I do not like to cook. Do You know of any healthy meals that



  • mollyjackson82
    We have a few places in my city (My Fit Foods, Balance Healthy Meals, Real Meals 365, etc.) that you can walk into and purchase pre-made healthy meals to go. You may want to Google "healthy meals to go" for your area and check out what's available.

    wish they had this in Madison!!!! I love Chipotle burritto bowls. Try to stay away from prepared boxed meals...so high in sodium. Once in a while is fine but daily and multiple meals a day is horrible. It is however a great place to start and branch out from there. getting a george forman is easy and quick and you can do a chciken breast on there and some steamed veggies (steamer bags in microwave!!!) without kitchen talent or like to cook becuase it is quick and easy!!!!~
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    I can never eat enough calories in a day. I get full fast.