Can't find coagulated pigs blood soup on list!



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I should not have even stumbled in here....

    *tiptoes backwards*
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    I work at a public school in South Korea where eating like a Korean is important and respected (not to mention delicious!). At this point though I think that the Principal and Vice Principal are putting me through a series of food tests to confirm their belief that Americans/foreigners cannot eat all Korean food.

    Yesterday I ate coagulated pigs blood soup...they were impressed.....I think the next teachers dinner will be live octopus.

    Might have to draw the line there. :happy:

    What are some strange foods you have tried?

    Wow ur brave bcuz i would not have eaten either one of those. I have eaten squid in its own ink over white rice. It's a food from Spain but the ink sauce is black and to some not very appetizing but its sooooo yummy. My grandmother also made brains but i dont know if it was from a goat, cow or pig. I tried it but spit it out. She breaded pieces of this brain and fried it, nasty!!! That had to be the most disgusting thing i have ever eaten!!!
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    CANNED CAT an older brother- who twisted my arm behind me and force fed it to me....

    That's OK, years later I had him over for lunch and fixed him a tuna sandwich.....after which
    I reminded him of the incident and the vow I'd get even SOMEDAY......

    Muahahahaha:devil: :laugh:

    Lmao, i fed canned cat food tuna to my brother. That was many years ago and he hasnt gotten me back yet BUT i guess i should watch my back?
  • cvpis4me
    cvpis4me Posts: 50
    I've had cuy (guinea pig) in Peru. Hated it, the skin was too rubbery and he was served to me....whole. With the head and little feet and everything. We're going back in a few months and I'm hoping to try piranha and *maybe* a grub, only if it's grilled with a little seasoning. Also tried the black pudding (blood sausage) in Ireland and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I'd definitely eat it again. Had moose but wasn't a fan, maybe it was just my stepmom's recipe though? I don't recall her being a good cook :)