OK have at it



  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    OK...I'm not a doctor or dietician or nutritionist.....Disclaimer, LOL =D

    But, if you are 5'2" your healthy weight range is between 108-121----> I say this because in your picture you look like you qualify as a 'small framed' women. =D I think the doc saying 105 is OK is fine too...I would say anything less than 100 would be underweight for sure.

    Here's my opinion. I looked at your food Diary for the past 30 days (back to Feb 27th).
    You had 3 days of going significantly over your calorie goal-- I take it this is the zig-zag you mentioned
    You had 6 days of what I would consider meeting your calorie goal, or coming within and accepted range.
    And the rest of the days you were significantly below your calorie goal for the day, and commonly under 1000cals/day.

    ---So, like others have said, my gut incling is that you aren't eating enough to rev up your metabolism. So when you do eat, your body isn't using up that energy quick enough for you to lose weight, and it's even gaining weight. So even though it sounds scary....I really think you should give upping your calorie limit a shot --- and eat it all. At least for 3-4 weeks. Because I'd bet that when you first do it, you will gain weight. So it will take some time for you to 'reset' your metabolism. If I were you I'd do some research on metabolism as well...just to understand it more.

    ---My only confusion is that if you were eating basically the same, back when you weighed 108.....I don't see what would cause you to suddenly start gaining.....because on the amount of calories you're eating, I can't see you gaining muscle mass.

    Basically my suggestions are:
    Drink more water --- don't even bank on the water in the food you eat....drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. LOL, you'll be friends with the bathroom!
    Keep track of your sodium intake. I can't remember if it was on your Diary or not..... but try to stay at least AT 2500mg/day...and if you can try to stay as low as you can. It's really hard, sodium is magically delicious...and great at hiding out!
    And, like I said, for 3-4 weeks up your calorie intake to 1300/day (I calculated based on your ht/wt/age and got 1280 as your BMR....and I didn't know what kind of lifestyle you have to I used 'sedentary' and your TDEE should be around 1500)

    ----If you don't see results with doing the above......then I have no more suggestions b/c I don't really really know what I'm talking about. What I do know is that when I hit a plateau, I upped my calories (and I'm actually not doing a lot of working out due to an injury) and the scale started moving again....slowly but it's moving!

    Good luck, and I hope you get to a place where you're satisfied again. =D
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    So here's an interesting tidbit. I had my body fat measured by a personal trainer using both a hand grip thingy (technical term) and calipers. The hand grip put me at 19% the calipers at 18.1% But I just did the Military calculation and it puts me at 24.2%!!! Based on the fact I do not have an athletes body I am starting to wonder if the trainer was off? Or maybe I am just fat in places he didn't caliper? But this would explain how I got down to 107 without being skeletal. The Fat2Fit calculator also told me my ideal body weight is 108. Any thoughts on the Body Fat conundrum?
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think it is better to aim for a healthy and fit looking body, and maybe not obsessing so much with body fat% and the number on the scale? A person can be 110Ibs, and look bigger and less healthy than someone 10Ibs heavier if the heavier person is eating a really good diet and building lean muscle. I just think you are a little too caught up with the numbers on the scale, rather than actually getting into a really healthy diet and lifestyle you can sustain for life.
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    I think it is better to aim for a healthy and fit looking body, and maybe not obsessing so much with body fat% and the number on the scale? A person can be 110Ibs, and look bigger and less healthy than someone 10Ibs heavier if the heavier person is eating a really good diet and building lean muscle. I just think you are a little too caught up with the numbers on the scale, rather than actually getting into a really healthy diet and lifestyle you can sustain for life.

    the reason I am interested in my BF% is so I can calculate my calories correctly. I am not happy with how I look that is what drives me. I like how I looked at 107, that is why I focus on that number. I am not stuck on it, I just know how I want to look and I know I can look that way.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    You know, people on this site always talk a lot about sodium intake. I'm sure if you have certain health issues you need to be very cognizant of that, but I added it to my diary and started paying attention-- I am by no means the world's healthiest or cleanest eater, and I am almost always way under my recommended sodium intake. Just makes me a bit skeptical of all the sodium/water talk.
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    You know, people on this site always talk a lot about sodium intake. I'm sure if you have certain health issues you need to be very cognizant of that, but I added it to my diary and started paying attention-- I am by no means the world's healthiest or cleanest eater, and I am almost always way under my recommended sodium intake. Just makes me a bit skeptical of all the sodium/water talk.

