Okay, I think this was a break up =\



  • She's not just saying to never talk to her, she's also saying, "never talk to my family". That's strange. No one has ever said that to me. More to the story here.
    That was my first thought too. There are two sides to every story and it seems this is only half the picture.
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Remember this is a 18-19 year old girl we're taking about. They're not exactly the most rational of creatures.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    All my break ups have been terrible like that... Why are people such cowards these days =\

    You sound like the common denominator in these breakups.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't mean to be a voice of reason or anything, but if she has asked you never to contact her or her family ever again, shouldn't you KNOW that is a break up? I mean, there isn't much ambiguity there.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Didn't you post awhile back about meeting someone from MFP? You were going to meet someone from MFP and it was discussed in the forum, right? Is this the same woman?

    I hope not. Because if it is, starting this thread might be a little like indirect stalking. You know, asking the question in a public forum that she also reads...

    Since others have already pointed out the common denominator in all your relationships, I'll ask you about communication. I assume your comment: "All my break ups have been terrible like that... Why are people such cowards these days =\" was meant as bemoaning other people's unwillingness to be clear and direct with their communication. How many different ways can you interpret "don't ever contact me or my family again." ?

    I don't know the details of what happened, but that seems pretty clear and direct to me. True, she did not explicitly say (or text) "I am now dumping you", but......

    Wait a minute...

    Is this just a thread to announce to MFP you are available?
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    keep your head up....you'll find someone way better!!!!!
  • CandaceyD
    CandaceyD Posts: 74
    That sucks...definitely a break up. But to tell you to stay away from her family too...you weren't facebook stalking her family were you? Hope not because you seem nice. If all your relationships end this way, maybe it's time for a new type of relationship. Or just a new type of girl. Try dating someone you would never have dated before.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    The only common denominator in all of your failed relationships is YOU.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Wait, didn't she just post a thread about "meeting someone from MFP" and her concerns not too long ago? If so, then it sounds to me that once she met you in person, she wasn't interested and was a total coward about ending it. And I don't mean that in a bad way - sometimes the "illusion" of someone in his/her head is better than real life - once you take the mystery out of the equation, the attraction ceases to remain. But whatever her reasoning, it's pretty shi**y how she's handling it. I suppose her behavior is a testament to her maturity level and do you really want someone like that in your life?
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Same thing happened to me man. I treated her like a princess too. She was really immature though and it showed by how she refused to give any closure. I've vowed to never go for someone with such a drastic difference in maturity again. I feel for you man, but just be glad it wasn't a long relationship.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    why are there so many people here assuming I did something wrong??? Al I did was treat her the way she was never treated before!! I never yelled at her or any of that.

    I treated her like she was wort something and she had never had that before, and it was scaring her. I know this much and she was having a lot of self image issues and felt like she was holding me back from skinnier more attractive woman. This is because I have friends on my facebook who are infact models, but the other thing is I grew up with them and she saw that as a threat.

    But to all you people who are saying I must have done something wrong, well all I did was try and make her happy, so if thats a crime then I am guilty
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Well I guess time to start flirting again hahaha

    Which was probably the point of creating this thread. :sick:
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,578 Member
    Sorry to hear about that my dude! You're better off it seems...communication is key and if you don't know what happened to end it, who's to say the kind of communicator she would be in a relationship?
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    maybe she learnt about your chauvinistic qualities? No women in the top job etc.? Women should be in the kitchen...looking after the home/kids etc etc?? She could've picked up on your narcissistic qualities also?
    Perhaps she is a woman of the 21st century and saw you for what you truly are?

    just sayin.