Team UK: Week 4 and 5



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    HELP ME... THE MUFFIN IS ANNOYING ME!!! I WANT TO EAT IT... BUT MY BUM IS SAYING NO... BUT IM HUNGRY.. and the muffin looks so good!

    Bad.... :sick:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    how many cals is it?
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Too late.. My fitness buddy from work (who doesnt do processed food) helped me throw it in the bin.. Ill give you a rundown of the cals...fat etc..

    Sainsbury's - Chocolate Chip Muffin, 1 Muffin 265cals 0 13fat 0 1? 20sugar

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    thats a lot of cals for a muffin!
    well done on throwing it out :flowerforyou:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    It smelt A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! :sick: :sick:

    Looks like ill just go without... :ohwell:

    I was a pretty big one!!! :love:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    dont think about it!! lol, it'll draw you back :tongue:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    now its sitting in the bin i can forget about it... just fancy something to nibble on
    n i dont wanna eat n emore almonds
  • missyt78
    missyt78 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi guys

    Just back from my holidays :sad: wondering what week we are on with the old challenges... and can i join in since im missed all the rest of the weeks???

    Im rarin to go.... and once my weigh in tomoro mornin tells me just how much damage was done on holiday! LOL:laugh: I.ll be back to being a looser!!

    luv n.x:bigsmile:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    yeah, feel free to join in,
    did you have a good hol?
  • missyt78
    missyt78 Posts: 62 Member
    i had a fab hol thanks, but the whole eatin out thing is a nightmare tbh:laugh:

    but glad to be home for the monitoring and logging with MFP!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    well, i was bad last night, i ended up having two burgers and 3 kebabs off the BBQ and a pan o chocalate (sp), so i weighed this morning to check the damage and i have 1/2lbs heavier, which im not worried about because that could jsut be water from all the salt in the processed foods.

    is everyone else enjoying the weather? its boiling here today!!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I WISH IT WAS BOILING... In actual fact it is but the Sun has dissapeaered behind the clouds...

    Just rang up Thompson this morning in utter panic as my holiday is NEXT FRIDAY and we havent had any confrimation through for the holiday! was well and truely sh**ting myself last night thinking about it! Sorry to put it that way.. but when you've paid over £800 for a holiday you expect something!! Thank god its all ok! Ha ha ha... i can stop worrying!

    Last night i was Bad... But not in a Food way.. i mean exercise... I had 1,550 cals yesterday... However.. i went to the gym n burnt 412, then went for a run to my mates + lunges burning 128 then had to run back burning another 105... so i burnt 645 leavingto eat 2,000 odd cals... (my non exericise days are 1,330)

    Mm.... Its all ok i suppose... im not starving!!???

  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    well I have done it, I have worked up a sweat doing the housework and I spent hour and half at the gym, I have burned over a 1000 cal. which certainly makes up for my period. I am feeling so much better today. :happy:
    My plan is to work out every day for an hour to hour and a half (which is up by half hour from previous weeks) my aim is to do two hours for the month of June. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Loving this weather, seem to guzzle even more water :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great weekend :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Catching up:

    Welcome back missyt :smile:

    Amy: I'm going to spain in July, can't wait!

    Katherine: You beat the dreaded muffin! WELL DONE! :laugh:

    Cinnamon: Re: Latin America - not been there but want to go, nearest I got wasCuba. I grew up nearby in Jamaica. My Dad is semi retired but still does some project work, if you live anywhere near Sheffield then let me know as he sometimes has volunteers straight from uni who want to gain work experience.

    Katie/Helen: It's gorgeous here too. Enjoy! :drinker:

    OK I need to re-commit to everything. I was doing really well but I have had visitors for 5 days and the diet has crashed and is smouldering in the corner, along with the exercise routine. I gained 2 pounds, lost one by walking for 9 hours around Alton Towers, and screaming lots :laugh: The Tapas bar was a disaster. Everyone has gone now but I am so cross with myself for having been de-railed that it's sapping my motivation. Logging all the missed meals here has helped, reading my blog, now I just have to make sure I stick to my meal plans and exercise this afternoon. :grumble:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    im not sure how its happened, but im back up to 151lbs or 10st 11lbs
    so im completely re-starting with this, i WILL NOT put on any more weight!!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Back on track now....lost the two I put on and another one - phew!

    Really going to have to get on top of the social eating and drinking and the "OMG it's all gone wrong, I may as well give up" attitude that follows.
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! oops so sorry for shouting lol I think we all hit the plateau at some point, I am boycotting all weighing scales, they are depressing monsters out to get us they do not tell you what you want to hear so bring on the tape measure, the humble tape measure that does the job and at a fraction of a price :bigsmile: Any takers? :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    LOL I'm not giving up, I was just suprised that my resolve wavered for a while. I haven't used the tape measure yet, I have to find it first :laugh:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member

    Week 5 Challenge!!!

    this week, its back to basics.
    why are we losing weight? why are fruits and veg and natural foods better for us than processed and fast foods?
    why do we need our 8ltrs of water a day?

    research your foods and other healthy options

  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Ladies, Sorry I fell of the radar last week.
    Had a little problem with the boyfriend.
    He was telling me that I don’t need to loose any more weight and that I look fine, but not in a complementary way More like a shouting at me way!
    So I promised that I would just maintain and up my calories. I haven’t counted at all last week, but I did jump on the scales and am up to what I was when i started. Im going to Maintain and just tone up I think. If that will keep him happy. Sorry I missed everything last week!

    I hope everyone’s ok and keeping on top of things - I like the new challenge!

    Im just making myself a new plan, today is day 1 of 6 weeks before I go away of eating my calories and not going over! Exercising and following my plan of exercise 6 times a week and rest on a Sunday.

    Breakfast was 1/3 Tub Low fat Cottage Cheese with Pineapple and some Blueberries mixed in!

    How about everyone else?
