Blue Team WEEK 2



  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    A few months ago, a friend that I always considered to be much heavier than me gave me some of her fat pants. I couldn't zip them up. It was a BIG wake up call.

    They're ones I wear on a regular basis now!!! :drinker: HOORAY for smaller jeans!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    lorro-old jeans rule don't they....I am at the point where I have no more smaller clothes and about ready to go down a size - I can zip just a tiny smidge tight so I am waiting about 3 or 4 more pounds before I go buy to need new clothes but so expensive.

    hmo4 - if you've survived all you've been thru, you've got motivation - let it out - let it roar baby!

    Oh I'm so jealous :laugh: I worked it out - I will be shopping in September at this rate! :glasses:
    way more important!!! way to go!!

    Cheers, LostinCali! :drinker:
    this whole process is pretty scary for me. I haven't been single for longer than a month at a time since I was 15. Mostly due to my reliance on others to provide me the love that I don't give myself. So I'm preparing myself to do a lot of soul searching and self discovery over the next few months

    It's the way we overcome stuff like this that makes us who we are. One of life's great ironies: sometimes you have to accept being alone in order to get to a place where you can have a healthy relationship. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    well I weighed myself this morning :sad: that is what i get for not doing what I was suppose to be doing all weekend and not giving a care :sad: But it will all come off again. I know I'm back on track and i shall exercise till i drop dead :laugh: o yea i will eat right also :bigsmile:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey, y'all. I know I haven't been around much lately, but we have been wicked busy @ work. So busy in fact, that I rode my bicycle in to work today and I'll be riding home this evening. 22 miles 'round trip. Should equal about 1200-1300 calories all told. I hope y'all have a great evening.

  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    My motivation for the week is this weekend. I have off all weekend and am taking the familyup to my mom's house in San Antonio. She has a pool and we are going to play in the pool and do nothing all weekend...except for me. I am bringing my bike along because riding around the hill country is awesome, and an awesome workout.

    So...took an advancement testy this past week for work. Got the results back. They could have been better, but since the scoring is all subjective, I will have to wait to figure out where I am on the advancement list. Wish me luck!! Gotta go, but I hope y'all all can stay motivated for the week. Tomorrow are weigh ins, right? Not really looking forward to it, but we'll see.

  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I flaked today and almost forgot my daughter's Dr. appointment (and therefore ended up eating crap for dinner since I was on the run). She's still in the 99th percentile for weight and 98th percentile for her height. Sometimes I feel guilty; like her size is my fault for not being healthier while I was pregnant. Then I look at my 6'3", 230 pound husband and his whole gigantic family and feel a slight bit of comfort.

    Rach - Your life sounds a lot like mine when I was your age. It's kind of freaky! The longest period of time I have been single since I was 14 is 6 months and a grand total of 8 months of being single. Though, your split sounds much more amicable than mine was with my ex. You ever need to vent, I'm here for ya!

    Bryce - I've been wondering where you were! Glad to see you back and quite impressed by your dedication to riding your bike. Have fun in San Antonio and do some swimming for me! No one is getting me in a bathing suit this year so I have to live vicariously through others. :smile:

    See the rest of you in the morning with our weigh in! :flowerforyou:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    So I think I am finally on the tail end of this horrible cold that has taken its toll on my whole family. After spending all week in seperate Doctor offices for each of us, and now that we are all on antibotics it seems to finally be on the way out.

    I went back to working out today and had a great workout for it being the first one in a week. Hopefully tomorrow's weigh in won't be too bad, i have been trying to watch what i eat sort of, it is all that TOM. I did have a great day though. Went into a store that was having a clearance sale and bought some size 16 pants thinking i will eventually fit into them. Guess what i fit in them and can actually close them. Haven't been in that size since High School. It is a great feeling.

    Rach- Things will get better and it is nice knowing that you have a plan in place. That makes it go a little smoother.

    Good job everyone on keeping up with everything. I didn't get to do the fitness goal this time because of the darn cold, but would love ideas for this week.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I am just taking it easy. My fiance gave me his terrible cold that he had. I have been laying on the couch for two days blowing my nose. :grumble:

    Hope everyone is well.

    :heart: J
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I am just taking it easy. My fiance gave me his terrible cold that he had. I have been laying on the couch for two days blowing my nose. :grumble:

    Hope everyone is well.

