Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    The first thing I do when I get on here is go straight to "community" and the "my topics" just to see if anyone posted on the boards I'm on :tongue: I just got into making a habit of it.

    It's raining, again. I think it's going on 3 weeks of rain now. We get some sort of rain every day it seems. From little sprinkles to full down pours with thunder and lightning. I don't know what's up this year! At least we're getting rain tho, and it's good it's not a crazy amount. Is everyone else getting a lot of rain too?

    Last day of pulling doubles at work! Yesssssssss! lol Monday I WILL get back to working out more than just the 30 day shred. I know the 30 day shred is a good workout each day, but I can def tell a difference with less exercise. I'm tired, no energy during the day and my back and knees seem to hurt more. Go figure.

    I hope everyone enjoys the last day of their weekend!

    Happy Father's day :tongue:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Hi girls,
    Rachel-fitgal, I'll call you Rach if that works for you? and Yes I was talking to you in my last post. I know it does get confussing :laugh: but all these names are keeping me on my toes for my own personal memory game. I've done really well so far.:wink:

    Jenna- I'm so happy to hear your survived your long week and will be back to normal. all that extra work can really wear you out. getting back to your normal routine will help. I was just watching the news and are you getting hot temps with all that rain you have? I wish we could get some rain. San Diego only gets about 4in a year and we are below about 2in. already this year. we will not see rain here until probably next Oct-Nov. It has been overcast and cool though, that is about to end also, the summer weather will kick in and we will be sunny and warm from here on out. we had a day last week that cleared up and wasn't cloudy and I got out there and got a nasty little sunburn. I couldn't wog on Fri. because of it. but i'm feeling better now, just a little itchy.

    Rachel6901- I'll just call you Rachel.... I am really bad about remembering to send a personnal message, but if you check in everyday, we are always talking throughout the day. we will give you all the encouragement you need. and for today......... get out there girls :laugh:
    wog, wog, wog,..:laugh:
    you can do it !!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    Hi Abby, I will try to remember your name, and I hope we hear from you more. just jump in and tell us your story.

    Well, you all have a great day, remember your DADDY"S... they are the best men on this earth...
    My dad has always been the most amazing man in my life, stable, loving, strong, always there for me. I can't express how much I love him. He just turned 71 last week and he doesn't look or act any older than he did 25 yrs ago. He still works, he's a Truck Driver, he helps my mom around the house, and he can fix ANYTHING.... He is the measure of a true man, and I finally found, in my husband, a man that can measure up to my dad. My hubby is the best daddy to his girls. they are so lucky to have him. I feel so blessed these last few yrs. I never would have imagined my life would be so great as it is right now.
    I just wanted to share a bit about the men in my life and give them the accolades they deserve. tell me about your dads' or hubby's.

    :drinker: let's give the greatest men around a little praise today.:flowerforyou:

    have a great day girls....
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Ok, so I have made myself check on here first and then I just need to go remember to record my food so far today!!! I have a goal for the week because I have not been doing the exercise I would like to be doing. I need to get up every morning at 7, ride my stationary bike for 15 minutes to warm up my knees/legs, then go wogging for my 2 mile route with my dog. I need to do this at this time so my husband will still be home in case my son wakes up and needs anything. It has been so difficult since I have enjoyed having the summer off!!! I am used to getting up at 5:30 to get ready to work, so you would think it would not be that difficult!!! :-) Anyway, I am going to do that at least 4 days this week, that is my goal anyway. I know I will feel better, now I just have to get up off my lazy butt!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    that sounds like a great plan.
    just keep thinking it and you will acomplish it..

    I have such a hard time getting up early to do this stuff, but I'll be back to that schedual in the Fall. it's summertime now and i get to enjoy a bit of sleeping in, " to some degree with a 3yr old."

