What made you decide that its time to lose weight?



  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    I just literally decided on Boxing day 2011 that i would start making small changes. I started off by buying wholemeal bread and diet coke instead of the full sugar stuff.
    Just little changes for a couple of weeks then the 2nd week of Jan i thought "im gonna do it this time" and just began a diet. Its working better than anything else i have tried for years. 24.5lbs in 9 weeks (lost 5lbs in the week before i joined here).
    I lost my father to a blot clot in his heart when he was just 55. Just 2 yrs and 3 days previously to that i had lost my mum to breast cancer. I knew i had to do something to do the best I could to try not to leave my son as early as my parents left me. Neither of my parents were vastly over weight but i knew that the odds were stacking against me massively (no pun intended).
  • JamieDeBree
    JamieDeBree Posts: 15 Member
    I was fit all through high school/college - worked at a gym, actually. Then I got a desk job, the weight crept up, and six months before my wedding my now-husband and I did Atkins to get back in shape. And it worked great. Then life happened, and every time I saw my mother-in-law she'd tell me how I needed to eat, and was "too skinny". I wasn't...I was a healthy weight at 135lbs with good muscle tone, but comments like that still dig. I started giving in to laziness at night, telling myself one piece of cheesecake wouldn't hurt (and it wouldn't have, except it was several nights in a row) - all that stuff that happens when we get complacent. I'd tell friends I needed to lose a few pounds, to which they'd respond, "You look great! You wear it well! No worries!"

    I believed them because I wanted to. I knew I was overweight, but I told myself it wasn't *that* bad...

    Then the local paper did an article on me last summer, and when I saw the photo they posted with it...I about went ballistic. I actually panicked. I whined and complained - it wasn't my finest moment. That person wasn't me. I had a total disconnect and realized that my perception of myself was completely off - I'd been wearing serious blinders. And all those people telling me I looked fine and "wore my weight well"? Lies. Not that it's anyone's responsibility to tell me when I'm fat, but I did feel a bit betrayed that they just told me the "politically correct" thing instead of the truth.

    I stripped down, took a good hard look in the mirror, and decided things had to change, somehow, someway. Not just because I looked bad, but because I knew I wasn't healthy. It's taken me awhile to find the right combination of exercises and nutrition, but I'm finally losing, and I'm determined not to go back again. I *will* get back down to a firm 135, and my MIL can just deal with it.
  • PamelaB43
    PamelaB43 Posts: 50 Member
    Let's see.. when ymy belly started to go over your pants and I had to keep going up a size in clothes.. Yeah That pretty much did it for me. I am also so tired of going up and down in weight but I know what the problem is as we all do:wink: I ate too much and am an emotional eater. I ate when I was bored or even when I was not hungry. I got tired of going up and down and now the madness" I hope stops for good. I like that now I am able to get into smaller sizes, and so that I dont fail I am now getting rid of all of the bigger clothes I can no longer fit in. That way I won't have the excuse when I am lazy or whatever " Oh I have those pair of "comfy sweats" That is just setting myself up for failure. OH and as my mom says when you look in the mirror NUDE:noway: that is the truth staring you in the face:noway: So there is no escaping the truth when it is right in front of you. I wanna look in the mirror and be content and I feel if you feel good about yourself on the outside it does help you with your inside and it changes your life!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Finding out my bf weighed not much more than I did, and getting on the scales after a year + of not going near them and eating what I liked, with little exercise. Granted, I only hit 142 Ibs and I am over 5'9 tall, but I wanted to be lower and felt too heavy for a woman.