does anybody else struggle to drink the required amount of w



  • I have a sweet tea addiction so I use the Mio sweet tea flavoring. No calories. I'm drinking water and I get my sweet tea whenever I want. Yay me!
  • I have been finding it easier to drink water the more and more I try... Not my fave thing, that's for sure!

    I just realized that one bottle was equivalent to two 8oz. glasses!!!

    Thats good for me to know because I was counting it as only one.

    So I usually manage to drink 4 bottles a day now, although, I heard they recommend drinking half your weight in ounces... Thats unreal!

    I would have to drink 7 bottles to do that... YUK =(
  • nae2273
    nae2273 Posts: 8
    I found that adding Mio Liquid water enhancer to all my water helps! I started using the Fruit Punch flavor and I'm drinking more than the 8 glasses per day. I've totally cut out all sodas too!! Its 0 calories and tastes great! :drinker:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I use mio in water except when I exercise. They have a sweet tea flavor since you are a tea drinker.
  • I have 2 secrets I use! Now, I admit, I'm a slacker, but on the days that I care this is how I get it done. First I use a mug that I can't see in to. I love the fake insulated coffee cups that are reusable. Keeps my water cool (not a fan of cold) and I can't see how much I HAVEN'T drank. The second secret is to use a straw! Restaurants hand these out by the dozen for a reason! You drink more and really quickly! So, use a straw and a cup that you can't see in to and you'll find yourself drinking WAY more- FASTER! One of those fake starbucks mugs hold 2 cups! So, one for breakfast, one for lunch, one for dinner, and one in the evening will get your your 8 cups!
  • At times when I struggle, I try sparkling mineral water flavored w/ lime or lemon- it's a nice change from plain old water
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I find it much easier if I drink through a straw for some odd reason and I always have it with orange sugar free cordial. Had to force myself but now feel thirsty if I don't have it. I still glug it 2 glasses at a time though! X
  • I did at first and now I feel dehyrdated if I don't get my 8 glasses in. In the beginning I did the crystal light pure and that made it alot more tasty. I would have 6 glasses without it and then 3 glasses with it. Also I make sure to use my big tumblers throughout the day. if I was using a regular glass I think that would drive me crazy and make me feel like I'm drinking too much. My tumblers hold about 3-4 glasses of water.
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    I actually do like plain old water...but i dont feel thirsty that often, forgetting to drink! I do drink alot when i am working out, but i am just putting back in what i just lost...other than that i have to remind myself to get a glass of water and i usually only drink about 3 glasses a day.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It is one of my main worries - I can't seem to drink enough water. If it were tea, I'd be fine! I only seem to be able to drink 4-5 glasses of cold water a day. Any tips on how to make it more "interesting" or how I can force myself to drink more?

    There is no "required amount of water." The only requirement is to stay hydrated. Drink tea if you like tea, it hydrates you just the same. It is 99% water, after all.

    But don't forget that tea and coffee (and many sodas) have caffeine in them, which does have a dehydrating effect! Try caffeine free teas and sodas if that is the route you so choose. (I personally am a huge advocate for drinking lots of water, but I'm not here to preach, just to offer some advice!)

    This has been disproven. PURE caffeine in high doses (say, taking several caffeine pills without water) can have a dehydrating effect, but the amount of caffeine in coffee, tea, or soda is not nearly enough on it's own to dehydrate someone, and when it's further diluted in water, (coffee, tea and soda is 99% water,) it has zero effect at all on hydration.

    Coffee, tea, juice, soda, and even beer have all been proven to hydrate just as efficiently as water.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    You said you like tea, you could use that in place of your water intake. What I usually do is just dont add any sweeteners or milk to my tea and I think of it as my own take on using crystal light or mio. Most teas don't have any calories or sodium or anything in it anyways so I feel like it's an alright alternative to count towards water intake.
  • i keep a 32 oz cup with me of ice water and once i dring 2 of them i treat my self with tea or sometimes a soda..thats the only thing that has helped me keep track.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    It is one of my main worries - I can't seem to drink enough water. If it were tea, I'd be fine! I only seem to be able to drink 4-5 glasses of cold water a day. Any tips on how to make it more "interesting" or how I can force myself to drink more?

    There is no "required amount of water." The only requirement is to stay hydrated. Drink tea if you like tea, it hydrates you just the same. It is 99% water, after all.

    But don't forget that tea and coffee (and many sodas) have caffeine in them, which does have a dehydrating effect! Try caffeine free teas and sodas if that is the route you so choose. (I personally am a huge advocate for drinking lots of water, but I'm not here to preach, just to offer some advice!)

    Tea contains less than 70mg of caffeine, often WAY less.
    You need to exceed 500-700mg of caffeine for it to have a diuretic effect.

    So tea and coffee essentially have the same diuretic effect as water itself.

    Carry on with the tea. Just don't overload with sugar (nothing to do with the liquid, just hidden calories)

    Caffeine is my friend. ;)
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    While I will drink 3/4 water and 1/4 crystal lite (when I just can't drink plain water anymore) I see a lot of "tea, coffee, etc. counts" comments and I don't really agree with that theory too much.

    Ie> When you're sick and the doctor says make sure to drink a certain amount of water each day, they normally make a point to stress plain water, not teas, etc. unless you just can't do it.

    I try to drink water whenver I think about it, but am only hitting about 4 glasses a day, so I'm building up. An advantage is that I actually love water.
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    I used to worry about my water intake as well. I started to flavor mine with storebrand Crystal Lite flavor packets with a splash of lemon juice to add an extra little quirk. I also discovered something about myself in trying to force myself to drink more water. If I drink more than 48 oz in a day-unless I'm sweating excessively-I retain the extra water like a sponge and my ankles swell a little. Listen to your body and find the right amount of water for you. As other posters have said, go by the color of your urine. If you can't bring yourself to drink 64 oz of water a day, maybe you don't need that much, if you find yourself needing more than 64 oz, have at it. Do what's comfortable for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It is one of my main worries - I can't seem to drink enough water. If it were tea, I'd be fine! I only seem to be able to drink 4-5 glasses of cold water a day. Any tips on how to make it more "interesting" or how I can force myself to drink more?


    Tea counts. Struggling to drink water is silly. I drink tea all day long and I've never had problems with dehydration and I had no problem losing weight or keeping it off (almost a year now).
  • luckykirstar
    luckykirstar Posts: 6 Member
    I found it was a gradual process for me.

    I NEVER used to drink water, it was so blah...and now I can't get enough! I started with crystal light packages. Then gradually worked my way to only using half a package in each glass of water. I slowly started buying larger refillable water glasses. After a while I found I didn't crave the crystal light and started drinking water on it's own. I drink between 8-10 glasses of water a day and love it. I add lemon slices to my water just as a freshner.

    If I'm craving sweet or a different taste everyonce in a while, I add about 1/4 cup pop (diet sprite or something else clear) to add a different taste.

    Hope this helps =)
  • cmcskier
    cmcskier Posts: 7 Member
    I always have a bottle when I"m driving...It's amazing when your playing taxi to 3 kids how much water you can consume during the drive time.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I struggle sometimes to do 10, but I try to have 2 as soon as a I wake up - then I have about 3 across the course of the morning, then maybe another 1 or 2 in the afternoon, then finish off at night.

    Lately I've been having trouble making it past 5 or 6, though. :( Maybe because I'm on vacay and off routine.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    I did at first to and now I drink a ton, just work on drinking a little more every day and make sure to drink whiel you eat and you will get there :-)