I ate more than my allowance in one meal



  • skinnyjeansdiva
    I'd love to see your diary.. good for you just taking a day to enjoy yourself
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I had to google "shamrock shake" to find out what you'd had. Don't think I'll be queueing up for one - I HATE mint flavouring. YUK!
    Glad you liked it though :-)
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    " I burned nearly 2,000 calories at the gym today"

    OMG - aside from the time you spent eateng the shamrock shake and tacos did you spent the rest of your day at the gym??? Thats crazy burn? What did you do?

    125 minutes on pretty serious hills on the recumbent bike. if you keep the rpm up right about 100, you burn pretty well.

    do you weigh 500 lbs? is this "2,000 calories" per a HRM?

    i am EXTREMELY doubtful. please share.

    stop being doubtful. if it was via hrm you would say it was probably broken. some of the machines are very accurate with burns, when I use a hrm it actually shows more than a machine.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Fish tacos are great!
    Love fitting in my macros
    All of the good foods!
  • hollythehutt
    I seriously doubt you burnt 2000 calories. What were you using to track them? Gym machines certainly overestimate, as does MFP. I'm not entirely certain it's physically possible for most people to burn that from exercise in one day.
  • mrsladybrewer
    mrsladybrewer Posts: 70 Member
    Maria, I already have changed my eating habits. For life. And fast food? That's ok. And losing weight and working out six days a week? Also, already a healthier lifestyle. If you love them? Make it fit and have one. One shake OR one taco? Seriously, not gonna happen. If I go to taco bell, I get three. And it is less than 500 calories for that.

    Zichu, in no way was any time at the gym wasted. It let me have some great food. It left me with a deficit for the day of roughly 400 -- under my normal deficit, actually. It also worked on muscles. It also increased cardiovascular health. It also released stress. It also increased oxygen and blood flow, which creates new vessels and carries more free radicals from my body. It also built on my work to reduce the chances of dementia and Alzheimers.

    My point is that working out does a lot for your mind and body.

    This. And this. And this.
  • mrsladybrewer
    mrsladybrewer Posts: 70 Member
    I seriously doubt you burnt 2000 calories. What were you using to track them? Gym machines certainly overestimate, as does MFP. I'm not entirely certain it's physically possible for most people to burn that from exercise in one day.
    I'm quite certain it is entirely possible. I burn about 1100 cals in a 55 minutes Turbo Fire workout. And I use a HRM.

    OP - Good for you for working your *kitten* of and getting to enjoy your treat! Well deserved.
  • sweetie89207
    Maria, I already have changed my eating habits. For life. And fast food? That's ok. And losing weight and working out six days a week? Also, already a healthier lifestyle. If you love them? Make it fit and have one. One shake OR one taco? Seriously, not gonna happen. If I go to taco bell, I get three. And it is less than 500 calories for that.

    Zichu, in no way was any time at the gym wasted. It let me have some great food. It left me with a deficit for the day of roughly 400 -- under my normal deficit, actually. It also worked on muscles. It also increased cardiovascular health. It also released stress. It also increased oxygen and blood flow, which creates new vessels and carries more free radicals from my body. It also built on my work to reduce the chances of dementia and Alzheimers.

    My point is that working out does a lot for your mind and body.

    AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!! dont listen to these nazi's on here who tell you ur wrong for endulging...yea SURE- eating all those calories back with nutritional things WOULD HAVE been better but that doesnt mean that doing so with the bad stuff one day is gonna trash ur whole year!!! people who believe that 1 mean OR HECK- 20 meals out of the hundreds and hundreds of meals we eat in a YEAR will have any kind of bearing on what happens over the next year are stupid!

    i really really hope u enjoyed ur work out and your shake and taco johns! YOU EARNED IT! :-)
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Who cares if the OP burned exactly 2000 calories! Don't get obsessed with the math, because it will come back to bite you.

    To the OP, enjoy your meal! :)
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    life moves pretty fast .. if you don't stop and have a shake once in a while you could miss it.
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    OP - I wouldn't let these doubters get to you. Just by looking at your ticke it's obvious that what you have been doing is working for you. If we don't treat ourselves once in a while we are doomed to fail. It's not about a diet it's about making a lifestyle change. The fact that you're willing to work hard enough to earn it is good enough for me :)

    Keep on truckin!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I seriously doubt you burnt 2000 calories. What were you using to track them? Gym machines certainly overestimate, as does MFP. I'm not entirely certain it's physically possible for most people to burn that from exercise in one day.
    I'm quite certain it is entirely possible. I burn about 1100 cals in a 55 minutes Turbo Fire workout. And I use a HRM.

