scariest movie you've ever seen?



  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    It and The Shining -- the made-for-TV one, not the Jack Nicholson version.

    Stephen King always causes nightmares so I avoid him now.

    I have this on it about once a year..great mini-series.

    Try watching "Audition" sometime......creepy...
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member
    fire in the sky..

    its an alien abduction movie.. i was like this aint bad.. then at end it pops up based on true story.. i mean i can watch it now.. but as a kid i was terrified..
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    fire in the sky..

    its an alien abduction movie.. i was like this aint bad.. then at end it pops up based on true story.. i mean i can watch it now.. but as a kid i was terrified..

    This is actually the only movie that scared me as a kid
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I watched EVIL DEAD when I was 13 or so. All night after in bed I thought I would get possessed by morning...and not in a good way!

    i watched EVIL DEAD on tv when i was 11 yrs with my brothers and sisters, and on the part when the mom comes out of the basement, my sisters and I screamed and ran out the back door. nobody wanted to go back in the house to turn the tv off!

    for me the scariest movie of all time is the exorcist! even reading the book still creeps me out!
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    the exorcism of emily rose. watched alone during a thunder storm cause i was feeling tough. mistake.

    when i was younger jeepers creepers scared the shizzle out of me, i didnt sleep for weeks. watched it the other day though and its awfully bad! lol

    I thought this movie was a lot scarier in theaters with the sound effects and such.
  • twensky
    twensky Posts: 1
    The only one is ... Last Crusade i was soo scared when i was a kid :noway:
  • shazzannon
    shazzannon Posts: 117 Member
    It's not an actual movie (more like a serial), but there's a channel on youtube called marblehornets. It's a multi-entry non-linear story (I think they're up to 53 entries now) and it is absolutely brilliant. It's told documentary style (like Paranormal Activity). Google slender man to find out more.

    These seriously freak me out to the point where I will uncontrollably SPRINT to my room from the bathroom after watching one ( I cannot force myself to walk no matter how hard I try), especially at night. It's the kind of thing that makes me hate corners I can't see around and avoid mirrors lest I see the Operator in the room behind me :laugh:
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    [Rec] made me jump out of my seat

    That scared me, the second time I watched it I found I had to cover my eyes ate one point.

    The Thai film "Shutter" scared me the first time I watched it, anything good to do with ghosts scares me, although it usually has to be Asian (I know that's a huge continent but there are several countries that make good films) horror.

    When I was younger the TV drama "Ghost Watch" scared me but mainly because it was done as a kind of mock real live show, it was clear by the credits at the end though, although some people believed it to be real.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    Twilight. Because it's scary how bad it is.

    But as a "regular horror movie" uhmm...none really...There are good suspense movies like Ring or Dog Soldiers, but no scary ones.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    I f'ing hate clowns. I "hovered" over the toilet for months after that movie.
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    The Shining. Maybe because I watched it when I was about 10 years old... That's the last time a movie truly scared me.
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I looooooove scary movies. The more Ut scares me the better. The Grudge scares me the most. Every time I try to watch it alone I never make it through the entire movie before turning
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    My big brothers let me watch the original black white version of Night of the Living Dead when I was SEVEN I have never gotten over, love the Walking Dead series though...
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    Hostel, I wanna see the new film, the devil inside... that looks really scary!
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    The original Night of the Living Dead scared me a lot as a kid. My favorite is the first Halloween, though. no matter how many times I see it, it still makes me jump. I think it's the fact that he just WALKS the whole time and never actually chases Jamie Lee. Sooo creepy.

    I haven't seen any of the paranormal activity ones, but now I'm thinking that I might have to rent them. :) I love horror movies in general - but the psychological ones more than just the gross-out ones.
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    oh and i can't wait IT or Chucky! Creepy things!