    I checked my daily intakes as well and am way below too.
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    Could there be a little bun in the oven? That would explain an unexplainable weight gain.:blushing: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    if you really are serious, you'd better do what needs to be done. the reports are in... you need to be consistent and persistent.
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you everyone for helping me. I am going to close my diary again as I feel I will be more honest in my tracking if I don't feel like I am being analyzed :tongue:

    Thank you again, I will repost when I am successful with all your helpful suggestions
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    Could there be a little bun in the oven? That would explain an unexplainable weight gain.:blushing: :love: :flowerforyou:

    LOL no way. Thank goodness. No more buns in this oven, ever!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Could there be a little bun in the oven? That would explain an unexplainable weight gain.:blushing: :love: :flowerforyou:

    LOL no way. Thank goodness. No more buns in this oven, ever!

    Take no notice Sparkles, some people have food on the brain, they even mention "bun" in this context!!!

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Do you have pictures of yourself at 107 compared to now? I ask, because very very few people notice a 10 lb difference. You might mentally or think you do as it's in your head you weigh less, but others won't notice that difference. Now I ran the numbers for being at 19% body fat and 24% body fat and the difference is 77 calories. It's minimal and it takes time anyways to workout the diet kinks.

    The biggest thing is looking to build lean muscle mass. That will make your body tighter, stronger and your overall life better. And if you concentrate on losing a little body fat and gaining muscle mass, this is where people will notice the difference. What it will do is require a little deficit and strength training.

    But quickly running the numbers, if you workout 5-6 days a week with a mix of carido/ ST, you should be eating around 1800 calories if I haven't said that before.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    your diary isn't open?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    One thing that can happen when you start a new workout program is you can gain a decent amount of weight up front (isn't fat). I have gained up to 10 pounds and kept in on for up to 6 weeks and then lost the weight. Your muscles can hold water for repair for the exercises you are doing until you adjust. Just a thought here.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    your diary isn't open?

    Sorry just seen that you closed it
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Your body fat is 18% ? that's about right for a woman isn't it ?

  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    - banana bread for dinner? come on!!

    LOL that is just cause that is when I baked it. Had to give it a taste to make sure it wouldn't poison the kids :)

    Certainly understand the tasting thing...but one can not effectively run on banana bread alone.
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    Do you have pictures of yourself at 107 compared to now? I ask, because very very few people notice a 10 lb difference. You might mentally or think you do as it's in your head you weigh less, but others won't notice that difference. Now I ran the numbers for being at 19% body fat and 24% body fat and the difference is 77 calories. It's minimal and it takes time anyways to workout the diet kinks.

    The biggest thing is looking to build lean muscle mass. That will make your body tighter, stronger and your overall life better. And if you concentrate on losing a little body fat and gaining muscle mass, this is where people will notice the difference. What it will do is require a little deficit and strength training.

    But quickly running the numbers, if you workout 5-6 days a week with a mix of carido/ ST, you should be eating around 1800 calories if I haven't said that before.

    I do not have pics from when I was 107. I wasn't working out so I never even thought to take pictures. The way I can tell is my thighs touch now where they didn't use to (lost that nice thigh gap I loved so much), My jeans are tighter, my underwear is tighter (seriously?!), my face is rounder, my stomach isn't flat anymore, etc. I am very small so 10 pounds is a lot on me and is noticeable. Like I said I had a friend comment on me getting fatter, so it shows.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Do you have pictures of yourself at 107 compared to now? I ask, because very very few people notice a 10 lb difference. You might mentally or think you do as it's in your head you weigh less, but others won't notice that difference. Now I ran the numbers for being at 19% body fat and 24% body fat and the difference is 77 calories. It's minimal and it takes time anyways to workout the diet kinks.

    The biggest thing is looking to build lean muscle mass. That will make your body tighter, stronger and your overall life better. And if you concentrate on losing a little body fat and gaining muscle mass, this is where people will notice the difference. What it will do is require a little deficit and strength training.

    But quickly running the numbers, if you workout 5-6 days a week with a mix of carido/ ST, you should be eating around 1800 calories if I haven't said that before.

    I do not have pics from when I was 107. I wasn't working out so I never even thought to take pictures. The way I can tell is my thighs touch now where they didn't use to (lost that nice thigh gap I loved so much), My jeans are tighter, my underwear is tighter (seriously?!), my face is rounder, my stomach isn't flat anymore, etc. I am very small so 10 pounds is a lot on me and is noticeable. Like I said I had a friend comment on me getting fatter, so it shows.

    Well even if we can manage to cut 2% body fat and lost 10 lbs, that means you would lose another 5 lbs of muscle. You already only have about 94 lbs of lean muscle mass and the only way to get to 107 would be losing muscle. Muscle is what gives you that hot in a bathing suit look. This is why, I say, lets keep you about the same weight and just cut 2-3% body fat and we can probably get you in the same clothes you were at 107 lbs or make you look better.
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    Hot in a bathingsuit would be good. Been years since I felt that. By years I mean ever. :)