    OP - Good for you for working your *kitten* of and getting to enjoy your treat! Well deserved.

    This is exactly what I was going to compare it to! I totally believe he could burn that much in 2 hrs. Glad you enjoyed ONE crazy @ss meal!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    People...let the guy enjoy is well earned and very occassional indulgence.

    He has already explained how he tracked his calories burn at the gym and it seems very careful and conservative to me (far more effort than I go to) so why are folks questioning him?

    He does not say he does this everyday.....when I read the initial posting, it seemed like it was a very rare treat that he obviously planned for...and enjoyed.

    OP: well done on your weight loss so far
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I seriously doubt you burnt 2000 calories. What were you using to track them? Gym machines certainly overestimate, as does MFP. I'm not entirely certain it's physically possible for most people to burn that from exercise in one day.

    you know hwat, I have a full day on monday, which is normally my bigger burn day of the week. so I'll have to push it back a week. but I will go ahead and shoot for 2,500. just because it clearly isn't physically possible.

    (2,500 will probably take three hours. never spent that much time before, but why not. seems it will get me into the world records!)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    fwiw, weigh-in this morning showed a loss of 1.4 pounds in the last week. exactly what I'm set to lose with this deficit. so the math, yet again, shows that it works.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Geez-us peeps. It's about calorie deficiency. And for all you health-absolutists, how many of you have maintained this "absolute health no fast food no sugar no carbs no JOY" for any significant amount of time? THIS is the reason why people fail - because they leave absolutely no room for "mistakes".

    Before you judge, realize that what works for you and YOUR body may NOT work for other people. If this works for him, great! What's it to you? No one is pointing a gun at anyone here and saying "You must do as the OP does in order to lose weight or enjoy life." Sheesh.

    OP - good for you for fitting in foods you enjoy within your daily caloric allowance and exercise calories.
  • JoHola
    JoHola Posts: 43 Member
    I had to google "shamrock shake" to find out what you'd had. Don't think I'll be queueing up for one - I HATE mint flavouring. YUK!
    Glad you liked it though :-)

    I just googled it too as never heard of it before, wonder what it tastes like!
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    yup. it was green. and on top of the whipped cream, a cherry. I can only assume it was organic.
    that's a serving each of a vegetable and a fruit, right? green clover, red cherry--gotta be OK! but seriously, that's the way to think about living the rest of your life. I can't plan a life that NEVER lets me have treats! It's re-defining "treat" as that once in a great while thing, not (as popular media shouts all day long) something I deserve whenever I think about it simply because I exist! over the weekend I had an awesome 1000-cal hot, hilly hike, and then I ate for the rest of the day to get enough calories!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    [ sarcasm ]
    Hey look at me, I'm going to be judgmental of someone over the internet. He seems to be happy with his progress and decided to splurge, but I'm going to try to cut him down so that I feel better about myself. His calorie estimates might be off, but mine are DEFINITELY perfect. I am somehow superior to him because I don't give into those impulses, and if I did give in it certainly wouldn't be that extreme.
    [ / sarcasm ]

    I'm going on my bachelor party in a month. I'm going to eat and drink everything I can fit in me, then I'll rally and do it some more. It is my sincere hope to put the Man vs Food guy to shame. In fact, I want him to hear about my exploits and fly out to visit me just to shake my hand.

    My wedding is a couple months after that, and I'm going to do the SAME thing all over again.

    Even with those cases of pure unadulterated gluttony that would put Se7en to shame, I'm still going to be losing weight. I honestly think my splurges are going to be that much sweeter knowing that I don't have your permission.

    tsh0ck, please do me one favor. The next time you give yourself a reward like that, think of these folks...and smile
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I absolutely love... LOVE... that this thread lives on! Love it!

    Here's the thing... I know the OP, and I knew he was planning the splurge and encouraged him to do so! It works for him, so why the heck not?!? Enjoy it! And, if he burns.... err, correction, WHEN he burns that many calories again and says, I'm gonna splurge? I will say enjoy it!!

    There's a whole lot that can be learned from his approach and style to this journey. Moderation, balance, enjoyment.

    And, to those who say its physically impossible to burn that many calories? Get real, work a bit harder... I believe it, heck, I have done it. In fact, I burned over 5,000 calories one afternoon... granted it was climbing a volcano, but it IS possible!

    I will say it again, shout it 5000 times... way to go tsh0ck... you earned it and enjoyed it! That's what makes the journey worth it....

    (Yeah, sorry, but the haters just pissed me off... but you know what?!? If ya got haters, you are obviously doing something right!)