Starvation mode is a myth, so why do we keep saying it exist



  • indianlarry11
    indianlarry11 Posts: 32 Member
    I think I'll stick with the experts on metabolism that are out there. I've read some things that try to discredit "starvation mode", but never from anybody who would be deemed an expert on metabolism. Who are Brad and John anyway? I've read a lot of credible sources and think I'm going to go along with them before I start listening to Brad and John.
  • terrie_exercise_mom
    Are you serious? Age has nothing to do with it. I just turned 41 today....always eat under 300 calories and still lose weight!!! Sorry but I have ate like this since I was fifteen and only put on weight twice (once when I was pg and then last year as I HAD to gain weight to have surgery). I really think people just like to use this starvation moode stuff as an excuse! Tired of ppl saying you have to eat such an amount of cals when I am proof you don't. I should not even respond to this nonsence!!!
    Why would you have to gain weight to have surgery? Maybe because you were deemed underweight and posed a risk?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    just like ppl who are over weight so they may have to much of something in thir blood.
  • terrie_exercise_mom
    If I'm not hungry, I'm not going to eat. Plain and simple. Eating when you are not hungry is a big no no, so if I'm below whatever calorie goal I may be pursuing... I don't really give a flying f**k.

    im the same way!.... thats why I keep my diary private, I eat below the 1200.. and i never use my excercise bonus, I bet I would get tons of messages saying I have to eat more blah blah blah.. NOT gonna happen!
    If im not hungry, im not eating. Period.
    That is sad that you have to keep your diary private. I have one friend who has hers locked with key but she gave me the number. I had mine private to but then I set it to friends because they should be there to support you and you them. Would love to be your friend!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    I will go on record as saying that "starvation mode" probably doesn't exist in terms when it comes to weight loss from dieting. However I will say that people who undereat are probably malnourished and that will usually have an affect on organ function, and keeping tissue healthy.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • terrie_exercise_mom
    .always eat under 300 calories and still lose weight!!!

    I honestly don't know how to respond to this. Eating under 500 calories a day is considered anorexic.

    I am now at the point with these debates that I don't care. Want to starve yourself? Go ahead. It's your body. You'll be the one with the body that you provide yourself.

    I was morbidily obese for a LONG time. I ended up with the body I provided myself. I hated it. I'm now getting the body I actually want by eating in a healthy manner. And I'm losing weight consistently. By eating 1600 calories a day. With no plans to change that. I exercise, I eat a ton of (mostly) healthy food. My bloodwork is perfect. So why starve myself unnecessarily?

    Underrating is just as dangerous as overeating. Neither is a healthy option.
    That is what I am trying to get across. Neither is the better choice so ppl should al least stop saying the skinny ones just want to be lazy and not exercise. I exercise mo less than 900 cals a day. I am far from lazy. I just plain and simple don't eat a lot of food. Never have.

    Where exactly did you see people calling folks (let alone the 'skinny ones, as you put it) that did not exercise lazy. I may have missed one in the thread, but it certainly was not what was being said in the majority of this thread.

    Also, she said undereating and overeating were bad - is this what you were trying to get across *confused*?
    maybe go read page 8,9,and 10 and you will see it!
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    Bump for interesting reading later
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    .always eat under 300 calories and still lose weight!!!

    I honestly don't know how to respond to this. Eating under 500 calories a day is considered anorexic.

    I am now at the point with these debates that I don't care. Want to starve yourself? Go ahead. It's your body. You'll be the one with the body that you provide yourself.

    I was morbidily obese for a LONG time. I ended up with the body I provided myself. I hated it. I'm now getting the body I actually want by eating in a healthy manner. And I'm losing weight consistently. By eating 1600 calories a day. With no plans to change that. I exercise, I eat a ton of (mostly) healthy food. My bloodwork is perfect. So why starve myself unnecessarily?

    Underrating is just as dangerous as overeating. Neither is a healthy option.
    That is what I am trying to get across. Neither is the better choice so ppl should al least stop saying the skinny ones just want to be lazy and not exercise. I exercise mo less than 900 cals a day. I am far from lazy. I just plain and simple don't eat a lot of food. Never have.

    Where exactly did you see people calling folks (let alone the 'skinny ones, as you put it) that did not exercise lazy. I may have missed one in the thread, but it certainly was not what was being said in the majority of this thread.

    Also, she said undereating and overeating were bad - is this what you were trying to get across *confused*?
    maybe go read page 8,9,and 10 and you will see it!

    Nope - not seeing it at all.
  • hollyberry2012
    oh my goodness!!!

    I read soooo many of these posts..I think my brain is in starvation mode! eeeeeek!

    Here's something I did not read.

