What gave you that final push to start this journey?



  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I'm a single mom via adoption. I figured my kids have a tough enough road to travel without having a dad. I did not want them constantly teased for having a fat mom, too (I've lost 200 pounds and have maintained it for over 2 years now).

    Wow. Great job! Those kids are lucky.
  • FHerndon01
    A lot of these stories have really touched my heart, thank you for that.

    It's been a combination of factors. I was thin and fit up until I was in college. After being away from home my first year my mother got sick and for financial reasons I came home to attend an in state university. At this point I was going to school full time as well as working full time. This was the beginning of it for me. I eventually would take time off from school due to burnout.

    I slowly gained weight over the years. When I was 22 I was diagnosed with PCOS. I met my husband and got married. I found out 4 weeks later that I was pregnant. I was 176 lbs at this point. When I had my daughter in 06 I was 200 lbs. I would lose quite a bit of it - but due to laziness and a lack of motivation I stopped trying.

    About a year later my husband and I decided we wanted another child. I went to the doctor and was told that part of my issue with my PCOS was insulin resistance. I was put on medication and told I needed to lose 20 lbs before I came back the next month. I did it.. but the doctor had left such a horrible taste in my mouth and the experience was so awful I just gave up.

    About 7-8 months ago my husband started working out. He's maintained his weight due to his job and his height. At this point I was a video game junkie who spent entirely too much time on the computer. We ate horribly. It was awful.

    At the end of Feb I decided it was time for a change. My husband never pushed me. I was sick of looking at the girl in the mirror. I hated that I had gotten into a size 18. I hated spending my time stuck inside. I went to the doctor on March 9th where I weighed in at my heaviest of 235. I was put back on metformin and was told that if I even wanted to consider having another child I would need to lose weight. The doctor I saw this time was great and actually spent time talking to me and didn't make me feel completely horrible about myself. That was the day that my life changed forever.

    Things have changed and in less than a month my family has transformed. We are eating much better. I am working out twice a day. I do cardio in the morning, with additional cardio and strength training in the evenings with my husband. We are getting out with our daughter more. She's more active. I'm more active. I feel a million times better. I have a lot more energy. I feel better about myself. I find the drive only increasing, instead of decreasing. My already strong marriage has gotten even stronger. I'm happier. The biggest thing for me and even typing this out makes me tear up is seeing the smile on my daughter's face now. She was a happy kid.. but seeing her now just makes me realize how much I missed. I refuse to miss anymore.
  • SamosaurusRex
    A lot of these stories have really touched my heart, thank you for that.

    It's been a combination of factors. I was thin and fit up until I was in college. After being away from home my first year my mother got sick and for financial reasons I came home to attend an in state university. At this point I was going to school full time as well as working full time. This was the beginning of it for me. I eventually would take time off from school due to burnout.

    I slowly gained weight over the years. When I was 22 I was diagnosed with PCOS. I met my husband and got married. I found out 4 weeks later that I was pregnant. I was 176 lbs at this point. When I had my daughter in 06 I was 200 lbs. I would lose quite a bit of it - but due to laziness and a lack of motivation I stopped trying.

    About a year later my husband and I decided we wanted another child. I went to the doctor and was told that part of my issue with my PCOS was insulin resistance. I was put on medication and told I needed to lose 20 lbs before I came back the next month. I did it.. but the doctor had left such a horrible taste in my mouth and the experience was so awful I just gave up.

    About 7-8 months ago my husband started working out. He's maintained his weight due to his job and his height. At this point I was a video game junkie who spent entirely too much time on the computer. We ate horribly. It was awful.

    At the end of Feb I decided it was time for a change. My husband never pushed me. I was sick of looking at the girl in the mirror. I hated that I had gotten into a size 18. I hated spending my time stuck inside. I went to the doctor on March 9th where I weighed in at my heaviest of 235. I was put back on metformin and was told that if I even wanted to consider having another child I would need to lose weight. The doctor I saw this time was great and actually spent time talking to me and didn't make me feel completely horrible about myself. That was the day that my life changed forever.

    Things have changed and in less than a month my family has transformed. We are eating much better. I am working out twice a day. I do cardio in the morning, with additional cardio and strength training in the evenings with my husband. We are getting out with our daughter more. She's more active. I'm more active. I feel a million times better. I have a lot more energy. I feel better about myself. I find the drive only increasing, instead of decreasing. My already strong marriage has gotten even stronger. I'm happier. The biggest thing for me and even typing this out makes me tear up is seeing the smile on my daughter's face now. She was a happy kid.. but seeing her now just makes me realize how much I missed. I refuse to miss anymore.

    This brought a tear to my eye too! Your daughter is very lucky to have someone strong and determined like you in her life. Be proud.
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Heart attack scare was my turning point.
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    my boyfriend(Ex now) telling me that I couldn't lose 5 lbs in a month... well you know what.. I have lost 10!
    he just made me feel so miserable about myself when he would always compare me to other girls on tv or at the gym "oh look at her, she's hot" Thanks *kitten*!.
  • SamosaurusRex
    my boyfriend(Ex now) telling me that I couldn't lose 5 lbs in a month... well you know what.. I have lost 10!
    he just made me feel so miserable about myself when he would always compare me to other girls on tv or at the gym "oh look at her, she's hot" Thanks *kitten*!.

