How much weight did you lose before you bought new clothes?



  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Had to buy them when I started wearing through my jeans from owning the same pairs for the past 3-5 years :tongue:
  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    28 pounds - but i have another 25 to go, so I'm gonna buy new clothes then too! :)
  • Sweetchaos66
    Sweetchaos66 Posts: 59 Member
    I am close to 30 gone and I needed something to wear. It also is getting hot here so my I need some more summery work out clothes. My skirts are all elastic waist ( a fat girls best friend!) so they are fine. I went to Target over the weekend and bought a few things - the best purchase was a new bra. I feel so much better.
  • ahni77
    ahni77 Posts: 75
    I refuse to spend money on clothes since I haven't reached my goal yet (another 20 pounds to go). All my pre-pregnancy work pants are really lose on me so I've started hitting up the thrift stores. You'd be amazed at the treasures I find in there. Calvin Klein, DKNY, Ann Tayor.. all for less than 5 dollars. SCORE!!!
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I think about 15lbs here and my jeans were falling off me. Everything i have bought has been off ebay, sale rack or from the charity shop. The only thing i have bought new is underwear and i noticed this morning i need new bras again :ohwell: But if possible i shall get measured and then run next door to the supermarket which always seems to have underwear on the sale rack, as long as it fits it will be fine!

    Luckily some of my summer skirts are the long one size fits all type and although a bit baggy now they still fit, those that dont i will take the sewing machine to this weekend!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You could even recoup some of your money by selling them back to the consignment shop once you're down to the next size. :)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I'm thinking i may just buy a few cheap items and then weight for summer to "renew the wardrobe"

    heart the little Freudian slip in there :)

    I say def. wait it out and just a few things here and there - def go for name brands for less since you are def going to lose more!
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I've lost 46lbs using my fitness pal. I bought new clothes after losing 30lbs, it was a big mistake! I have lost 16lbs since buying them and I now need more new clothes. My sizes are changing fast. I still have about 30lbs to go.I would suggest buying just a few, it will make you feel so good!
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    I was almost exactly the same as you. I've lost nearly 30lbs and a lot of inches.

    My clothes, particularly pants were getting really baggy (I was in size 18) so I went to Kohls and bought a pair of blue and black jeans and one pair of capri pants (all size 14) and that's it for now. I still have at least 20 more pounds to go so just picked those items up as I was getting very tired of pulling up my pants all the time, not to mention it was discouraging to have lost all that weight and be in baggy clothes!

    Lucky for me I work from home so don't need work clothes :)
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I didn't buy anything until I had no choice.. about 20 lbs.. My pants were way too big and looked funny on me. If I were a person that owned and wore alot of dresses, I probably could have stretched it out even more. But I agree with the other posts about trying to hit up thrift stores, if you still have a great deal to lose. I was close to my goal weight.
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    I bought new clothes based on how they fit, not necessarily on how much weight I lost.
    I was swimming in my old jeans before I purchased some new ones yesterday, two sizes smaller.. :bigsmile:
  • ChrissyinATL
    ChrissyinATL Posts: 23 Member
    When I had lost 25 pounds (this was several years ago), I bought most dresses and skirts -- because I found they were the most flexible for weight loss. As I lost, the skirts would just slide down on my body a little more.

    And I think I bought like 1 pair of jeans from Target during the process...
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    So... I've been buying new cloths to fit for the last 4 years. On Friday I did a tally of how much I've spent and how many items I can't fit. I'm currently somewhere between a 12 and a 10. And almost all of my brand new clothes (yes, they still have tags) are sizes 4-8 (mostly 6's tho.) And the tally is... drum roll please.....

    52 items
    I paid $1766
    Retail $4537

    First I was depressed and upset to see this total. :sad: Then I was frustrated and mad. :mad: Then I got upset again. :embarassed: Finally yesterday I decided to let it motivate me. :bigsmile:

    I basically will have a completely NEW wardrobe in a few months. Just gotta keep chugging along. :smile:
  • livpops
    livpops Posts: 12
    I'm currently a loose size 18, so looking at cheap 16 summery clothes on ebay, but by the time summer actually hits, i'm hoping to be a 14. definitely need new clothes, but don't wanna spend too much if i'm losing weight. :/
    i advise selling your old fat clothes (if in good quality) and buy some new ones. buy clothes to slim into too (ie. i'm buying nice dresses that are only available in 14s cause then i have all the more reason to lose weight).
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    sell your baggy clothes on ebay, buy new ones in a smaller size with the money, then sell them when they get baggy!!! :bigsmile:
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    It really depends on how much you need to lose. Don't buy a new wardrobe, but do buy 1 or 2 pairs of jeans that fit and a couple new tops that fit as well. You'll be amazed how much weight your co-workers think you lost just by wearing clothes that fit. You'll feel better and be more motivated as well.

    I've started clearance shopping websites every couple of weeks and buying stuff on the cheap for my next size down. The most important thing for me was GETTING RID OF THE FAT CLOTHES. If you don't have them, it's harder to justify "Oh it's just one size. I'll take it right back off."
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I started buying smaller clothes after I lost about 25 pounds, but only a few pieces to get me through until I hit my goal.
  • feb06momma
    feb06momma Posts: 169
    I am down 33lbs and I finally caved and bought a new pair of capris. Hoping they get me thru the spring at least and then i will have to get another pair. I have a pair of jeans that are getting REALLY loose but I can still wear them for now. I just remember....this is a GOOD problem to have. I would much rather have loose/baggy clothes and need to buy new pants that are smaller than having to go UP a size.
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    I lost 32 pounds before I gave in and bought a partially new wardrobe. I'm only 10 pounds away from my goal, and my clothes were literaly falling off of me ( skirts, pants) . I bought pieces that can take me through spring into summer and I'm able to take them in if needed so that I could look half-way decent at work. ( instead of looking like a rag-a-muffin in oversized clothes)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I was amazingly lucky here. My clothes were getting unattractively baggy too- but I was just kind of in denial after being so big for so long (I still head for the plus-size dept before I think)
    My close friend had a death in her family - a hoarder - this woman bought clothes obsessively. Some were nearly new & some still had tags on, never worn! And IN MY NEW SIZE! Now, they're getting big too and eventually I'll need to downsize but I'll do that slowly.
    I'm not spending a lot on new clothes until I reach goal. I'm thinking size 8 but we'll see when we get there ...
    congrats on your loss - celebrate accordingly
    my advice? look for estate sales - some think it's gruesome to wear deceased ppl's clothing but I do not, esp if you NEED them