    I am not wogging today, unless i find time tonight, me and the hubby are going out to do a bit of shopping today, got a sitter for the girls and we are gone.......:bigsmile: :laugh:

    I always love time for just the two of us. it's only for a couple hours .but we always have a great time.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Wogged for about a half hour tonight...more running/jogging than walking. I thought it'd make me feel better since i haven't been wogging much...but I feel like poo. Do you guys ever get a pain/ache in your shoulders when you run?? Is that weird?
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    I sometimes do when I am running/jogging. Mine is towards the front of my shoulders and it feels like I need to pull my shoulders back to straighten it out and stretch it. No idea what it is from, just assumed it had something to do with the movements I used.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    ok, yea, I get the pain/aches in the front of my shoulders too. I thought maybe I was just running funny or something lol but I'm glad I'm not the only one then. I guess I'll do some research tomorrow on the topic, but for now, I'm off to bed. I'm soooo sleepy!

    Hope everyone had a great night! :flowerforyou:
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Wogged for about a half hour tonight...more running/jogging than walking. I thought it'd make me feel better since i haven't been wogging much...but I feel like poo. Do you guys ever get a pain/ache in your shoulders when you run?? Is that weird?

    My shoulders sometimes get sore feeling when I run. I tend to stiffen my shoulders/upper body when I run and I think it may be coming from that.

    I stretch my shoulders and upper body along with my legs when I'm done wogging. That seems to help. :smile:

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  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, I've been away from MPF for 4 or 5 days again. I'm so behind on my wogging. I haven't been to the gym since Wednesday, and even then I only managed to do 15 minutes.

    My husband was away for the weekend so that we could have some time apart to think about things. We talked yesterday, and we've decided to end our marriage. It's a bummer, but it is what it is, and at least it will be amicable.

    I've been so stressed over this for the last few months. It feels really good to have it out in the open now. We can both finally start to move forward. The next couple of months won't exactly be pleasant, but it's good to know that we're making the right decision and I'm glad he's being so cooperative about everything.

    I'm hoping that now that everything is out there in the open, I can start to get back to my routine. I've been feeling so sluggish and lazy. I need to get back some motivation!

  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Well, I've been away from MPF for 4 or 5 days again. I'm so behind on my wogging. I haven't been to the gym since Wednesday, and even then I only managed to do 15 minutes.

    My husband was away for the weekend so that we could have some time apart to think about things. We talked yesterday, and we've decided to end our marriage. It's a bummer, but it is what it is, and at least it will be amicable.

    I've been so stressed over this for the last few months. It feels really good to have it out in the open now. We can both finally start to move forward. The next couple of months won't exactly be pleasant, but it's good to know that we're making the right decision and I'm glad he's being so cooperative about everything.

    I'm hoping that now that everything is out there in the open, I can start to get back to my routine. I've been feeling so sluggish and lazy. I need to get back some motivation!


    Hope you're okay, Vanessa! That's a big thing to go through, but it sounds like you know you did the right thing. In time you will be able to move on but now you need to get your mind off of it. Exercise can heal the heart.:smile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Do you guys ever get a pain/ache in your shoulders when you run?? Is that weird?

    I get an ache near the side of my stomach when I run for more than 5 minutes. But not in my shoulders. Do you stretch them out before you start to run?
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that Vanessa...my gram always told me 'everything happens for a reason' and it def sounds like you know you're making the right decision. Maybe there's something/someone absolutely wonderful waiting for you in the future and that's def something to look forward to. I hope everything goes well for you. If you need to talk about anything just post on here and we'll be there for you.

    As for the exercising, I think it's ok that you didn't exercise as much this past week. You have a lot of stress going on. Taking a break can be good..but also, exercise might be able to help you as well. I don't know what you're going through, but when I have extremely stressful times I always go workout. It helps me out a ton! I can take my aggression and emotions out on the exercise and I leave the gym feeling that much better. Of course it's not going to help completely, but every little bit of help is worth it.