    People say "I ate low calorie and did not lose weight, then I increased my calories and DID lose weight.".....

    But they never say "....AND because I was eating more calories, I had more energy and therefore got off the couch and exercised along WITH the added calories."

    Are they afraid to admit that the reason they did not lose weight on lower calories is that they laid around lethargically wishing for energy?

    And then, like 'magic'...when they ate more calories they had more energy and started losing, but are afraid to say ..oh yeh...I started REALLY exercising then...hehehe...because I wasn't so bummed out from hungry-itis and I, mentally, did not feel deprived any more.

    People are so dishonest. And if not dishonest they are usually 'forgetful' ......I would not go by a single solitary poster and his or her results if it was the last info on the subject on the face of this earth.

    I'm going to eat enough food to feel good and exercise an hour each day and do my daily responsibilities other than that. IF I find that I get sick easily, or run out of 'wind' before the day is done....I'm gonna EAT A SNACK....IF I find out that I am eating too much to want to get up and do LIFE, I'm gonna eat less at supper or at lunch.

    Most of all....I'm going to keep a steady supply of food and water in my body through the day right up till bedtime. If energetic..every two hours ...if sedentary, every three.

    Neither getting fat nor getting thin is rocket science...getting PERFECTLY FIT while getting thin...takes a little science..and don't get a big's still not ROCKET science. Your average sixth grader could break it down.

    If you are old enough to be on this website then you know that a little fruit, a little dairy, a little meat, a little vegetable, a little grain , a little fat, and a gulp of water when you are thirsty (and if you are working out in the sun you will KNOW to take a bunch of gulps, funny, huh, comes in and day out and day in and day out...over the long going to produce a fairly healthy human being.

    And then you are gonna A. Grow old and die in your sleep B. Get cancer and die C. have a heart attack and die D. get run over by a truck and you guessed it, I'm going to sleep...I forgot...a little sleep, day in day out...same pattern.

    and may I never read the words Starvation Mode again....if you are anorexic...that's a MENTAL problem...go see a doctor.

    oh and one more thing ....if you like this post, print it up and read it when people try to enlighten you about losing weight. If you don't like this post, print it up and put it through the shredder. It'll make you 'feel' better :)
    I'm on MFP to have FUN....WHILE losing weight...and some of these type threads could suck the fun out of Saturday morning cartoons...Good nite :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    oh my goodness!!!

    I read soooo many of these posts..I think my brain is in starvation mode! eeeeeek!

    Here's something I did not read.

    People say "I ate low calorie and did not lose weight, then I increased my calories and DID lose weight.".....

    But they never say "....AND because I was eating more calories, I had more energy and therefore got off the couch and exercised along WITH the added calories."

    Are they afraid to admit that the reason they did not lose weight on lower calories is that they laid around lethargically wishing for energy?

    And you know this how?

    Coming up with facts off the top of your head does not mean it is true.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I am classified as obese as I am typing this and 1200 (not eating exercise calories back) was working for about 2 months when I was doing 30 minutes of cardio a day. I lost 10 pounds a month. Then I kicked it up to 60 mins cardio on some days and then yoga/pilates and 45 minutes of cardio on others. My weight loss stalled.

    In which case back off the exercise as it's clearly causing an excessive energy deficit and stalling the weight loss.

    If a change is for the worse, reverse the change.
  • Scoobies100
    If I'm not hungry, I'm not going to eat. Plain and simple. Eating when you are not hungry is a big no no, so if I'm below whatever calorie goal I may be pursuing... I don't really give a flying f**k.

    I couldn't agree more. Most days I eat 1,200-1,300 cals but on the days I exercise a lot I'm not going to scoff just to meet a number.
  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    If I'm not hungry, I'm not going to eat. Plain and simple. Eating when you are not hungry is a big no no, so if I'm below whatever calorie goal I may be pursuing... I don't really give a flying f**k.

    I couldn't agree more. Most days I eat 1,200-1,300 cals but on the days I exercise a lot I'm not going to scoff just to meet a number.

    I agree, too. Some people don't understand that one size does not fit all, that you have to tailor your eating and exercise to your body. It's not a formula. I guess it's less work to keep repeating the same thing.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I am classified as obese as I am typing this and 1200 (not eating exercise calories back) was working for about 2 months when I was doing 30 minutes of cardio a day. I lost 10 pounds a month. Then I kicked it up to 60 mins cardio on some days and then yoga/pilates and 45 minutes of cardio on others. My weight loss stalled.

    In which case back off the exercise as it's clearly causing an excessive energy deficit and stalling the weight loss.

    If a change is for the worse, reverse the change.

