessarily intimidated but maybe I might be less likely to strike up a conversation with you if you're sitting next to me at a bar or restaurant. I would certainly respond back just as easily as I would back to someone without tattoos, but I might not be the one to make the opening remark, if that makes any sense. I'm not even sure if I can put a finger on why. Perhaps I feel like I'm just not cool enough to say something you'd find interesting?

    ETA: I was just wanted to add that I know a few people who are actually upset when people start questioning someone over their artwork or even worse walk up and touch it, move an article of clothing out of the way to see it, etc. And yes, that does happen! As a result, I rarely do more than say "I really like your artwork" to someone. I don't like to use it as a conversation starter. If they want to take my comment and use it to explain the piece, I'm more than happy to listen but I don't expect them to start giving the personal reasons they have that particular piece.

    I also have to agree with the person who said that it really depends on the nature of the artwork. Scary, gory stuff often equates to scary personality. LOL
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I think it may be the opposite effect. Punkier people are attracted to nice ink. I have 4 tattoos and 2 facial piercings and I am naturally attracted to talking to people who have lots of lovely ink.
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    I find a lot of people think I've "ruined" my skin and I'll "regret" it when I'm older. I don't care what one thinks I love my ink and show it off every chance I get. Stare all you want :) cause I've got it and you dont :)
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member

    I will say, however, when my ink is showing - i DO get ~tons~ of 'attention', it being a conversation starter. My point here is all of the attention is from a certain type of person. I just find it funny how that i believe many of the people who end up chatting with me and talking with - probably wouldn't had my ink been showing.

    make sense?
    I strangely get the most 'normal' looking people stop me in random places and play the "oh! Oh! I totally know what that's a picture of!"game....or they see one peaking out and want to see. It's mildly disturbing to have someone ask you to pull your shirt down with no dinner or movie even offered....
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,022 Member
    I once had a patient and nurse tell me that the only people who get tattoos are criminals and white trash. I wanted so badly to ask them if I was supposed to be in jail... I get so irritated by all the nasty comments, mostly made by people who don't realize I have 6. I actually connect well with most people, and get a lot of compliments on my biggest tat, even from people who don't normally like them.
    BTW- I would LOVE to have sleeves done, but I think my hubby would divorce me...
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    Not sure where you're from, but I know where you live can play a big role in their reactions...some places are more socially acceptable when it comes to different things like tats, piercings, or even ethnicities...but then some aren't. Ink is acceptable in certain areas where I'm from but not as much in other areas. IMO. It's dumb really. LOL I'd talk to you! ;)
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    1st impressions are based on looks. Maybe you are more intimidating. Maybe some do think it's white trash or unprofessional or that you're way too cool for them. I'm sure every person has a different reason. I've gone tostores before in sweats, a T-shirt, with my hair in a ponytail and no makeup or jewelry. I've had the salespeople give me a look like I was bothering them. If I go back the next day dressed nicely with my hair done and my jewelry on they fall all over themselves trying to help me. Whether it's ink or piercings or a bunch of kids or cloths or jewelry or weight or just about anything, people are going to judge. It's human nature. Even if they try to fight that judgement, it's still been made.
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I strangely get the most 'normal' looking people stop me in random places and play the "oh! Oh! I totally know what that's a picture of!"game....or they see one peaking out and want to see. It's mildly disturbing to have someone ask you to pull your shirt down with no dinner or movie even offered....

    I get this a lot because of the's weird when a stranger comes over and starts wanting you to pull your shirt off to show your back or pull it up so they can see the tats better. Do I even get some beads for this flashing? . LOL
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    maybe it is the time of day and where you are. During the day a type of people tend to be in resturants and around, these are the times you happend to be covered. At night you are uncovered and more punk rcok people might be out, just a though. It would also depend on the type of tattoos you have. Are they blood and guts or flowers and butterflies? I know is is a generalization but you get what I mean.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I find the opposite... when my ink is exposed, I make tons of friends.

    Granted, I have my pants off then, but whatever...

    Almost shot water out of my nose! Thanks for that!

  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I only perceive ink as intimidating if the subject matter of the tattoos is gory or scary looking. I know that's REALLY shallow, but that's a factor for me.

    A girl with an entire sleeve of flowers/colors/pretty design of almost any kind? Lovely, and doesn't seem intimidating to me.

    A girl with a sleeve of demon faces, spurting blood, gory or overly suggestive art? A little scary, to me. I saw a girl who had a giant dragon, curled up and holding it's *member*, and a big spray of blood gushing forth. On her forearm. Combine that with the "love" and "hate" on her knuckles, and ya, I was fully intimidated.

    Basically, if it seems like you're trying to scare me with your artwork, chances are, since I'm a chicken, it's working.

  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Some people are intimidated by anyone they perceive as "different".
    Maybe they are also intimidated by the confidence it takes to put a permanent work of art on your body. I can't seem to decide what color to paint the living room. I can't imagine choosing a design for my body. I have contemplated getting a yellow rose with a butterfly in honor of my mother(she LOVED yellow roses) who passed away, but it seems rather ironic since she wasn't fond of tattoos. :laugh: Still, it's the only thing I could imagine wanting on myself permanently. (Not a judgement on anyone but me, who can't bring herself to paint the living room lilac, even though I could paint over it when I get tired of it.)
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    c'mon...surely you saw one of the many 'ink' threads here...seems that many people are still very judgemental of those that have ink. i.e "the only job they can hold is 'would you like fries with that'"

    I will talk to just about anybody, tat showing or not. I usually ask people about their ink because I'm impressed by the artwork and may possibly seek out the artist.
  • I actually get a lot of compliments from young to old because I have a half sleeve on my left arm of van gohs "starry night"... grant it I'll get a good handful of people that think its a Monet or Picasso but hey they tried. I also have an unfinished calf and chest piece that I suppose can come off as "trash".

    I was apparently intimidating way before tattoos as a teen due to my short temper and aggressive behavior and even now because of being big and tall as well as the type of people I affiliate with. My husband is over 6ft tall and over 300lbs has his neck and throat and full sleeves down to his hands done (before hand and neck tattoos became "cool").....he definitely looks intimidating and because of his past he is...... but people that know us know that I'm actually the scarier of the two since his temper has mellowed out over the years...and mine is worse hahahah

    What I don't like.....assuming I'm uneducated (i have a masters degree in occupational therapy), I'm poor and get stared at in stores like Im going to steal, that touching my tattoos are ok, that showing me your crappy tattoo without asking me is ok and to assume that just because we have tattoos that we will get along.
  • tattoos are lame

    Hahaha yeah they are! :tongue:
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    People do make their judgements based on appearence, that is for sure. Most of my ink is hidden away {because I'm a chickensh*t}, only one for the world to see on my forearm and even that can elicit different reactions from different people. Then take my husband who is very tall, has a full sleeve & half with a shaved head and when people see him for the first time they are taken aback...I had one person say, "Oh, I didn't realize your husband was a big, biker dude." When, um technically he's not "biker" since he sold his bike, but hey, whatever. ...if I mention I had a bike too, well, then their head really starts to spin...

    I love seeing other people's ink, but I'm never sure if it's rude to stare are it or comment on it?