Your new favorite veggie or veggie dish???



  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member

    Frozen okra - thaw under warm water - drizzle w a touch of olive oil or even just spray with TJ's olive oil spray along w a little salt and pepper. Pop in a 400 degree oven for about 20 min. DELICIOUS!!!!!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Roasted vegetables. Just had roasted sweet potato, zucchini and red and green peppers mixed with couscous...yummy salad.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Asparagus on the grill with pepper and garlic salt - yummy!!!
  • Chubbud1
    Chubbud1 Posts: 28 Member
    Love Love LOVE butternut squash cubed, tossed with EVOO, and a little bit of sea salt. Roast for about 20-30mins, stirring occas. Also love just a mix of veggies roasted the same way. SOOOOO GOOD!
  • kychica718
    I actually just posted this for my MFP friends to see today:

    Hey, ladies! I made the Pioneer Woman Asian Noodle Salad for lunches this week. The recipe will come up if you google it.

    It did take a while to chop everything up, but it is SOOO good, and now my lunches are ready for the week.

    I feel great that I am getting so many veggies in, too! Especially ones I don't normally eat, like bean sprouts.

    It's about 475 calories a serving but very, very filling.

    I used whole wheat linguine noodles, but I am sure you could substitue a lower-carb noodle (like those cellophane ones? or maybe even spaghetti squash). I think it would be good to add some protein, too, like seared beef or thin-sliced chicken. I didn't have cashews, so I have been putting some almonds in it.
  • cookieta76
    cookieta76 Posts: 91 Member
    Favorite veggie snack:

    Green bean chips
    Carrot chips
    Sweet potato chips

    I buy organic - they're dehydrated with seasonings. I love carrots anyway, so I tried them in a heartbeat. I was surprised I liked the green beans so much. They're all SO good!
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    I love roasted and/or sauteed red bell peppers they seem to go with everything. My favorite is to use them with lots of raw spinach, english cucumber, and put them in a wrap with a little light cream cheese, mmmm I am getting hungry now.
  • mscags1
    mscags1 Posts: 18 Member
    my sister in law mad this Cauliflower roasted with garlic and tiny bit of oil and breadcrumbs. i thought they were to die for.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I love zuccini either sauted or grilled. Just season it with a little Mrs. Dash. So yummy. Also love cucumbers and tomatoes cut up with vinegar, green onions, dill weed and salt and pepper. Very low cal low carb and super good.
    I make grilled zucchini and top with grated parmesan cheese.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Sauteed spinach with garlic, a touch of salt, and sesame seed oil.

    Salted avocado half.

    Baked sweet potato/ yam fries.

    Cucumber and tomato salad with a dash of apple cider vinegar, a squeeze of lime, and black pepper.

    Homemade salsa with tomatoes, garlic, a little bit of avocado, lime, salt, and pepper.

    Homemade guacamole but switch it so that there is more avocado, and less tomatoes. I like it chunky, not creamy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Roasted brussel sprouts. So simple to make, but it is probably my favorite food. Even if you include junk food and desserts and special occasion foods. One time I was eating them straight from the pan before dinner and my husband asked if he should be jealous. Apparently I was making "happy noises". :wink:

    Until a couple of years ago I thought I hated brussel sprouts because I'd only had them boiled or steamed (still hate that!).

    Recipe: Put sprouts in a bowl. Squirt/pour on a good amount of evoo. Add your favorite spices (mine are garlic powder, dark chili powder, black pepper and ceyenne). Toss, dump on a baking sheet and bake at 400 F for 20 - 30 min (depending on the size of the sprouts). When they are soft but not mushy and have started to brown, they are done.

    This recipe also works for cauliflower, sweet potatoes, carrots and most other root vegetables.
  • jerseygirlnva
    I just eat purple cauliflower ( :love: ) for the first time last week and loved it. My kids thought i had lost it and so it my hubby but they all eat it. I made it for my mom last night and she was amazed that it tasted normal.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    Don't forget the humble acorn squash or actually winter squashes of all kinds. They are very filling for the # of calories. You can go sweet with them with cinamon and sugar or go savory with salt and pepper. Roast them in the oven or steam them in the microwave -- either way works good.

    The ethnic market I shop at caries Chayote Squash which is a mild squash like zuchini but unlike zuchini it won' t disintigrate in soups. If you get vegetable soup at an authentic Mexican restaurant it is the thing in the soup that you don't know what it is. :-)

    Lately I have been making kale salads. You have to cut the kale up small and "massage" the dressing into it (litterally with your hands) but you can make a big batch and have it throughout the week -- definitly not a possibility with regular lettuce! When I make it I will zest an orange into the salad and then cut up the orange segments and throw them in too and use whatever juice comes out when cutting up the orange as part of the dressing.

    One last suggestion -- roasted green beans! The get a bit shrively looking but they taste amazingly sweet when roasted.
  • josephine_x
    josephine_x Posts: 90 Member
    Curly kale fried in coconut oil with garlic, Spring beans fried with bacon, yummy! Also just tried celeriac mashed with butter and it was DELICIOUS!!
  • josephine_x
    josephine_x Posts: 90 Member
    Curly kale fried in coconut oil with garlic, Spring beans fried with bacon, yummy! Also just tried celeriac mashed with butter and it was DELICIOUS!!
    Meant to say spring greens, not beans!
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Steamed brocolli with a little butter, garlic, lemon and I sprinkle it with Molly McButter or the cheddar cheese version of Molly McButter. And of course SALADS of all types.