I'm 5'7" and my goal weight is _____________



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    :smile: 132... i think... It will show up on my ticker.. However i would initially like to be in the LOW 40's...

    No offence, hun, but if your profile pictures are up-to-date then you are gorgeous! How on earth do you have 150lbs? You look like being 132lbs already! :glasses:

    tetheredheart, it's like Banks and other people said: it depends on your body constitution. It's not a 1-1 ratio, you know. So you might be just awesome at 125lbs, say. At the end of the day, it matters how fit and healthy your are and how you feel in your skin. :smile:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    :smile: 132... i think... It will show up on my ticker.. However i would initially like to be in the LOW 40's...

    No offence, hun, but if your profile pictures are up-to-date then you are gorgeous! How on earth do you have 150lbs? You look like being 132lbs already! :glasses:

    Hello.. Sorry i hadnt updated my ticker,,, But it weighed in the other day at 10st 6 146lbs... so i guess im not 150lbs n e more!!! Oops!

    That photo was taken on the beach in Majorca last year at about 143 (smaller boobs at the time)... i want to be like that.. well tbh im am like that right now.. just need a couple more lbs to loose b4 my holiday on the 5th June and it should be ok! Like i say i would initially like to be in the LOW 40's... just have to see how it goes... Baby steps! I cant remember the last time i was under 10stone so im really trying now!

    Also... after my holiday i always tend to put on a few lbs so its my goal not to.. and to keep loosing!

    Katherine x
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 170-175 range. I don't believe in using the BMI for individual weight loss goals, better to go by size and fitness. When I was starving myself (300 calories a day) I dropped down to 140lbs- I looked horrible! Everyone asked me what was wrong and I even had a few people offer me information on surviving chemo!

    I was in target range for my BMI but it wasn't healthy for my body at all. I've since thrown out the scale and stick to the measuring tape.

    Have to agree. BMI and the "traditional' ways of calculating 'ideal' body weights are all just guesstimates, really - there are 'bigger' people that are healthier than skinny ones. I am at the upper end of the healthy BMI range at 154, but I am also very curvy (measured 36'-26'-36' the other day), with all the parts that make a girl a girl. I am also muscular, have calves that I can rarely squeeze into tall boots..:grumble: All the ladies that are wanting to be in the 120s at over 5'7' sound soooo skinny to me!
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5'7" and am back to my goal weight of 130lbs. For my frame though that's what I feel I look the best at. It all depends on how you're built though....my friend is also 5'7" but has a larger frame and looks great at 137lbs.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am 5'5" and I had set my goal at 149 - I'll continue to shoot for that and when I get there may lower it - I am just keeping going with what I doing cuz it feels SO good!!!
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    I am 5'6" and my goal is 125 lbs but that is just a goal I look fine at 135 lbs. Evern in the low 140's I look fine since I work out and the muscle weighs more then fat. Really a skinny women with all fat and no muscle does not look as good as a girl who weighs more but is mostly lean muscle and less fat. Muscle burns 35 cals per lb and fat about 2-3 cals per lbs. Thats why light weights at least 2-3 times a week is good for the bod. Cardio 30-60 min everyday is good for the heart muscle. The stronger the heart the better off you are. My point is how you look is not as important as what is inside. Tone and condition more to get rid of those love handles and worry less about the weight.
    Use measurements as your guide and less about the scale. If your mesurements are decreasing then life is good....
  • sherri_pie22b
    sherri_pie22b Posts: 28 Member
    I am 5'7 and my goal weight is between 150-160...I dont know how I would look below that range.....But I think that you should shoot for the weight that will make you feel comfortable....So good luck everyone..:flowerforyou:

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  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    Echoing what everyone else said about body type...I remember being 198 and wearing a size 14 wear as before I was 180 in a size 14. My muscles become denser quickly so I can look slimmer before the scale really starts moving. Ofcourse now I just want to get back down to 198!! :laugh: Anyway, at 5'6" my goal weight is 145-150. I'm very curvy and I think I will look sick if I get any smaller than that.
  • I am 5 foot 4 and my goal weight is 140lbs
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is... not a clue.

