Biggest Pet Peeve



  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member

    Another one:

    "Is it OK to eat 800 calories a day? I am really struggling to eat more than that."


    They are just begging you to throw them down and force feed them!

    ^^^ This. If they can't eat more than 800 calories a day then they must have had a hard time stockpiling the extra 100 lbs of fat they are carrying around.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    It's not a health or fitness-related pet peeve by any means. But... my biggest pet peeve? People who don't understand (or perhaps are too lazy) to use the correct version of your or you're. 2 words taught in elementary school still confusing adults? Baffling. I'm also bothered by words like hubby, prego, wifey, and other unnecessary abbreviations :)
    This too. I think it's almost acceptable now which kind of makes me cringe.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    My two biggest pet peeves right now are:

    1. Them: "what are you goals?" Me: "To weigh around 175lbs" Them: "No, I mean what are your short term goals. You have to have a short term goal." I just don't get it. My short term goal is to lose weight and change my eating habits enough so that I can weigh less than I currently weigh now. What's so wrong with that? Do I really need this whole plan mapped out right this minute? It drives me crazy!

    And 2. When they say "Oh, I would have never guessed that you weigh xxx pounds. You really carry your weight well." What, you couldn't tell that I was fat? Seriously? Don't be fake nice to me, I can take the truth. I might not like it, but I can take it. I see the before picture and I know how bad I looked. Hence the reason I'm working my bum off (literally, lol) to change it.
  • ryanherbert
    ryanherbert Posts: 79 Member
    "You're looking skinny, you need to eat more"

    Then they watch me eat. and eat. and eat.

    "You're always eating. How can you eat so much? I wish I had your body type"

    It's not my body type. It's because I'm not a couch potato and I actually get out and do some exercise.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    I think when friends and family make comments like "that would be to skinny" they think deep down that it will make it easier for us. We won't have as much stress since we won't have as much to lose?
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Ya the muslce thing is their only reply cause they really don't know. With you on that one. Mine is hearing and reading all the controversies on what foods are better for you.LIke some say eat whole wheat bread and pasta, other say they contain too much sugar that is the real culprit of your weight gain to go to rice products no potatoes except sweet.Then I see anot:her thing saying no bananas too high in fat yet nutrishionist say you can have a half of one and the good qualities of it. one says eat less fat one says no its the sugars not the fat. NO WONDER I WAS CONFUSED. What the heck could I eat?MFP has helped me realize just a healthy balance, excerise and stay within my calorie limit no matter WHAT I eat. LOVE THIS SITE!! :heart: