married and lonely, ok maybe that's TMI but..

I am so lonely and feel like a single mother. I am just simply not happy, haven't been happy in many years with him... he knows.

I know, why not get divorced.. well, I want to but my life right now and the situation I'm in really makes me feel stuck. He refuses to talk about it altogether.

I know this probably isn't the best place to post this stuff, but I figured what the heck, maybe there's someone else in a similar situation who can relate. I found SO much support and motivation this far on my weight loss from so many people here... it's crazy... so who knows, maybe there's someone else who understands this subject also.


  • lynn7298
    lynn7298 Posts: 18
    Have you thought about couples counseling? Or are you past the point of wanting to make it work? In the long run, you have to do what is right for you and makes you happy. I hope things work out for you!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I can totally relate. I have spent 21 years with my spouse, the last 10 years have been very difficult, but the last 5 I have withdrawn from the marriage emotionally. I cannot imagine my life 5 years or 10 years down the line feeling like I do now. The only reason I haven't been able to do anything so far is financial. I am the breadwinner and would have to keep the house, which is fine. But we do have credit card debt and I can't afford to take all of that on along with the house and my car payment plus everything else. He can't afford to take any of the credit card debt if he has to pay rent somewhere. So I am trying to figure everything out. When I do, I will get separated from him.
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    Do what it takes to make you happy!!!!! This is YOUR life, live it.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Really wouldn't have posted this on here, these posts always end up in massive arguments, and that won't help your situation :flowerforyou:
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Well since we're already having this conversation, you might as well dish out the reasons for not being happy, for feeling trapped and previous talks that didn't go so well. Just browsing your profile, you have two special needs children in the mix, do you feel like you couldn't take care of them alone or something else going on?
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    Hey, I've never been married, so you may not want my opinion, but I have had parents and grandparents, friends and siblings with spouses, and (especially in reference to my grandparents who were married ('til death do they part) for fifty years) I know one thing for a fact: the bigger the hurdle you overcome, the bigger the reward.

    I like what Lynn said. Get counseling. Get help. Talk to friends, professionals. Stage an intervention. Drag his *kitten* to church. Whatever. Just fight! FIGHT FOR THIS.

    Wedding vows are no joke. Standing at the altar means standing up for something. Fight for him for the next 10 years, and if you still want a divorce after that, who am I to tell you otherwise? But I assure you that won't be the case.

    You will find a kind of love and connection like you've never known. This marriage can, and will be, brand new.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I would also suggest some counseling if you are both willing. That said, we as humans place too much stock in expecting others to make us happy. It is nearly impossible for this to happen because most of us (including myself) fail to communicate our needs in a way that anyone other than us can understand! Obviously I don't know what you have or haven't told him, but I am slowly learning that if I have an expectation of my husband I have to carefully explain it. That doesn't mean he'll agree with it nor meet the expectation, but I know that he knows what I have in mind. At least then I don't have to sit around making myself crazy with thoughts of why he isn't doing certain things that would make me really happy!! Good luck to you!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Only you will know when the time is right. I stayed married for 19 years "for the kids" until one day I realized that my children learn by example and I did not want them to think that our marriage was the "norm". Yes it was VERY difficult emotionally, financially, and every other way you can think of but 9 years later I have NEVER been happier.
    I was told by a close friend "I am tired of hearing you whine about it. If it is that bad, get out, otherwise shut up already." Kinda blunt but I guess I really needed to hear that and the rest is history.
    Good luck with whatever you decide.
    Like I tell my kids "You only get one life. This is not a dress rehearsal, so live it the way YOU want."
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Find what makes you strong.
    About a couple years ago, I was with someone I was not happy with at all but unfortunately, he had put me in a place where I was isolated and lonely. It sucked. I wanted to get out, but he was the only one I could depend on being there but he was very emotionally abusive and manipulative.

    But one day, I realized enough was enough, I started working out every day, establishing routines, eating better, sleeping better...everything. Living a healthier lifestyle led me to doing things where I felt comfortable on my own. When I was on my own then I started reaching out to old friends. These friends in return wanted to see me happy and supported me. I felt strong and confident, and I knew if I failed, I could pick myself back up again because I knew I had potential and strength. After that, I left him and I've been better ever since. I'm in a relationship with my best friend from high school and although life may be ****ty, I'm with someone whom I love very much and who supports me.

    Sometimes life just folds all together when you make certain decisions. But you have to find the strength within yourself to come to a place where you can make that decision. Best of luck to you<3
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    I so can relate...My husband and I are separated right now....
    We do not have children which makes it much easier....I wish you the best :flowerforyou:

    This has been the hardest time of my life... ((hugs))
  • Karalopolous
    I would go to counseling, couples and or otherwise. Marriage is always gonna have it's sucky parts for good or bad marriages. See if he's up for it. You may be really suprised. Start there and don't look too far down the road, you'll be more upset than you need to be.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm so sorry you're going through that. I've been there too. In my case, I took the very drastic step of moving out to get my husband to notice how unhappy I was. We lived apart for 2.5 years. During that time, we went to couples counseling and both actively worked to improve our relationship. We moved back in together 2 years ago, and will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary in September.

    Ultimately, I guess you have to figure out if you are both committed to making the relationship work and what kinds of sacrifices you are willing to make, whether you decide to stay or leave. Sorting it out can be a difficult, frustrating process. Good luck to you, and I wish you the best.
  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    I was that way also after 12 years of being married. The last 2 years were the awful, we worked on it but as we both deceided we were more like roomates then husband and wife. Everybody needs that loving feeling and we did not have it. There were alot more issues like,money, trust and so on but in the long run we were not happy

    I was so scared................I moved out because I could not afford the house and the bills It took awhile for my daughter to adjust (she was 10 at the time) but she is doing great now.

    I have been divorced for almost 2 years and have a great boyfriend and the ex and I are the best of friends. We tell everybody we still have a kid to raise and that is the most important thing to us.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Single and never married so take that into consideration.
    You will have those who tell you to stick it out at all costs or for the kids,if you can find love and happiness then by all means.
    If it is gone then do not,I grew up in a loveless home and is not what I would wish on anyone.
    If somehow you do manage to hide it until they are grown then out of nowhere they will find the life they thought they knew was a lie.

    You and they both deserve the truth.
  • confuzzledwife
    Have you thought about couples counseling? Or are you past the point of wanting to make it work? In the long run, you have to do what is right for you and makes you happy. I hope things work out for you!

    Yes actually we've gone to 2 different counselors. The first was a woman, and she tried talking to him about his "issues", we left there and he said "obviously she's siding with you, she's a woman", so, I told him to pick whomever he liked.. he picked a male, the male counselor pretty much said the same thing the female counselor did, my husband said "it's obvious he wants to have sex with you and that's why he sided with you". He's just so irrational - it's really past the point of no return
  • confuzzledwife
    I can totally relate. I have spent 21 years with my spouse, the last 10 years have been very difficult, but the last 5 I have withdrawn from the marriage emotionally. I cannot imagine my life 5 years or 10 years down the line feeling like I do now. The only reason I haven't been able to do anything so far is financial. I am the breadwinner and would have to keep the house, which is fine. But we do have credit card debt and I can't afford to take all of that on along with the house and my car payment plus everything else. He can't afford to take any of the credit card debt if he has to pay rent somewhere. So I am trying to figure everything out. When I do, I will get separated from him.

    I'm so sorry the situation you're in and I can totally relate to it... I hope things work out and you can figure a way out and find happiness!! We all deserve it!
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    For all of you ladies in the same boat, feel free to friend me & we can discuss amongst ourselves if you'd like!
  • megansoriano
    I use to have a jerky husband who did not want to talk or work things out. USE TO. I think marriage is suppose to be mutual in all aspects of the relationship. That one sided crap is pointless.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I totally understand.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I so can relate...My husband and I are separated right now....
    We do not have children which makes it much easier....I wish you the best :flowerforyou:

    This has been the hardest time of my life... ((hugs))

    Same here,

    We tried to stick with it for too long. Now that we are separate we are each doing better. Each situation and everyone is different. I won't give advice because I didn't do such a good job myself, but I will lend you an ear. This may not be the best place for this but you know, support is support no matter where it comes from if it even helps just a little.