eating breakfast?



  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I alternate each day between porridge, wholemeal toast and today i had hard boiled egg whites and also light cheese on a ryvita
  • I usually gave a plain rice cake with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter...and then about an hour later, I eat an apple.

    And, I always wash it all down with about 32 ounces of water and my daily multi-vitamin.

  • kelleyehope
    kelleyehope Posts: 4 Member
    Organic Oatmeal with apple
  • Two servings of instant oatmeal + scoop of whey protein.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I eat a bowl of Kashi go lean crunch and it keeps me satisfied until lunch. I work with kids I eed the get up and go in the am and never sure when lunch will be.
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    Usually some eggs and fruit or yogurt. But it depends on my mood. I keep cereal, oatmeal, eggs, and fruit around all the time for breakfast.
  • Linzer3
    Linzer3 Posts: 15
    Whole grain Eggo waffle with peanut butter... Oat Revolution oatmeal.....Smart ones egg sandwich... sometimes Rye toast.... I like variation! Breakfast is soooooooo important!
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    I do either a protein smoothie or 2 eggs w/toast. I feel fuller on the smoothie, though.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Many say that it doesn't speed the metabolism but it is a good boost of energy and helps you function more sharply... Fueling your body is what makes it work properly... with that said, I try to have a balance breakfast with will be composed of protein, carbs, and some healthy fat... I would recommend you try having breakfast for a while and notice if the is any difference in you mornings
  • Meeperslove
    Meeperslove Posts: 118 Member
    I will eat some Special K Granola with Non fat milk. I am not a big breakfast fan (hate hate hate eggs)
  • If you're in the habit of skipping breakfast, then you probably would prefer something *portable* or with minimal preparation....

    Try other things like oatmeal, eggs, ect for days off- maybe weekends?

    Toast or light english muffin with natural PB

    plain non fat yogurt (sweetened with Truvia)

    Yogurt smoothies ( can make these up the night before- they'll get thicker)

    Protein powder w/ unsweetened almond milk- (sweetened with Truvia and imitation vanilla extract) ( also make up pm before)

    Light string cheese sticks

    Feel free to peruse people's diaries if they're open- that's where I got ideas from
  • terrirz
    terrirz Posts: 53
    protein shake made with almond milk around 7 am, then I try to eat a "snack" like a boiled egg, packet of oatmeal, dry high fiber cereal, banana, etc around 10. Ive been trying to eat something every 2 to 3 hours so I dont get super hungry. :)
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I have grains every other day so I keep instant oatmeal at my desk. On the non-grain days I bring Greek yogurt. I start with coffee with 1 Truvia packet, 1/2 cup 1% milk, 1 teaspoon homemade chocolate sauce and 1 teaspoon coconut oil. I sip that at work from 8-9 and then make a cup of tea. At 9 or 10 I have my actual breakfast. I'm not hungry until then. I need the coffee to get me going before my stomach feels ready for solid food.
    If you're not avoiding carbs, toast with peanut butter is good and easy. A PBJ is tasty. If you like hard boiled eggs they're easy to make ahead of time and grab on your way out the door. Granola bars are good too. Stonyfield makes yogurt smoothies that I love as a snack or a quick breakfast.
    It doesn't really matter if you eat "breakfast" food. Just eat a little something to get you going in the morning.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Hum, I have my breakfast around lunchtime usually! And it's something meaty mmm

    that sounds like lunch...
  • gayletgreat
    gayletgreat Posts: 8 Member
    Juwacck 68...I am in love with Chobani greek yogurt! Just finishing a tub of the Naturel non fat that I had to add maple syrup to cuz it was too tart.
    My breakfasts need to be simple and planned since I often take them to work. I always make myself a non-fat latte and nurse that during my morning routine and take to work: a home made low cal healthy muffin or some yogurt and fruit and a bit of cereal( like large flaked oatmeal or shredded wheat or a HM breakfast sandwich of Canadian bacon , Kraft single, English muffin or slice of multi grain bread. I love brea:love: kfast!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I have a juicer and I make different juices each morning. I try to do 1/3 vegetables and 2/3 fruit (still not that keen on drinking pure kale lol!) but for vegetables I will throw in any combination of the following: spinach, kale, cucumber, carrots, celery and broccoli. For fruits, any combination of pineapple, fuji apples, d'anjou pears, strawberry, kiwi, mango, papaya, blackberries, blueberries, orange, grapefruit. It's generally at least six items and I always add in ginger root.

    Than depending on what I have at home, I will make a scrambled egg with cheese, or have some sausage for protein.
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    Hum, I have my breakfast around lunchtime usually! And it's something meaty mmm

    that sounds like lunch...

    Wellll then I guess I dont eat breakfast :p
  • mrsgrant
    mrsgrant Posts: 9 Member
    mcdonalds oatmeal is pretty good...wheat toast with peanut butter..peanut butter and jelly on wheat..peanut butter cheerios with
    a banana and 1% milk...sometimes I will have leftovers from the day before, right now im eating a cheeseburger with no bun
    with my coffee and it is yummy! it doesnt have to be breakfast food if it is healthy and gives you energy, in my book..
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I love breakfast & look forward to eating it, LOL.

    I usually have:
    Oatmeal with protein powder & PB2 mixed in


    1 Egg with Egg Whites (from the carton) scrambled with some onion and green, yellow, orange and red bell pepper and 1/2 a grapefruit

    I'll also sometimes have:
    Oatmeal Waffles (I make big batches and freeze them to pop in the toaster in the mornings) with PB on top
    Whole Wheat Pancakes (big batches frozen again) with PB on top
    Plain Greek Yogurt with Chocolate Protein Powder and PB2 mixed in

    I try to get some protein in my breakfasts to keep me full until lunch :)
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Hum, I have my breakfast around lunchtime usually! And it's something meaty mmm

    that sounds like lunch...

    Wellll then I guess I dont eat breakfast :p

    I don't want to preach (but I'm going to ;))

    EAT BREAKFAST!!! you're starving yourself of nutrients