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Yea, I try stretching it before/after I run, but it doesn't ever seem to help. Maybe I'm not doing it right? I have no idea lol
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Well, I wogged for a whole 13 mins this morning lol I thought I'd get in some wogging before work...even if it was only 13 mins...that'll still help in the long run :tongue:

    Hope everyone has a great monday!
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!!
    Just got back from a 40 minute wog! Was originally planning on wogging for an hour but it was soooo hot out! :noway: Hate running in the sweltering heat! And it's been rainy here lately so it's humid too. I'm from CO though, so it could be 1% humidity and I would think it was horrible! :tongue:
    But I'm doing the 30 Day Shred tonight so that will make up for the lost time during wogging! :smile:


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Morning girls,
    Well, I'm gone for 1 day and all kinds of things go on.
    Vanessa, I'm so sorry to hear your sad situation. I know how hard a divorce can be. I agree with Jenna's gram....I also am a true believer that things happen for a reason. My life is proof of that.. so be strong and have faith and you will recover and move on and find better days ahead. good luck.

    stretching will help the back/shoulder pains...before and after. I get them sometimes too. and the side pains, are called"stitches" if you drink too much water before or during your workout, or you eat to much-to soon before your workout, the "stitches" happen. slowing down/stopping is the only cure for them. just watch how much and long before you exercise what you eat and drink.
    only eat a small amount, and no less than 1hour before your workout.... that will fix that....

    well, for my exercise this weekend.... Sat was good-Sun was bad..... we just walked around shopping for the day, but I ate at McDonalds and had a nonfat mocha for lunch, and then a chicken and rice dinner. so I went way over my cals for the day... But as always, I'll work my tail off for the rest of the week to try and get back to where I was on Sat. It is a never ending battle of back and forth with 3 pounds. It would be nice If I could stop sabatoging myself every weekend and focus on the big picture. I only have 5 weeks till my vacation and I want to lose this last 5 pounds.

    well, I hopoe you all have a good day today, I'll check in later.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    well, hi again,
    I guess it's just me today?
    Hello out there...:huh: :laugh:
    was there a natural disaster somewhere that I don't know about?I hope not!!!:noway:
    where is everyone? :sad:
    I guess I'll just go on alone....:indifferent:
    I just wogged for today and did great. 65 min. I did run the 5k for the second time...faster today then last week ,I shaved almost 2 min's off my time for a total of 30:57.min.
    As I was running I thought of a good challenge for this week. If your interested?
    If you treadmil......say you know you can run 1/2mile" .50 "at a pace of 5.5?
    slow your speed down to like 5.2 and add .25 to your distance..... if that is easy enough then add the other .25 to your distance.
    In the end you could run 1mile for the first time.
    and If you can already run a mile, add another half mile to your time.....and so on....
    you see this challenge is to up your distance just this one time, see how far you can push yourself.
    just slow your speed down a bit and it will help you get the distance. you can always increase your speed later. this really has worked for me.
    It proves to myself that I can do it and then I push farther the next time.
    But, be sure your really feeling good,and stretch well before and after, and evaluate how your feeling at every 30 sec. if you have too, but just push on and try to make it to that 1 mile, or 1.5 mile, or for some of you 2 or 3 mile.

    I just wanted to see what you all could do this week. let me know how it turns out.

    I'lll be checking in later today so let me know what you all think?
    see ya Kim
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    I have been out of the loop for quite awhile. This Saturday was the first I exercised since 6/2/09, pretty pathetic!

    But I have stayed on program today and I wogged. I did the second level of Couch25K (2 min walk, 90 sec jog). It was the first I've done that level and like I said, have not been exercising so it was kind of rough. My HRM flashed at me most of the time cuz I was over my max heart rate. But I did it! And I didn't go as fast as I think is expected for that program. But as long as I am working toward my goal, it's good!

    I am hoping to do a 4 mile walk/run in September.
  • Woggers still open for new members?
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Billielover of course we're open to new members! Welcome to our woggers team :happy:

    Wow do I have shin splints lol I even stretched before and after. I think I need a new pair of shooooooes! What kind of shoes do you ladies have?
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