    :heart: J

    Ugh I'm still getting over mine! Hope you feel better!! :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I allowed myself to give into some cravings today and eat some crap, but I stayed in my calories. Things at the apartment are getting a little awkward now, because I'm waiting until this weekend to move everything at once. I did one last grocery trip tonight and stocked up on a lot of stuff for him, and I'm going to pay half of June's rent as well. I don't feel like it's fair for me to march out and leave all the bills on him, so I'm trying to help him a little so that he has time to make money for the next full month, or maybe put a little aside in case he has a rough week.

    I think I'm going to ask my boss if I can have Friday off. It's already a 3day weekend so it'd be nice to have another day so I can run errands like returning license plates and things like that. I'm definitely down this week though, so there's something positive! :laugh:
  • chickadee10
    chickadee10 Posts: 350
    I'm finally out of school. Now I can exercise hardcore. And log in all my food and exercising I do.

    Does Hip Hope Abs work?
  • becbec71
    becbec71 Posts: 136
    Wow we are all sick huh? I went to the dr's yesterday and I have a massive sinus infection. meds for me and am hoping to be feeling better soon. It is one heck of an energy zapper! I have stayed within my calories though even though I wasnt up to working out.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I'm not sick, thank god, I just haven't posted here in a while. When you're sick you usually lose weight, so I guess that's a perk.:tongue: Actually, that's not a healthy way to lose weight:grumble:

    I have been upping my water intake still. My friends are like, "is that water bottle attached to your arm or something??????":laugh:
  • dawn717
    dawn717 Posts: 89 Member
    I am glad we have started the new challenge and am sorry I didn't check in on week one. This has motivated me though to get going agian. It is so easy to slack off. It is also so easy to blame it all on the stress. I have a son graduating in a couple of weeks and that creates a huge amount of stress even though it is a good thing. Company is coming from out of town so I have to get the house all ready on top of everything else. It is also an extremely busy time of year at my job. Lots of meetings thrown in too so its hard to get my "regular" work done.
    The good news is I am down a pound.
    Looking forward to the rest of the results.
    Go Blue!!:drinker:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Good morning Blues! I hope everyone is doing well on this "Weigh in Wednesday". I am down 1.2 from last week, so I am satisfied with that. Especially since the week has been so hectic and I haven't had too uch time to work out.

    I am sorry that everyone is sick. I know it sucks to not feel well, but I hope y'all get better.

    I hope y'all have a great day. Good luck w/ weigh ins.
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    She's still in the 99th percentile for weight and 98th percentile for her height. Sometimes I feel guilty; like her size is my fault for not being healthier while I was pregnant. Then I look at my 6'3", 230 pound husband and his whole gigantic family and feel a slight bit of comfort.

    I would not worry about this. My son was off the charts for both his height and weight until he was about 4 yo. Then he shot up and slimmed down. Now he looks lie one little muscle. If your family was like mine, 25-30 years ago, we never worried about what we ate. We cleaned our plates because dad said so and we had desert every night and tried to have as many snacks as possible. We didn't know any better. The difference is that NOW we know better, and we can teach our children better. Of course our parents taught us that fruits and veggies were good for us and that candy rots your teeth. Then we proceeded to go out for virtually every dinner and hit as many buffets as possible. I didn't know any better. I just knew that I loved to eat. this has been the hardest habbit to break...overeating. I still struggle with it and I probably always will. It's ok, but I know that as many things as I will potentially teach him, overeating is not one of them.

    You will do the same with your daughter. Teach her how to eat healthy and to enjoy the healthy foods, and that sweets are a special treat, but don't STRESS about it. The last thing you need is a teenager with a weight complex... Remember, too that much of our body build is genetics and some our bodies are more comfortable being at a little higher body fat content, but that doesn't mean that we have to accept it. That's why we are here working so hard. The fact that you are aready watching yourself will only provide a better example for your daughter. This makes you a good mommy.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    :sick: Too many sick Blues - everyone GET BETTER!!!! :drinker:

    Today is weigh in day ..... Have a Happy Healty Day
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    My weight today is 206.8.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    My weight today is 206.8.

    vickim26 - did you also send RachVR6 a message....
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My weight today is 206.8.

    vickim26 - did you also send RachVR6 a message....

    I got it :wink: