Kids say the darndest things...



  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    When my brother was little (around 3) he asked my mom if an obese woman was a "big lady"? And apparently, I asked if an African American man was chocolate......I was probably about 3 also.

    At least you only asked!

    Where we lived when I was little, there was a coloured* family living down the street. Apparently when I was about 3, I saw one of the boys climbing over a wall and bit him on the leg because I wanted to find out if he tasted of chocolate... :blushing:

    Then, to make it worse, I was out shopping with my mum and she started talking to this guy. She turned to me and said "Do you remember xxxx? He's the one you bit when you were little!" I could have died! :blushing:

    It's apparently racist to use the word coloured these days, some footballer got in **** over it a few weeks

    * black/coloured/of African descent/whatever terminology is now preferred :wink:

    (My post was not intended to offend :smile: but was just to lay open my embarrasment for you all to laugh at me :wink: )

    Hahaha I know. I only discovered this recently...besides, with many things, it's not the word but the intention behind it.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    With the kids I was looking after at the park there was a lot of "shocked" faces when one of them started talking about the "black kid" who as it turned out was indeed black... but relief was evident when he then said the blue kid was picking on him and the black kid... referencing the t-shirts they were wearing rather than skin color ;)
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    We were going to visit my grandmother in the nursing home for her birthday and my oldest nephew who was around 5 at the time I think, so innocently asked her how old she was? (She had alzheimers and didn't know though) So when we told him how old she was, he simpy said, "oh, well then I guess pretty soon you will just .... and he throws himself on the floor as though he is dead! It was so funny, but I know my sister-in-law was horrified. Of course Grandma didn't really understand what he was saying, but had she been of sound mind, I know she would have laughed too!

    A friend of mine was checking out at the grocery store when the old lady in front of him let out a pretty loud fart.... of course his young daughter made sure to announce it to everyone else in line by saying "Daddy that lady farted! I hope it's not stinky." and my buddy was so embarrased, especially when the old lady kept giving him very dirty looks!
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    my daughter and son both have done the same to me. once my daughter and i were on our way inside a grocery store. as we were walking, from far away i saw a man wearing an eye patch. when we got right next to him my daughter pointed at him and asked me if he was a pirate......whaaaaaaaaaaaa.:embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    Also, when I was 8, we were on a family vacation in Texas. We all went to eat at the hotel restaurant and our waiter who happened to be a very tall handsome black man took our order and was walking away when I asked my mom (quite loudly).."Mom, why do black people jive when they walk?" The waiter, who's name was Morty, turned around and was laughing hysterically. He took such a liking to me that everytime we went in there to eat, he would make sure to wait on us, and he got our address before we left and even sent me a Christmas card. My parents were so embarrassed initially, but after Morty assured them that he saw no harm in the question, we all got a good laugh. I still giggle when I think of the look on their faces.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Also, when I was 8, we were on a family vacation in Texas. We all went to eat at the hotel restaurant and our waiter who happened to be a very tall handsome black man took our order and was walking away when I asked my mom (quite loudly).."Mom, why do black people jive when they walk?" The waiter, who's name was Morty, turned around and was laughing hysterically. He took such a liking to me that everytime we went in there to eat, he would make sure to wait on us, and he got our address before we left and even sent me a Christmas card. My parents were so embarrassed initially, but after Morty assured them that he saw no harm in the question, we all got a good laugh. I still giggle when I think of the look on their faces.

    that's cute, actually, lol
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    When my now 8 year was 4, he had to be taken to the ER for a small gash in the back of his head. A caucasion doctor treated him that day. My husband took him back to have the staple removed and this time a doctor of Asian decent was on duty. My son became upset and told his father that he "wanted the white doctor" - my husband was very quick to react and told my son that it was "the RIGHT doctor" - what can you do . . .
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I don't remember how old my son was (it was before my daughter was born, so he would have been under 2) when my wife and I were at a local Chinese buffet. There were a couple of ladies at the table next to us and when one of them stood my son reached over and grabbed her butt - I came so close to getting my face slapped until she realized it was my son. Fortunately she had a sense of humour.......
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I know you said he has ADHD, I believe I've heard that sometimes reading time is a recmmended therapy for helping ADD and ADHD patients learn to focus attention. I could be mistaken, just seems like I heard that somewhere. Anyway, I was thinking maybe you could try to find some short simple books about diversity to help explain to him (in a private environment where he can ask questions without embarrassing Mommy :wink: ) the differences between people and how, even with the differences, we can learn from each other while still respecting the differences. Here's a link to a list of children's books on diversity:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Ah kids. :laugh:

    When I was a teenager I used to babysit for a mixed couple. The mom was black and the husband white. Their little girl was very fair complected and had blue eyes.
    We were in the store one day and she was upset with her mom. I was off to the side looking at some things a few feet away from them when the little girl started screaming loudly "Your not my Mommy" and pushing her Mom away. She had a great sense of humor about it but asked me to stay close to them so people didn't thinks he was trying to kidnap this little white baby. :laugh:
  • I believe people understand when a young child blurts out what they are thinking. So adults shouldn't be insulted by it. However, I think I have witnessed more adults that KNOW better saying stupid things out loud.

