cat lovers???



  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Cute kitties! I need to get some pics posted of my furry kids.

  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    not sure how to post pics but hope it works
    My Kitty Cleo she's such a dog lol plays fetch sleeps on my chest and follows me around like a puppy but I looove's her :)

  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Ahh, I love all your cats! Soo adorable!

    I have one cat, named Hank, hes going to be 2 years old this September. I have plenty of pictures but I"m not sure how to upload them, I'll have to figure it out. He's a dark gray and he has white on his mouth and chest and his paws are white, looks like he's wearing socks :)

    see if this helps


    I just found that thread and learned how to do it

    with some extra help too:bigsmile:
    Thanks I will have to try that! :) I might just upload a picture of him to my actual profile pictures too!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    not sure how to post pics but hope it works
    My Kitty Cleo she's such a dog lol plays fetch sleeps on my chest and follows me around like a puppy but I looove's her :)


    I fixed the link for you...I hope!
  • G8torlvr13
    I have 2 cats Max & Bullet, I love em as much as my kids..Some days they are the only thing that keeps me sane! They are both adopted and are now 9 years old. I love em for loving me no matter what I do or say. Cats are great <3
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    not sure how to post pics but hope it works
    My Kitty Cleo she's such a dog lol plays fetch sleeps on my chest and follows me around like a puppy but I looove's her :)


    change your IMG's to img

    yay!!! i just learned that this morning:bigsmile:
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I'm not sure how to post pictures..I have 2 cats Max & Bullet, I love em as much as my kids..Some days they are the only thing that keeps me sane! They are both adopted and are now 9 years old. I love em for loving me no matter what I do or say. Cats are great <3

    see if this helps
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Beautiful cats!

    My guy is my profile pic. His name is Seti. The Egyptian god of chaos & mischief was named "Set," so I thought "Seti" was appropriate. He's also named for the S.E.T.I. program, Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. As a superior Cat life form I feel like he's always searching (unsuccessfully) for signs of intelligence in humans.

    His mother was a stray dumped out by my parents' house. They took her in and a few weeks later we had three beautiful kittens. I think Seti's dad must've been a Maine Coon because he has all the traits.
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    not sure how to post pics but hope it works
    My Kitty Cleo she's such a dog lol plays fetch sleeps on my chest and follows me around like a puppy but I looove's her :)


    change your IMG's to img

    yay!!! i just learned that this morning:bigsmile:

    Thanks I learn something new everyday on this site lol
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    not sure how to post pics but hope it works
    My Kitty Cleo she's such a dog lol plays fetch sleeps on my chest and follows me around like a puppy but I looove's her :)


    change your IMG's to img

    yay!!! i just learned that this morning:bigsmile:

    Thanks I learn something new everyday on this site lol

    me too!!!
  • amycool
    amycool Posts: 57 Member
    not sure how to post pics but hope it works
    My Kitty Cleo she's such a dog lol plays fetch sleeps on my chest and follows me around like a puppy but I looove's her :)


    Our Cleo's are the same colour! :-)
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    my hue

    link did not work :(
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member

    Hope this works!!!

    It worked :)
    He's a little monster, he's always up to something, I love it :) He has a little saw dust on him because he keeps playing in the room his Dad is re-doing.

    Wow! I had a tuxedo cat that looked just like yours (but with a blue and a green eye). They even have the same humanlike stare!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    not sure how to post pics but hope it works
    My Kitty Cleo she's such a dog lol plays fetch sleeps on my chest and follows me around like a puppy but I looove's her :)


    I fixed the link for you...I hope!

    so cute!!!
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
  • Loislaine61
    I was about to ask if they were Maine Coon and then I saw where you included that in your comment. I have a 10 year old Maine Coon and I see some of the same features in your cats like the big fluffy fur. I've read that Main Coons are the dog of the cat world. They love to be where their people are and that's so true with my Sandy Girl and she also love's attention.

    Congrats on your weight loss.
  • Loislaine61
    Obviously I don't know how this works. I was commenting on ROBYN_T's Main Coon Cats, but no one would know that the way I put it in.

    Now you do!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Mine is in my profile pic. She likes to lay on me and no matter where she is laying (floor, couch, my arm) she always rests chin. She's also the chattiest cat I've ever had. She's very "chirpy" and her favorite toys are rubber bands.
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    I was about to ask if they were Maine Coon and then I saw where you included that in your comment. I have a 10 year old Maine Coon and I see some of the same features in your cats like the big fluffy fur. I've read that Main Coons are the dog of the cat world. They love to be where their people are and that's so true with my Sandy Girl and she also love's attention.

    Congrats on your weight loss.


    My Laelah follows my boyfriend like a dog when he's home. If he goes to bed, she goes to bed. If he gets up at night to get a drink or go to the bathroom, she'll get up and then follow him back to bed. She sits on his desk and just stares at him when he's on the computer and she yells at him all the time to get his attention. It's really funny to watch.

    Full Maine Coons tend to use their front paws like hands. Some have been known to figure out door handles. Laelah is handsy in her own way. She always has to reach out with her paw. If she's stretching up to get your attention, she'll extend her arm like she's reaching for you. If you're holding her, she has to plop that big furry paw on your cheek or nose.

    Some MCs can't/don't meow like a regular cat. They make a weird "trill" noise. Emilee is sort of like that. At first, we didn't think she could meow, because, for the first six months, she'd just open her mouth like she was meowing but no sound would come out. Then, she went into heat and we learned that she does have a very loud voice (longest week EVER), though never a true meow. Now, about half the time, she does the mouth movement/no sound and the other half she does a whiney, weak noise.

    Everyone has adorable cats!

    Checker, what a pretty girl! Looks like the girl version of my mom's cat, Slick.

    n25philly, I like your cat's crazy face. Too cute.

    amanda8o, Cleo looks like a sassy little beauty.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404

    Monty wants everyone to rub his belly!

    Dang it ~ didn't work! FAIL! :(