What's your water secret?



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Bobble water bottle. The big one holds about 33 ounces, so all you need is two if you're only looking for 64 ounces. If you don't have kiddos stealing it all day long like mine do, it's pretty easy to drink two bottles in a day. It's got a great filter, which makes it convenient for drinking good water on the go.
  • I am horrible with drinking water.. but recently fell in love with "smartwater" it is vapor distilled water with electrolytes for taste...now I drink about 64 oz of water a day!
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    I average a gallon of water a day. I only drink water, no sodas or fruit juices.

    I go through a half gallon when working out and the other half at work or home before bed.

    I carry the jug with me literally everywhere I go so its a constant reminder to drink till empty.
  • I hated drinking water and after 3 weeks it is almost all I drink now. I buy cases of water bottles whole sale and fill them up as I go. I drink one bottle with my supplements in the morning. This is the hardest one to get through. I have one bottle when I work out. This leaves me with 2 for the day. If it is my work rotation I have 2 bottles at work. If not I make sure to drink one with lunch and one with dinner. By grabbing 16oz bottles it seems like less water to me and is easier to get through. My wife also bought some MiO water enhancers. I thought they were a little pricey but they help kill the "just water" monotony. I also like some hot tea (0 calorie kinds). It really did become second nature really fast. Good luck to you and you can do it.
  • bibi6984
    bibi6984 Posts: 17 Member
    i use my pump water bottle as it is big and try to drink it all in one go. i find if i just sip on it i dont drink as much.
    i try to drink the 1st 750ml bottle by the morning just after brekkie... one at lunchtime, and one on the train on the way home cos by the time i walk to the train station im thirsty.

    always keep a full bottle of water by ur side, so when u get the slightest bit thirsty.. its handy. i find that if i get both a water and coke zero (my weakness) if i drink the water 1st, the coke zero tastes...not as good. and i usually end up drinking less of it.
  • hubtech
    hubtech Posts: 43 Member
    I find it easiest to always have some water with me and to just sip it constantly. I have a refillable drinking bottle (Contigo brand - bought at Costco) that holds 24 oz. (3 cups) and has measures on the side. I like this size because I can carry it on my walks or to a client and it's not bulky or out of place. 16 cups for me today.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I have no problem drinking it on work out days.

    On non-work out days, you may want to spice it up. On sick days I add a combination of honey, lemon, cinnamon, etc.. depending on my mood.

    I reuse a tea bag throughout the day, so it flavors my water slightly, but doesn't caffeinated me or dehydrate me too terribly.

    I like how they have strawberries in the water dispenser at Yogurtland. Looking at it makes me happier. I have no idea if it affects taste.

    You may want to experiment with ice cubes. You can use ice cubes with flavored juice to give a slow released flavor to your drink.
    You are reusing your tea bag for nothing. Caffeine will not dehydrate you unless you are consuming the equivalent of 7 or 8 cups of coffee a day. Enjoy a fresh bag.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I was making a sort of game by making tally's at the bottom of my giant cup with a dry erase marker.
    But right now I have my own gallon container in the fridge and I just try to empty it by the end of the day.

    I LOVE my giant Tervis tumbler cup b/c when full it holds 2 cups of water which means less counting, guessing, trips to refill etc. Plus Tervis tumblers do a pretty good job at keeping the temp reasonable.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I started drinking only water. I don't really have a problem with drinking water though (especially since I hate hot drinks) When I don't want water, I find sparkling water with lemon or some other freshly squeezed juice is more than enough to satisfy me. At home, my big glasses hold 16oz or two cups so I fill it up and drink that with every meal which brings me to six cups. I try to drink another two cups with every snack or whenever I feel hungry instead of immediately turning to food. I usually end up with around 12 cups a day... usually more that I don't even log because I lose track.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I have a 24oz bottle that I fill up 3x a day, and I just schedule it. I don't do plain water well, but the bottle with the straw, and having it very cold helps. My reward is a Diet Pepsi...and I WANT that Diet Pepsi bad.
  • teschy123
    teschy123 Posts: 89
    Water is my drink of choice since I completely gave up all sugary drinks. I drink mine ICE cold!!! I also sometimes to give myself a little variety I will put in a little Ice Tea, with a little lemon!!! I actually don't even miss sugary drinks!! I also know when I don't have enough water. my body hates me. I also take my water with me EVERYWHERE!! that way I can have something to drink when others are drinking there sugary drinks and I feel better about myself. I drink about 12 to 13 classes of water a day.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I think its just a habit you'll have to pick up, but there 'cheat' ways to do it.

