30 Day Shred Challenge check in 5/15



  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Well, shoot. Wanted to take one day off & ended up taking 2 or 3 off LOL. I won't have time, this morning, to shred, but really *want* to this afternoon after my errands are done.... yes, that's right... I said WANT! hehe This thread sure got quiet. I hope that doesn't mean ya'll quit!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    (yike-a-roo by the way)

    :laugh: yike-a-roo........ :laugh:
  • sdwillis35
    sdwillis35 Posts: 40
    Hey everyone! Haven't done my shred yet today. I have been doing Tae Bo in the mornings walking in the afternoons and the shred in the evening.

    I have a question and would appreciate suggestions.

    I'm leaving for a two week vacation in Florida. Not sure if I'll have access for the shred so was hoping for suggestions for exercise. I'll have access to a pool and the ocean which is obvious, but what else should I do. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    sdwillis-Will you be staying at a place that has a gym? Hotels usually have a workout room and as long as you are doing some cardio you should be fine till you get back. Otherwise, doing a lot of walking would be great as well. Maybe walk after each meal or one big long walk after dinner each night. Then before bed you can do crunches. Hope this helps.

    I missed two days of shredding this weekend. I am doing it later on today but as soon as I take two days off it makes such a difference. And yesterday was my first cheat day in the past month and I am paying the price. I was at a picnic and had a hamburger and hot dog and potato salad. I woke up so bloated and my stomach hurts. My body was so used to the healthy eating. Now I feel like it was not worth it. I think I needed to learn that lesson. I am back on plan today and can't wait for the bloating to go down. I had a big weight loss last week but you would never know if you saw my belly today.

  • sdwillis35
    sdwillis35 Posts: 40
    I'm staying with family so there's definitely no gym, but I'll do the walking and crunches before bed thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Hey everyone! Haven't done my shred yet today. I have been doing Tae Bo in the mornings walking in the afternoons and the shred in the evening.

    I have a question and would appreciate suggestions.

    I'm leaving for a two week vacation in Florida. Not sure if I'll have access for the shred so was hoping for suggestions for exercise. I'll have access to a pool and the ocean which is obvious, but what else should I do. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!

    Write down your favorite exercises from your favorite DVD's (like shred) and do them in the room before you shower in the morning... get it knocked out, then don't stress the rest of the day. Plus, if you're like me, you'll be walking tons more on vacation anyway, so that counts for something too!
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    did the shred today. Didn't feel as bad for the first time since I am doing it. It felt a little easier. I thought that would never happen. Week two is definitely a lot better. Next week I will probably move on to the next phase. How scary.

    How is everyone else doing? It's been slow here lately. Let's keep up the motivation girls!!!:smile:

  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    OMGoodness....I am so sorry I haven't been doing anything but helping my neighbors/friends pack and move for the past few day. It's really sad as a military spouse to see someone you have come to love move away...I'm sure our paths will cross again, and I hope we will all keep in touch. I've been trying to spend as much time as I can with her and her family so I've been slacking really bad on my workouts...unfornately they leave tomorrow...I'm sure I'll get back on track soon, but right now I'm really depressed about my friends leaving. I haven't even checked my weight...I'll get back on it I promise!!
  • rachlong33
    rachlong33 Posts: 13
    Well my leg is feeling better so monday night I did the shred and yesterday I walked down my driveway which is about a mile and this morning My friend and I walked/ jogged around Lake Morey which is 5.5 miles. :drinker: Im a little sore right now but really could just use a nap because I had to get up at 4:30 to make sure it was done and had time to shower before work. So what I'm going to do now is rotate the lake with the shred everother day.:bigsmile:
  • sdwillis35
    sdwillis35 Posts: 40
    Did my 3rd day of level two today. It isn't too bad! I'll be checking in tomorrow because I'm leaving for Florida early Friday morning. Not sure when I'll be checking back in, so I'll let you know when I'm able too! Hopefully being away from home will not put me off track too much! Wish me luck!! Good Luck to all of you!!
  • rachlong33
    rachlong33 Posts: 13
    Were did everyone goooo???????:cry: Is everyone still in this????? Everyone started off commenting all the time and not very many have been posted this week..
    Just wondering if we are still going to post our measurements today????
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Were did everyone goooo???????:cry: Is everyone still in this????? Everyone started off commenting all the time and not very many have been posted this week..
    Just wondering if we are still going to post our measurements today????

    We're posting under the shredders ... unless this is a different group doing the same thing?
  • rachlong33
    rachlong33 Posts: 13
    Well I'm bad at this, I just looked for the shredders and couldn't find it so I don't know what to do!!!:ohwell: But heres my measurements just for the hell of it

    Weight- 190
    Bust- 41
    Abdoman- 39.5
    Hips- 42.5
    Thigh- 23.5
    Arm- 13
  • cootie
    cootie Posts: 4
    I started the Shred after reading how much everyone loved it. I started it on 7/8/09 and had my friend take my measurements for me. I have them written down at home. It is really intense, you guys weren't kidding there! I have exercise induced asthma so that makes it even harder for me to do this, but so far I've done it everyday since Wednesday except Friday! I'm planning on doing it every day and am hoping for great results. I tried on my wedding dress on Saturday for my Oct wedding and it was a too tight!
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    It's been a while for me...but as you can see from some of my previous post...I was doing the Shred a few months ago, but got side tracked with school and other things that I could talk myself into doing besides the Shred. However, I'm up for trying again. My husband is in the Army and is going to some school during the month of Nov...and I'd really like to surprise him when he gets back. 30 day shred should be perfect. I do walk my dogs daily...and I just did the initial tests on the hundredpushups.com, twohundredsquats.com, and twohundredsitup.com...I really really need to tone up and drop about 20lbs...with him being gone it should be easy to watch my diet. We do have kids but they will eat with the heck I cook or strave! LOL I'm a stay-at-home-mom and a fulltime student. All kids are school age, and I have most of the day to myself...no excuses this time. I'm only taking 2 classes this term...I'm 179lb and 5'8...

    Anyone want to join me? I'm starting over with Level 1. I'm going to have to wait until this afternoon to get it done, my husband is home at the moment, just returned from a Dr's appt for his school physical and I don't want him to know I'm doing it. LOL We haven't been getting alone very good lately, I'd just like to make him proud. He's very physically fit and is getting ready to take over as the NCOIC for the Army's combative school on our post. I'm very proud of him....but enough about him!! Let's talk about getting motivated!! Who is with me??!!!

    Toni D