    Excuse the children, for they are just that. When a child says something like that, take them aside and explain to them that it wasn't nice, and that you know they didn't do it on purpose. It is all you can really do.

    You just have to smile at their comments sometimes. When my son was about 3 years old we were leaving a store and I was telling him that we had to go home so he could take his nap. He began to protest, because he hated naps. His grandmother always told him that even boys needed naps so they would look handsome. Then a very old and wrinkled lady walked up to him and commented on how cute he was. His eyes got huge and round and he screamed I wanna go home and take a beauty nap because I don't want to look like that old lady, I don't want all those wrinkles. I wanna nap now! And we ran away from the old woman and headed for the check out lane. I was so embarrassed I felt like running in the opposite direction! But kids will be kids, and you never know what they will say! When he got into his car seat he immediately closed his eyes to sleep! LOL
  • huracan_mery
    huracan_mery Posts: 47 Member
    My little girl was the target of some of those embarrassing things yesterday. She was trying to play with other kids who were her age or a little older. She's got a bit of a speech delay as well as trouble pronouncing things correctly, and so a lot of things don't come out the way she wants them to. The little girl ran over to her mom and complained to her, "That little girl in the blue shirt is so weird! I don't understand her. She's speaking another LANGUAGE." Her mom looked embarrassed and told her to be nice and go play. She wouldn't look at me at all after that. Later on a little boy laughed at her because he thought she said her name was "Underwear" (Our last name comes out of her mouth as "Anawa"). On the way home from the park, she told me, "I no wanna talk, I wanna play!" And sure enough she was fine when the kids didn't care about talking and just wanted to chase her. But the other ones who wanted to talk to her she had nothing to do with.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I was in Target the other day looking at bras and my 2 year old daughter picked one up (just happened to be a huge one! lol) turned around to this woman and said "Here, This is for your boobies!" and handed the woman the bra. It was soooo funny but kind of embarrassing. The woman just laughed, took the bra, said thank you, and walked away. Haha Im glad she didnt try to talk to me, I dont know what I would have said!
  • BrnIdGirl
    BrnIdGirl Posts: 129 Member
    I don't have any kids but being of larger size myself I have had run ins with them. Several have told me what big legs I have etc. But one incident stands out in my miund.

    About a month ago I was in the store after working out and a little 4 year old boy came up to me and said "Boy you got big legs" his mom got real embarressed and mad at him and started correcting him but I told her it was okay because it was true then he looked at me and the following took place

    him - Why?
    me - Why what?
    him - Why do you got big legs?
    me - Because that's how I was made
    him - God made you
    me - that's right
    him - God don't make junk
    me - (With tears in my eyes) Thank you.

    Really was a great reminder for me, his mom just stood there and didn't know what to say, but I suggested that she get him a nice treat.

    Kids only speak the truth when they are that young. I'll never forget that day or that little boy. I have seen him a couple times since then in the store and he always smiles and waves at me.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Just to give you a funny story we had to take my at the time 2 year old to the er one night (he was obsessed with balls and that's one of the only words he could say) well there was an older guy with the PERFECT ball shaped belly...My son like usual started pointing at the "ball" saying boll....boll.... and started getting alittle upset that the man wasn't going to share his "boll" was terrifying at the time but I snicker about it now.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    How about when kids say the loveliests things to YOU? My son picked up my shirt the other day a tiny bit, poked my belly (aka fat) and said, in all seriousness like a doctor would "Mama, I think there is one more baby in there, just one more" I've had three, so I could blame it on the fact that maybe he wants a younger brother but truth is, kids say it like they see it, so I think it has more to do with my stomach. I laughed it off, the little bugger!

    Mine used to do that and one day he told me a shirt i was looking at in the store wasn't gonna be big enough... I started my diet shortly after... I had just had my youngest. He also puts his hand on my leg and says loudly...MOMMY YOU HAVE PORCIPINES!!
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    Hahaha, some of these totally crack me up. I am just waiting until my 1-yr old starts doing this.... yikes, God help me
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    My 14yr old daughter saw the cover to this week's People magazine (with Blake Shelton and Adam Levine on the cover) and said "Adam Levine is a chunk off the hunk block". Made me laugh out loud!