ink == intimidating? i don't get it.



  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I actually get a lot of compliments from young to old because I have a half sleeve on my left arm of van gohs "starry night"... grant it I'll get a good handful of people that think its a Monet or Picasso but hey they tried. I also have an unfinished calf and chest piece that I suppose can come off as "trash".

    Starry night....I bet that's really pretty!!!
  • krae070
    krae070 Posts: 13 Member
    I do agree with this. I have a ton of tattoos and it is a requirement that they be covered in my place of employment. I have friends irregardless however there are still ppl out there who stereotype and shun ppl like us. Some don't care but it's still bothersome to have to defend yourself. I get sick of being asked wow didn't that hurt? why do you need all that it doesn't make you attractive. well thanks for saying that I'm ugly due to something that I think makes me beautiful. I can put my soul and true personality on the outside to shine for all to see. Why should I have to hide? There should be more tattoo acceptance in the work place and outside of that as well!!!!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    There are a lot of mindsets when it comes to tattoos. Some see them as meaning the person's "rough around the edges", some think it makes them look stupid/juvenile, some get offended at the sight of them even if there's no reason they just don't like them. And really from what I understand tattoos haven't exactly had the best reputation within the last 100 or so years. I've also read that placement and content is important to what opinion can be drawn of you.

    Course then you have those that find the novelty in them and will harass you about your ink. I only have one tattoo so far, on my wrist, and I've gotten my share only to hear people whine about they'd get one if it didn't hurt so much.

    There's just a lot of contradiction, which is stupid because it's just another form of art. But of course there are media sources that like to play up the use of tattoos in gangs, prisons, cults, etc so everyone maintains the fear of "oh no what if that person's a psycho?"

    Humanity's not yet over racism or sexism, it's no surprise tattoos and piercings are still catching flack.
  • dancing_cat
    dancing_cat Posts: 92 Member
    I definitely find ink intimidating. Rightly or wrongly I associate ink with people who are strongly opinionated, sometimes a bit rough around the edges and individuals who don't care so much about what other people think. I find these type of people difficult to talk to, so yes, I'll avoid people with visible tattoos. Tattoos scare me!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I find that I get talked to a whole lot more when my ink is uncovered, but I actually had a new friend tell me "this changes my feelings towards you now that I know you have tattoos" needless to say we are no longer friends.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    INK IS AWESOME. Unfortunately, pending the area and business culture you are employed, it is not as widely accepted. I work for a VERY Blue-Collard "Good-Ol' Boy's" club corporation. And while it is widely accepted that they look down upon the predisposition and highly miss interpreted culture impact of tattoos...I REFUSE to cover up who I am.

    As with anything in life, be who you are. And ad shock value in what you bring to a company with your mental prowess to overcome that which people believe is the beholder of "eye"
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    that touching my tattoos are ok
    grrr..not OK.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I'm a ~really~ "outgoing" person. Its rare that I go anywhere alone and end up not making a friend with the person who had the (un)fortunate luck to end up sitting next to me.

    Case in point - I just got back from lunch where I went solo. By the time I left, one waitress was sitting next to me after bringing me some food she personally cooked earlier, wanting me to try it, and the guy sitting on the right side of me gave me his business card with the promise I'll call him randomly one day, tell him he's an arsehole, and hang up.

    So that happens all the time.

    But I'm dressed for work at the moment (meaning tank top under a long sleeved button up to cover my tattoos (sleeves)) and i'm starting to notice a pattern. Tattoos covered, I can (and do) make friends with pretty much any stranger. But when my colors are on display, I only make friends with other tattooed/punk rock people.


    does lots of ink == intimidating? Or does lots of ink == white trash == me not being worth talking to by the average joe?

