Anyone interested in a Wii Active Challenge?



  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    7/1 workout 10 - 356 kcals

    SW 300.0
    CW 296.0

    4 lbs this week! i didn't do any more ea active this week. but friday and saturday I did the lawn work, walked the dogs, swam, and even started a "couch to 5k" program. i think i have bad shoes, though, because i got massive bleeding blisters on my heels and pretty much didn't workout the rest of the week. But I'm still happy with the results.
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I am currently doing the 30 day challenge on the Active. I forgot what day I am on but if I get on it again tonight after my softball game I will let ya'll know!

    Thanks Fausttt for sharing the thread!!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I took yesterday as a rest day from the Wii Active...I had softball and didn't get home until 11. I got on it today right when I got home and burned 121 cals in 19:38 (according to the game) and right when I got done with that I took my dog for a walk. I have to feed my aunt and uncle's fish while they're away so I walked him there and fed the fish quick and walked back. 1.33 of a mile :happy: not too bad. My dog doesn't like the road though so I had some stopping to do when cars came by and stuff.

    Hope everyone is have a great work out!