To Low Carb or Not to Low Carb



  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Bump. It sounds tempting but I don't think I could do it as a lifestyle change, therefore I think I would put weight back on afterwards. Correct me if i'm wrong.

    When you cut out carbs, you drop water, which returns after you reintroduce carbs. That's not to say that the fat you lose will come back.

    About 4 pounds would be coming back on after you are done low carbing. Thats what ive read. 4 pounds is about what you "lose" the 1st week in water weight + some fat pounds. If you go back to eating ridiculous carbs after, of course youll gain. A lot of people. myself included, lower carbs to get thier cravings in check. By lowering my carbs, I dont crave the desserts or anything after about 10 days of low carb. If you are following a low carb diet, most of them reintroduce GOOD carbs after certain weeks. A lot of people think that low carb diets leave carbs out indefinetly. People who do say, atkins, wrong will stay on the first phase, then not learn what amount of carbs thier body can maintain on, and regain weight. Some people do it right, and learn the grams of carbs their body likes to maintain weight.
  • MrsRachyx
    MrsRachyx Posts: 16
    I dont think there is a right or wrong answer to your question. Everyone is different and each body processes food differently.
    Personally, if i eat alot of carbs then i'll gain its because i have pcos. I dont cut them out completely but tend to just have one carb based meal a day instead of at every meal. Hope that makes sense!

    What is classed as low carb anyways?? Most foods including fruit and veg have carbs in them so wouldnt cutting them out completely be unhealthy?

    Hope this helps.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I've tried Atkins before and made it almost 2 weeks, but I love fruit and I tend to get insanely angry and *****y when I severely limit my carbs and I personally don't lose weight any faster. I don't track my carbs anymore, but I don't eat a lot of carbs from grains; my carbs come mainly from fruit, veggies, and yogurt, and the occasional vitatop muffin lol. I just tend to feel better, less bloated, and have fewer cravings when I don't eat a lot of grains. That being said, I also know people who eat low carb and have no problems with it whatsoever. I think it's just a matter of personal preference and finding what works best for you.

    What you just described, (as in what you eat) is what MANY of the "low carbers" eat....just cutting down on the grains and getting the carbs from healthy sources...

    Not every low carb eater is on the Atkins induction for life...eating Paleo or Atkins or South Beach is a more restricted low carb lifestyle....IMHO.

    Anyway, the debate will go on the words of Sheri Lewis "This is the song that never just goes on and on my friends...." (you know the rest!)
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I don't really see a point in low carb. It seems to me low carb dieting means that people end up cutting out bad carbs and excess food, so they do lose weight, but probably could have lost weigh just by cleaning up their diet anyway. Besides, I do so much cardio, I feel like low carb would be detrimental to my workouts.

    I'm all about good carbs and whole grain, and I think those eaten in moderation are fine. I have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast pretty much every morning, and most of my other carbs come from vegetables and fruits, and maybe some rice or a tortilla later in the day.

    There's nothing more detrimental to me than eating something like oatmeal for breakfast. I can get away with a more carbs later in the day but not at breakfast. It starts off a blood sugar roller-coaster that is nasty. Extreme hunger, fluctuating energy levels, sleepiness, headaches, trouble concentrating or focusing on tasks, yada yada...all kinds of bad stuff happens to me if I eat a breakfast that clearly works for you.

    Just my way of illustrating that one should never assume that their own experience means that everyone else will have the same experience.