How often do your record your weight?



  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Everytime I lose a pound...when the scales go down, I record it. If the scales go up, well, I usually wait 2 days to add it back. I haven't had to do that in quite some time now...
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I weigh in "officially" on Thursdays, but I get on the scale every morning for the sake of motivation...I know if I get on the scale every day and see a downward trend, I do not have to worry about my Thursday weigh-in number. :)
  • cannikita
    cannikita Posts: 24 Member
    I weigh daily but only record my weight if its lower than the number I had before. Never if its higher :bigsmile:

    LOL...I do the same thing.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I weight myself twice a day and record it any time it goes lower.
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    I also weigh daily (sometimes twice). I log any time I get a record low. Down .2 from yesterday? Logged! But if I go up a bit, I wait until I have a new record low before logging again. So if I logged 146.2 today - which I did :), and tomorrow's weight is 147, then 146.5, then 146 even, I won't log again until the 146 even so I'm not recording the same pounds over and over again.

    This is what I do as well (except I only step on the scale once a day - first thing in the morning). I log ever time the scale tells me I'm less than my last recorded weight but I don't log anything when it's up. I'm on here every day, I'm working hard every day and so any gain I see is not permanent or because of anything I've done. It's not staying so it's not recorded, period.

    If I fell off the wagon or it's a time when I am less careful (like around Christmas lets say) and I gain then I'll log it but since I don't plan on letting that happen I'll just keep doing what I'm doing because it's working for me.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I weigh in daily & record it daily... that way once it is documented I "need" to keep off that weight.

    I used to record it only weekly, but then I would slack off when I "knew" I would have a loss to record for the week. Now with me recording it daily even though it is smaller numbers it holds me more accountable.
  • SoySalva
    SoySalva Posts: 136 Member
    I weigh daily but only record my weight if its lower than the number I had before. Never if its higher :bigsmile:

    ^^^same here!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I weigh myself every day but only mark the weight if it is the same 2 days in a row. I don't obsess over it though.
  • I would recomend weighing and recording once a week because small scale movements expecally up can be very discuraging. e.g. a .1 pound loss can make you feel as bad as a 2 pound gain even though either can happen over night caused by water retention. weighing once a week removes these small meaningless changes and makes a graph with a pleasing smooth downslope. :wink:
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I weigh daily but only record if it goes down at least a pound and stays down for a couple of days.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    I weigh daily but only record my weight if its lower than the number I had before. Never if its higher :bigsmile:

    What she said. ;) I'm actually up about 14 oz from my ticker, but I just can't bear to record it.

    I've been 3lbs up and most of the way back down & then up again in the last two weeks, but didn't want to record a *gain* on the official ticker. Finally got back to "ticker weight" again this morning, & will update the ticker as soon as I have even a 0.1 lb loss. :)
  • SlimmerJodi
    SlimmerJodi Posts: 12 Member
    I also weigh daily (sometimes twice). I log any time I get a record low. Down .2 from yesterday? Logged! But if I go up a bit, I wait until I have a new record low before logging again. So if I logged 146.2 today - which I did :), and tomorrow's weight is 147, then 146.5, then 146 even, I won't log again until the 146 even so I'm not recording the same pounds over and over again.

    That's what I do too.
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 227 Member
    I only weigh in once a week, always on Sunday morning. I think it's dejecting to weigh myself and not see any loss, and so far, each week I've lost some weight. One week it was only three pounds, but it was three pounds I was carrying around the week before that are now gone.

    I think I got the 'once a week' thing from doing Weight Watchers years ago, and for some reason, it stuck.

    I do, however, open presents on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I weigh everyday. But as a rule is that I only record a weight if it hasn't gone up in 4 days. Men seem to be different, but as a woman, I can't tell you how many times the scale said I'd lost 2 pounds, and then I woke up the next day and gained 4. And yes...the 4 gained isn't necessarily "true" either, but I often find that the 2 lost was equally as likely to be a fluke. Our weight just fluctuates. And if you are going to be an everyday weigher, you have to become "less attached" to the ebbs and flows. Otherwise, I'd recommend only getting on the scale once a week.

    So, I go for consistency. If the pounds stay gone for 4 days, I record it. Otherwise, I wait.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I weigh daily but dont record daily as it only takes a heavier meal, weight wise, to get a temporary gain. Heck, sometimes i check the weight of all my dimner components because of this. Consider the weight difference between eggs on toast and fish, baked potato and a pile of veggies lol.
  • Cook54ie
    Cook54ie Posts: 5
    I weigh in once a weekon Mondays. Sometimes I may get on the scale after a bad day of eating just to see my number. If it's bad I really work out and eat the right foods. So far I have lost 13.4 lbs since joining. I do my measurements once a month. I find I lose inches faster. So far I have lost 2" from waist, 2.5" from chest, 1" from hips, arms 1.6". My thighs 1/2", I guess all that walking and stair climbing is building my thighs, LOL.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    I weigh everyday. But as a rule is that I only record a weight if it hasn't gone up in 4 days. Men seem to be different, but as a woman, I can't tell you how many times the scale said I'd lost 2 pounds, and then I woke up the next day and gained 4. And yes...the 4 gained isn't necessarily "true" either, but I often find that the 2 lost was equally as likely to be a fluke. Our weight just fluctuates. And if you are going to be an everyday weigher, you have to become "less attached" to the ebbs and flows. Otherwise, I'd recommend only getting on the scale once a week.

    So, I go for consistency. If the pounds stay gone for 4 days, I record it. Otherwise, I wait.

    I LOVE all the input! And I love knowing that I'm not the only one who checks my weight every day. 2 weeks ago (during my TOM), I did gain a pound and was up on my 'official' weigh in day, and I recorded that. My thoughts are that I'm only lying to myself if I just record the losses on "weigh in" day. Weighing in every day helps me to stay motivated. I have such a long way to go to be healthy and sometimes it gets very overwhelming. But, when I step on that scale in the morning and see that it's gone down (even by .01 lbs), it's a boost. Or, if it's gone up, I can look at what I've been eating to see if it's normal fluctuations or if there's something that I need to change. I like the control of it. I stepped on the scale this morning and was up 1.2 lbs from yesterday. But, I also didn't drink as much water and I had a strength training class yesterday, so it was expected, ykwim. I know that the numbers aren't everything and that our weight will fluctuate from day to day and from hour to hour. But doesn't it feel good to see that number go down?? LOL, I just can't wait for that feeling b/c it's what keeps me going when I want to give up and stop tracking.
  • chnkytim42
    chnkytim42 Posts: 127 Member
    okay gonna throw my 2 sense. lol i weigh everyday before breakfast but record every couple if i see the progress continue. i think it is very motivational on both sides of the scale. i gain = i workout more, and tweak my diet a bit. i lose = i'm happy, and i workout a bit. but keep a general same diet. the key here is either way the scale moves that weight is in your face to remind you of what your here to do. and most scales are correct to 2 one hundreths of a pound, so even if i see a .2 loss it really motivates me to keep it that way. twice a day isnt good, because your getting 2 very different numbers based on time what you have eaten and drank. mornings keep you true, because you burn while you sleep, so your at a close constant. after bathroom time, but before breafast. lol or so thats how i do it.
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    weigh in twice a day (first thing in am and last thing before bed) - record the am reading every day. I don't fret about changes I don't like but use it as a tool to better understand myself and my day. I can now see the impacts and take them back to what causes larger fluctuations throughout the day (usually sodium anymore!)
  • wowens1
    wowens1 Posts: 19 Member