    He really does sound like an *kitten*! 10lbs is a great loss! Well done *hug*
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    It's my decade birthday present to myself - even if I lived fast and died young, I still have to leave a pretty corpse, lol.

    Seriously though - I wanted to. I needed to. For myself.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I lost my job (don't feel bad for me...it was a terrible job) and finally had the time. So I thought, "What the heck, I have the time." So far, so good. The trick will be to keep it up after I go back to work. I have learned a lot of good tips here and know that I can accomplish these goals!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    For me its a couple of reasons.

    First, I am 41, going on 42, and I have four year old daughter and I would like to be a part of her life as long as possible. I know that I am entering the years of my life in which I am really determining not only how long I am going to live but what the quality of my life will be as I enter my fitfies and sixties.

    Secondly, I just feel like I have not been meeting my own expectations from a weight, and health, stand-point for years. I have made excuse after excuse as to why, and how I ended up sixty pounds over weight and none of them hold water anymore. I do not believe for one second that it is possible for me to be truly successful and happy in other areas of my life until get where I need to be physically.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    having to give myself insulin shots 4x a day.
  • latingurl72000
    I started my yo yo journey when I was 13 and have lost and gained over 60 pounds, now at 41 I have reached my highest weight. I recently ended a relationship that had really been hard for me. I allowed him to say negative things to me about being fat and ugly and felt utterly worthless. My self esteem was low and after being with him, it sank to the bottom. Now that I am alone, I struggle more every day but I find that I have the support of my loved ones and every day I remember why I'm doin this. I want my self esteem back, to be able to like what I see in the mirror. To be healthy and do the things I dont do right now. Go to salsa lessons and sky dive, ask a guy out maybe. Smile at the outfit I have on and have confidence. I know my mental strength and self control is the missing factor here, so I am doing things differently now. I know that I wont give up and realize finally this is a lifestyle change.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I went to the dentist on February 28, 2012 and when she took my blood pressure my bottom number was high. She looked at my chart for the last fifteen years and found that I had never had a problem with my blood pressure. My Dad (heart attack) passed away at age 52 and my Mother at age 66 (cancer). I was in the gym the next day.
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    For Christmas this past year my husband signed us both up for a running group to run a 25k. I was 186 pounds at 5'6 and my knees hurt to run. But we were doing it together. Every Saturday we get up early and run with a group a little farther every week. I have lost over 23 pounds since the first of the year and that has been my motivation. The more I run, the better I feel, the more weight I lose, the better I feel. It is a good cycle. :-) We will be running 11 miles this Saturday and I am looking forward to it.
  • tjones0927
    tjones0927 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm not sure I have a solid answer. I just woke up one day and it is like a switch had been flipped in my head. I do know the difference between my journey this time and my many failed attempts is the fact that I am happy and in a healthy relationship...before I would try to lose for all the wrong reasons(lust, as my fiance says) now I am doing it all for myself, and my family.
  • rbovero
    rbovero Posts: 5
    I went from 300 down to 250 and now back up to 270 nuff said ...and my goal is 220
  • scoutit
    scoutit Posts: 36
    Breast cancer for me. During active treatment I started reading about body fat in women and how it produces estrogen that "feeds" tumor growth ("Anti-Cancer: A new way of life by Servan-Schreiber.") I also read about sugars and "white foods" and how they create inflammation in the body that encourage cancers. I watched "Forks over Knives" a documentary that links nutrition to health. I started a food plan for health, and was shocked when 20 pounds rolled off with no effort. Then I added daily exercise, also to ward off recurrence and found that I really love being active. Last month, after losing almost 40 pounds (9 on MFP) my doctor took me off my cholesterol medication and my prilosec. I don't know what the future holds for me, but the present is sure getting a lot more fun!
  • luigimoe
    luigimoe Posts: 3
    the end of january I stepped on a acale and was actually shocked at my weight., I gave up sodas, and drive-thru that day and lost 8 lbs during the month of February. I went to immediate care Feb. 13 and was told that I needed both my knees replaced, While considering surgery, I figured if I lost weight, it will take stree off and mabe I could put off the surgery (call me chicken) I found this website and signed up for it on february 29th and have lost 10 more pounds. It is amazing how much a person can eat with out even realizing it.
  • SamosaurusRex
    It's my decade birthday present to myself - even if I lived fast and died young, I still have to leave a pretty corpse, lol.

    Seriously though - I wanted to. I needed to. For myself.

    This is exactly what I think!
  • SamosaurusRex
    I do not believe for one second that it is possible for me to be truly successful and happy in other areas of my life until get where I need to be physically.

    Exactly. One thing at a time.
  • SamosaurusRex
    I know my mental strength and self control is the missing factor here, so I am doing things differently now. I know that I wont give up and realize finally this is a lifestyle change.

    Everything will come in time. Just be patient and enjoy your new lifestyle.