    I set out a 16oz glass each night so its room temperature by morning. I drink it as soon as I wake up in the morning. I also have a pink, sparkly reusable cup with a straw at my desk at work. (I went searching for a 'fun' cup for this purpose :) At first, I had to make a point of finishing each 16oz glass every two hours. But now, I actually find myself getting a refill before the two hours are up! The straw definitely helps!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I get myself a glass of water as soon as I get up. It helps wake me up a bit so I can make a sensible choice for breakfast. Then I have another with brekkie. I try to drink one glass before each meal and another during the meal (including my snack). Given that I have three meals and a snack each day, that comes to 8 glasses right there. I also drink another glass as soon as I get back from dropping my son at nursery in the afternoon, and another when I bring him home again. That takes me to ten. If I'm working in the evening (which I do 4 nights each week) I try to drink another two during my 4-hour shift. Sometimes I even manage three, so that takes me to 12 or 13 easily.
  • Definitely a CamelBak water bottle! My mom hates water and now doesn't have a problem drinking it with the bottle I recommended. I drink 88 oz. a day. My CamelBak holds 24 oz. Also, they say drinking ice cold water is better, that it makes your body work harder to change the temperature. Although I prefer room temp water, goes down a lot easier.
  • pinkpandangel105
    pinkpandangel105 Posts: 38 Member
    I really don't like water unless I chug it. I use the flavor packets or MIO. Yeah plain water is better but I just can't get enough in unless I add something
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    I love water and it is pretty much all I drink and has been for years so it's easy for me to drink enough. I do prefer it the colder the better. I think it's like anything else in this weight loss/healthy living mission..you just have to decide to do what will help and be hardcore (drinking lots of water, doing food diary, exercising etc.)
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I've seen a lot of people refer to the CamelBak water bottle. I went to their site (http://www.camelbak.com/) and looked at their water bottles. I think I'm missing something: what makes these water bottles better than others? It looks like most of them use a straw, but is there something else I'm missing? Or is there a level of psychology around purchasing a brand name water bottle?

    I sure hope that doesn't sound like I'm being judgmental; that's not my intent. I'm either missing something, or maybe just thinking these water bottles are more popular than the really are? :smile:

    I love all the suggestions, there have been so many. I think I have a workable "solution" but may tweak it with some of the ideas you all have posted.

  • MariarR33
    MariarR33 Posts: 69
    I always have a water bottle with me, wherever I go. If I am gone for the day, I take a few water bottles. The key for me is to keep sipping it throughout the day. I try to drink at least 2 glasses before I leave my house. If you sip throughout the day, you will find that it gets easier and easier to drink more. I started drinking 8 glasses a day last year. Now, I drink 16 glasses a day. If I drink less, I find I get really thirsty.
  • Dannosjourneytofit
    Dannosjourneytofit Posts: 23 Member
    I carry a 32oz water bottle with me everywhere. I am good for 3 glasses while I work out and 3 after, on my way to pick up kids from preschool and running errands. I fit the rest in with dinner. I also tell myself that water is key in my weightloss. Not every day is perfect but I just keep at it. Good luck!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Honestly I am a camel. I can drink maybe ONE cup of water a day and be doing just fine.

    This past week I have upped my water intake to at least 6-7 cups a day. My secret? I just do it. I make a mental goal (this much by this time, this much by this time... etc) and I make sure those 6-7 cups are consumed before the day is over.

    Sorry I didn't have any better tips then that.