    Uhh, yeah...cause LESS exercise should be the change right? I mean, we all know that exercising MORE is a horrible thing for your body. All that sleek toned muscle...good lord! Disgusting!! Definitely exercise less so you can keep to 1200 calories! Who'd want to be able to eat MORE food, I mean really?!

    By the way, for those who are sarcasm deaf...this was directed at the second quote...not the initial. Sometimes it just shocks me the lack of common sense people have when it comes to their own bodies. If the woman has the motivation to freaking exercise MORE, why the HELL would anyone tell her 'back off the exercise!'?? The ONLY time that's appropriate is if they're not getting any rest days in...but all she did, was increase the duration of her current exercise schedule.

  • BrienBear
    BrienBear Posts: 12 Member
    OK so first thing's first.

    MAN you people are betchy. I thought we were ALL here to support each other and lose weight. It makes me sad that people are as combative as they are on here. That being said, this is the intarwebs. Hello Anonymity!

    That being said, regarding the starvation etc yadda yadda, bariatric patients (specifically gastric, lap-band and sleeve) go on a 600c/day diet for their first 6 months, then 800c/day 6-12 months, then 1k/1200c/day for the rest of their life. (source:

    now granted they've had radical changes to their stomachs, but they're told to be on these "extremely" (according to some on here) low-cal diets *for the rest of their lives*. And they lose weight. How do you explain that? they certainly aren't going into metabolic stasis.

    I've had lap-band myself - my doc had me at a roughly 1kc/day diet with almost ALL protein and next to no carbs. I lost weight when I actually followed his advice :D
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Funny that my almost a year of Dr. supervised low calorie intake hasn't killed me and I'm doing amazing. I've lost a lot of weight. I bounce around constantly. My labs are 100% perfect. I lose around 2-3 lbs per week.

    I do however take supplements to make sure my nutrients are remaining good. Until my Dr and Nutritionist tell me that I'm at my optimal weight, I plan to do this. I feel amazing :) I can actually walk up stairs. I can run. I can dance! I can do my cardio. I am RAWR!

    I am NOT starving. I do not feel terrible. My body is using my fat stores as fuel.

    Just because interwebz forums say that 'starvation' mode is anything below 1200 calories, does not mean it's true.
  • lovejessicab
    lovejessicab Posts: 2 Member
    I only read the first page of this topic and it made me sick reading all of the rude, negative comments. Shame.

    I am a 5'9" female. I went on a 1000 calorie diet with daily exercise for 30 days to jumpstart a new life. I went from 230 to 201lbs in that short period. From there I upped my calories to 1800, only because I did not want to continue eating like a bird the rest of my life. I LOVE FOOD. I now weigh a healthy 175 and am very happy about my beginning decision. The 1000 calorie diet very much so helped me get motivated and I'm preeeeeeeettttyy sure I didn't go in to "starvation mode"
  • jlee0013
    I made an acct just to put my two cents in on this very misleading subject matter. I agree that its not a one size fits all program concerning 1200 calories. that is plain ridiculous to think that all differerent types of sizes should subscribe to something clearly designed merely as a standard.

    I have been on all types of training regimes in my quest to remain sleek and sexy throughout my life thus far and I can say that prolonged significant calorie deficit for the purpose of cutting fat is not bad for you IF you are getting your nutrients AND you have energy. Energy is not fully dependent on your calorie intake(this is what throws many people off who are convinced that constant eating or certain calorie intake is the only way). You shouldnt look at losing fat as having a calorie deficit with eating and exercise (this is what the health and fitness industry sells you so you continue to use their services and products!!), but look at how efficiet your body is at burning fat. Everyones level of fitness is different and not all are on same program tht will require the individuals lookig to lean down to shift gears in types of foods, nutrient sources, eating schedules, calories/portions, etc.

    In the end, make a change for you because you reallly want it, but dont blindly insist you are correct if what you are arguing against ---regardless of personal bias--has not been legitimatey disproven---nt even proven!

    I hope people become smarter about diet, exercise, and healthy living. stop makig things so painful smartly educate yourself with common sense!
  • Chloetoe
    absolutely true.

    Yes, at a certain point of weight loss and consistent under-eating, your body will start to limit a number of metabolic functions. But as long as you have sufficient fat on you, a few days of very low-calorie intake or a more prolonged period of lower calorie intake is not going to get you there. If you're already underweight though, you'll be a lot closer to the tipping point.

    Even fasting one day a week, or partial fasts for longer periods in which calorie intake reduced to one simple meal per day (which is normal in many cultures and religions, including Islam and some Christian denominations - e.g. Lent) will not put anyone not already underweight in starvation mode, as long as you drink enough water.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member