    I weighed 135 at age 11. In my early 20s, I lost 65 lbs and got down to 145 lbs. In my mind's eye, which clearly needed vision surgery, I looked exactly the same at 210 as I did at 145. I can't even explain that, but it needs to be fixed in a different way, or I won't maintain that "normal adult weight", whatever "normal" is. I gained it all back and then some, although it took many years, because I couldn't fathom emotionally what maintaining a healthy body weight entailed and somehow I just didn't "fit" into my new body.

    This time around, which is hopefully the last, I'm focussing on body image.. in other words, what I see, not what others see.

    I'm paying attention this time and I'm working on how I feel about it.

    When I own my body, I'll be at my goal.

    Earnestly yours,
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    My goal weight was 155 and I am almost 5'8". Once I hit 155, I stopped worrying about getting the scale to go down, and more toning and improving my fitness. I think the number on the scale really depends on your body type also. I can't remeber ever being below 145...and that was when I was doing athletics in high school and college. I would look bad at anything below 140..We ladies do focus on the scale too much, but I am as guilty as the rest as wanting that number to go down! I am still working out and weighing myself weekly, but just to make sure the number doesn't go up!

    Big ditto! Now that I'm in a healthy range, I'm focusing on fitness goals instead of the number on the scale. But I check in every so often to keep an eye on it.
  • julyssaandco
    julyssaandco Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'7" and I'm currently 195 pounds. I need to lose weight faaasssttttt. My goal right now is to get to 180. After that, I will set new goals.
    Wish me luck!
  • terrynkathleen
    terrynkathleen Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'7'' and my goal weight is 135 right now!
    I think that once I get to 135, though, I might change that goal to 130... I've found that people that I think look really good that are 5'7" are around 130. that's not too skinny, and they look fit! I have never actually been to 135, but I've been to 137, and I loved how I looked! I was losing my "fat sitting line" as I like to call it! LOL I don't like to see that on my stomach when I'm NOT sitting down!!!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I'm 5'6.5" (so close enough) and before I started (8 weeks ago) I fluctuated between 140-144. I am now 125.5 and feeling MUCH better. I've got a lot of muscle from weight training but no clue what my body fat is. I need to check that out! My upper body is starting to look kinda skinny but I still have hips/thighs. I might get down to 123 and see how I feel there. I went from a C cup to a B cup so I'm convinced half the weight I loss was in my bra!
  • Page83
    Page83 Posts: 23
    im 5'7" and my goal weight was 65kg (right in the middle of my healthy BMI) i think that is around 145 pounds???? im now at 65kg and definately dont want to lose anymore because im a pear shape and already getting quite boney up top. it realy depends on how you carry the weight, 2 5'7" women of the same weight arent always going to look the same.
  • I'm 5'7" and my first goal weight is 140 lbs. im almost there, however, my ultimate goal is 135 lbs. I think i felt most comfortable at that weight and it has been a while since i was 21 years old! Im basically working to tone up so i dont look too skinny..
  • jackiemarie
    jackiemarie Posts: 111
    I'm 5'7 currently 134 I'm smalled framed last time I had my %body fat measured I was 21% my goal is 125 but anything under 130 would make me happy:) it depends on your build and what makes you feel comfortable I think!
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    I too am 5'7 and weigh 158. The scale and I are not on great terms right now and have finally decided to throw out the scale and focus on my fitness goals. I have begun running again (weighed 147 while training last year) and weight training. I am focused on those goals and can't wait to rock out the tank top this summer with major arm definition. I still check my weight monthly just for a reality check, but won't focus on it. This past month was a 4 pound loss, but my confidence is climbing thanks to constant exercise.
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