When do you weigh?



  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153
    Everyday in the morning, just to remind myself to watch what I put into my mouth.

    This is exactly why I do it everyday! It works both ways, if I don't lose anything it's motivation and if I do lose some I want to keep it going!!!
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    Every 5 days ... first thing in the morning. Pretty much same routine as others have mentioned - get up, go to bathroom, strip :blushing: weigh, shower ...
  • TS143
    TS143 Posts: 5
    You're not the only one! Haha
  • jlt1968
    jlt1968 Posts: 77 Member
    2 times a week. On thursday I weigh in with one of the trainers we have in the fitness center at work. That weigh in is in street clothes shoes off and pockets empty, he also checks blood pressure and BMI. This is when I record my loss on mfp. Then again on Sunday first thing in the morning underware only this weigh in is recorded at home. Right now I have a total loss of 24 lbs. and started this journey the begining of February.
  • DBlythe50
    DBlythe50 Posts: 18
    We are doing this as a family and it was easier for us to gather together on Sunday in the morning before breakfast. We weigh in at 7 am every Sunday and record or weight on a white board with the date. We started on January 1st and have faithfully recorder every week.
  • smurvine
    smurvine Posts: 7
    I only weight in once a week - every Saturday morning before eating or drinking anything.
  • Seahawk27
    Seahawk27 Posts: 72
    I weigh everyday, but I only record it once/week on Tuesday mornings.
  • Bergiere
    Bergiere Posts: 39 Member
    I weigh-in at WW every Thursday and use that number here at MFP. I also unofficially weigh-in in everday after I get up. A lot of sources say you shouldn't do it everyday, but I think it helps keep me on track. :glasses:
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I only weigh once a week, always in the morning after I use the bathroom, before I eat or drink anything, usually on a Thursday.

    I'm curious as to what everyone else does...?

    This, actually. Heh. But just this week I found myself being more obsessive about the scale than I have ever been before-- I'm not someone who wants to be "skinny", and being sane about scales has always come easy to me-- so I'm intentionally not weighing in this week. It was driving me crazy. I'm not going to start caring too much about a number.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Lately it has been way too much! Every time I am home and I go into my washroom I see the scale and hop on! It kind of helps me see how my body weight can fluctuate throughout the day.

    That being said, sometimes it can be quite depressing...haha
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    I usually weigh in a couple of time as week - once on Monday as my accountability check for the weekend and once on Thursday morning just before an abs class I like.