    From a non-tattooed person, I'd just think you were way too cool to talk to a square like me. But then again, I'm pretty outgoing too, so that may not even stop me. ;)

    Edited to add: Do you think this is common in the millennial generation, though? I feel like the odd one out for not having tattoos. Everyone my age has them.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member

    I was just wanted to add that I know a few people who are actually upset when people start questioning someone over their artwork or even worse walk up and touch it, move an article of clothing out of the way to see it, etc. And yes, that does happen! As a result, I rarely do more than say "I really like your artwork" to someone. I don't like to use it as a conversation starter.


    I AM one of those people - BUT ... only when it's overly so. I would not have gotten them if i didn't want the attention. Saying "nice ink" is perfectly ok. Telling me a long description of why you hate ink - keep it to yourself.
  • I actually get a lot of compliments from young to old because I have a half sleeve on my left arm of van gohs "starry night"... grant it I'll get a good handful of people that think its a Monet or Picasso but hey they tried. I also have an unfinished calf and chest piece that I suppose can come off as "trash".

    Starry night....I bet that's really pretty!!!

    It's pretty awesome. I actually plan to get it retouched and cleaned up soon because its almost ten years old
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm a ~really~ "outgoing" person. Its rare that I go anywhere alone and end up not making a friend with the person who had the (un)fortunate luck to end up sitting next to me.

    Case in point - I just got back from lunch where I went solo. By the time I left, one waitress was sitting next to me after bringing me some food she personally cooked earlier, wanting me to try it, and the guy sitting on the right side of me gave me his business card with the promise I'll call him randomly one day, tell him he's an arsehole, and hang up.

    So that happens all the time.

    But I'm dressed for work at the moment (meaning tank top under a long sleeved button up to cover my tattoos (sleeves)) and i'm starting to notice a pattern. Tattoos covered, I can (and do) make friends with pretty much any stranger. But when my colors are on display, I only make friends with other tattooed/punk rock people.


    does lots of ink == intimidating? Or does lots of ink == white trash == me not being worth talking to by the average joe?

    I'm kind of shy at times so I don't know if I would strike up a conversation with you whether your sleeves were covered or not. But I'm not intimidated by ink at all, other than the thought of getting my own (serious fear of needles lol). As a photographer in the local music business, I find that I tend to gravitate towards folks who look "different" (tattoos, piercings, rockin' haircuts, guys w/long hair etc) and I am sure they are scared of me because I look so completely "plain Jane." I'm kind of boring. LOL.

    When I see someone with lots of ink, I will usually compliment them on it, but I would never ask to touch it...that's just a little weird lol...
  • I also love when.people ask what about when I'm older...."duh! It's going to cover my liver spots and easily bruised skin!"
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Its not you... Or your tattoos.... Its close minded people! In my opinion if they are going to judge you based on your tattoos they probably arent worth getting to know. I have 3 tattoos, although 2 are usually covered, if someone doesnt want to talk to me over having them, they are the ones missing out! Dont sweat your pretty little face off over it! xo
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    I am a shy person and don't care for the ink for me. However it does not bother me nor do I back off when next to a person that has ink. In fact I am intrigue by a lot of it. Just not me I guess
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I also love when.people ask what about when I'm older...."duh! It's going to cover my liver spots and easily bruised skin!"

    The what about when I'm older question makes me laugh.

    I really can't stand people that touch my tattoos though, it makes me uncomfortable.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    every time i post in a tattoo thread i get like 5 friend requests ...... weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    My ink does open conversations with people I might not otherwise meet but there is a certain group that seems to be put off my tattoos. I don't know why they seem to be bothered by the ink but that is their hangup.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    I don't know whats more off putting the tribal tat on my face, or the ski mask I use to cover it up when I go out in public.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    Ink = hot to me, but then I have tattoos and piercings...
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    I have a sleeve and I do feel like I get different responses when it's showing. Like, if I go into a nice shop I feel like people are watching me more closely to make sure I'm not stealing and I get some dirty looks in nice restaraunts when I take my jacket off. But I also have way more random people come up and touch me when it's showing. I was in a gas station a few years ago and some random woman came up and lifted up my shirt sleeve to get a better look without saying anything first. It scared the hell out of me!