Do you love your body currently?



  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I love my body and try to take care of it. It is my only home after

    Absolutely this!!!!! For me it's about taking care of it not dwelling tooooo much on aesthetics, there will always be room for improvement if you constantly scrutinise.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I don't hate my body, but I know it can definitely be better. I am fortunate with what I have. I'm fairly tall so 175 lbs on me looks decent, plus I have an hour glass shape. My waist is small, but my hips and shoulders are wide. Most people guess my weight at around 155 lbs. I WISH! Right now, my goal is 160 lbs. When I reach that, I will focus on another goal, maybe 150 or 145.

    They key is to love yourself because you're making good decisions, healthy decisions. Don't look at yourself in the mirror thinking this body is ugly because it's not model perfect. Look at it thinking it's beautiful because it can change and IT WILL.
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    I dont hate it but im not loving it now. I do embrace my curves and love the way i look in some outfits BUT i would love it even more if i were thinner : )
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    No. I mean I dont like my body. I feel the same as you, could have writtent eh topic myself. I pray about it everyday.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I like what my body can do now. I used to want to hide. Now I view my body more as a tool that lets me do all kinds of things that I want to do. I'm still working on getting more fit and stronger, but I'm in much better shape than I have been in years.

    I don't focus too much on looks, but I never really have. I'll never be beautiful by our society's standards; so I don't worry about it most of the time. That's not to say I never feel attractive, just that I have somewhat non-standard expectations. Or to say it another way, I try to focus on what I do have and what I can change rather than wishing for things that will simply never be.
  • WakingUp
    WakingUp Posts: 27 Member
    My dad was in a wheelchair. When the self-hate starts in on how I LOOK, I try to remember that at least I can get off the couch and walk across the room. Not everyone can do that.
    Gratitude for what my body does for me, for the way it gives me a better quality of life than living in a wheelchair, lightens the self-abuse.
    Give Gratitude a try!
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 260 Member
    Yes and no but mostly no. I love my boobs lol and my legs. I dont want the thigh gap because frankly i think it looks sick. But i hate my stomach, love handles, and arms. My butt is alight it can be toned better along with my legs.
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    Nope. But only part of that is aesthetic. Since I have a lot of chronic health problems, I often feel like I'm either trapped in or at war with my own body.

    Though as WakingUp mentioned, at least I can get up off the couch and walk across the room. Could be a lot worse.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I'm getting there!
  • StatutoryGrape
    It took a while, but I can honestly say that I love how I look now.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm rather attached to it. It works, and I'd like it to stay that way for as long as possible. Then again I have always felt that way about my body! If I could make it immortal, I would.
  • giantsfaninvt
    giantsfaninvt Posts: 26 Member
    I love my body. I just don't love what it looks like.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I've never loved my body. even when i was able to wear a bikini without scaring small children.

    i'm short and chunky, and that's that. i've never had thin thighs, i've always had a wobbly butt. i have many imperfections. But, hey, it's just a vessel, and I'm glad I'm not ridiculously vain, spending hours everyday primping and preening, and blow drying, and straightening, and covering myself in make up, and spending thousands on designer labels and skin peels, and facials and waxing and all that cr@p.

    So, i just get up in the morning and go, i am confident enough to turn up to school drop off in my gym gear, no make up, no special hair.

    I feel sorry for people who are so vain they can't leave the house without the full the full event.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    No, I can't say I do sadly enough. I feel "okay" about my body most mornings, but that tends to last till breakfast. Then, like everyone, I have days on which I feel reasonably good about myself, but most of the time, I still struggle. Even when I thought I felt good about myself (in clothes) I realized I'm still not happy with my body when I agreed to go for a swim with a friend and still didn't feel comfortable in a bikini. I sometimes wonder what'll take me to do love my body.. it'd be quite a nice feeling for a change.