Team UK: Week 4 and 5



  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hiya Rikki, don't let your boyfriend tell you what you should or shouldn't do... unless you owe him say a liver or a kidney he can't say what you can or cannot put in your body :wink:

    I found out that if I have a craving for say a packet of cheese and onion crisps I will have them, I have learned self control but I am not punishing myself, I love food (it loves me too lol) so with a bit of extra hard work in the gym, I can have that packet of maltesers.

    Since I started my plan I haven't gone above 1500 calories, I work out every day, started 30 min now on 90 min. and the inches are slowly coming off (remember I have banned scales) :wink: :laugh:

    It is very easy to drink plenty of water in this weather, I add a slice of lime or lemon to my bottle of cold (refridgerated) water, it's lovely and cooling. You could always put the bottle of water in the freezer and add it to your cool bag with your packed lunch (no need for cool elements) :happy: :glasses:

    As for fruit, I am off to get a nice juicy melon for my nightshift, I finish at 6am and I always crave sweetness, at morrisons they have pineapples for £1 :happy:

    Going to make large pot of chilli con carne and eat that for the next few days, saves cooking different meals when I am on this shift. Stock up on salad stuff and fruit then this week should be a breeze.

    Oops Katie, I don't think I could drink 8ltrs a day, I think I could manage 8 pints of water though :drinker: :laugh:

    Good luck all of you :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    :embarassed: ooops, lol, it wont let me change it *giggle* really dont think i could manage that either!
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Helen, thanks for the support. I know its just for me, but i do soo noo where he is coming from. I have dropped 2 bra sizes (Cups) and 1 size around since i have been loosing weight and my mum says my face looks to thin. i dont have much to loose (nothing really, but i wasnt satisfied) so i guess if i see definition ill be happier with my self.

    I see what you meen about your control i do have that, i just think that sometimes like if i go shopping on an empty stomach, its lethal! Both for my weight and my purse!

    Im just going to take photos each week i thnk for the nxt 6. I think ill see results and that way i wont get on the scales (though it is tempting)

    Water, i havent had any yet and its now 1pm :ohwell:
    im going to go and get some though! Maybe have a lemon tea but let it cool alot.

    Fruit, ivwe had blueberries, a satsuma, and a banana. Ive also had tomatoes on toast for my lunch so theres a veg and im cooking bacon and Pea pasta tonight so i should be on track today.

    Im going to post my own personal challenge on here, i hpoe kno body minds.
    that way i have a track that i can see of what i want to do and if i have acheived it.
    Everyone is free to join in if they please.

  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Sorry for going missing, really strugling to get back in the swing since returning from hol :grumble: I gained another pound his week :embarassed:

    So, I am back on track as of today. My plan is to take up running (new) try and go 2/3 times a week in addition to the 2 swims per week that I do. I am going to try and eliminate all junk. I really need to do this :flowerforyou:
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Rikki's 6 Week Challenge.:bigsmile:
    Day 1

    Stay within 1660 Calories
    Drink 4 large glasses of water
    30 Minutes of exercise (broken down into a series of 4. Running, Knees up'ing, running kicking bum'ing and sprinting) 3 Minutes on each or when the song changed on your ipod
    Strength Work - 1. Dumbells up and over head into V shape 20 Reps 2. Dumbells punched into air 20 reps per arm 3. 20 Squats with feet together going as low as possible (SLOWLY) 4. Ab Crunches lift shoulders and head until abs tighten then pulse up forwad and back 20 reps 5. Lower Ab work Lie on back lift legs just off floor and raise up and down (DO NOT TOUCH FLOOR) 20 REPS 6. Side bends with dumbells 20 reps per side.
    Slendetone - 1 30 Minute Session

    Good luck if you do try this :happy:

  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Shoppie, Just for advice this week just put 1 running session in and 1 very fast walking.
    try and walk double the distance you run. Maybe next week run twice. You will shock your muscles if you havent ran before and may not be able to do much else for the rest of the week if thats the case.

    Im sure youll do fine :happy:

  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I think I may give it a go (your challenge) with the exception of the slendertone as I don't have one! :laugh:

    RE: the running - I did my first yesterday, 30 mins though I walked for one minute (timed) 4 times. My thighs do ache though! :laugh: Still managed my walk today though :bigsmile:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good afternoon one and all!!

    So this weekends weather was amazing!! Lets just say i spent the whole weekend down my local Lido...(Open air pool) which was lovely!! Lots of swimming, good healthy food and gyming!!!

    I hope everyone has enjoyed the weather as much as i have!! Only a few days and im off on my jolly holiday to Cyprus!! :glasses: Cant wait!

    Katherine x
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I went onto my bike today for the first time in ages and could only manage 10mins because of the heat! I can't believe it's still so warm at 10pm.

    How many calories do you think you burn melting in the sun all day?!

    I've not logged my food or exercise for a few days, but I'm going to do it now. I built a chest of drawers from Ikea on Thursday night and it took me 3 hours, the sweat was pouring off me by the end (lovely)! Hopefully that burnt quite a few calories, although it probably didn't help that I was eating Haribos while I was doing it.

    Amy x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Morning All

    Amy im not sure how many calories the heat will burn, i attempted 30mins of skipping yesterday but it was way to hot!

    Ive been good this morning and got up and did 30mins on the step before breakfast, will try and do more exercise later today too

    i was also good and drank my 6 of my 8 glasses of water yesterday, aiming for 8 today ^.^
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning Katie,

    Hope your well!

    I cant belive the fantastic weather we are having!!! what a dream!! I should really go open air swimming but its legs bums and tums time again today!! Looks like ill be burning some serious cals too!!! :drinker: I hardly eat them back but it seems to be working... weight is going steadily! I hope you all like my new photo!

    Glitter... I absoltely LOVE haribo :love: he hee!! Especially the Kiddies mix... with the little jelly men.. and milk bottles... YUM YUM YUM

    Im drinking loads of water at the moment.. Im taking Xhydar Cut metabolism boosting tablets... full off cayan pepper, green tea and other stuff... Who knows if they are working! But i thought i would give them a try?!

    Katherine x:heart: x
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Rikki's 6 Week Challenge.:bigsmile:
    Day 1

    Stay within 1660 Calories - Plus
    Drink 4 large glasses of water
    30 Minutes of exercise (broken down into a series of 4. Running, Knees up'ing, running kicking bum'ing and sprinting) 3 Minutes on each or when the song changed on your ipod
    Strength Work - 1. Dumbells up and over head into V shape 20 Reps 2. Dumbells punched into air 20 reps per arm 3. 20 Squats with feet together going as low as possible (SLOWLY) 4. Ab Crunches lift shoulders and head until abs tighten then pulse up forwad and back 20 reps 5. Lower Ab work Lie on back lift legs just off floor and raise up and down (DO NOT TOUCH FLOOR) 20 REPS 6. Side bends with dumbells 20 reps per side.
    Slendetone - 1 30 Minute Session

    Good luck if you do try this :happy:


    Yes i did the 1660
    I drank my water
    I did 30 minutes of exercise but doing some of those exercises for 3 minutes at a time is hard!
    I did all my strength work, plus 20 lunges on each leg and 1 30 second plank.
    i didnt slendertone cus my bum was hurtong from Sunday!

    Back on for today
    Day 2
    Stick to my exercise cals
    Drink 5 Glasses of water
    30 Minutes of exercise
    All my strength work plus the extra i did, AGAIN
    No Alcohol when i see my friend.

    Whooo I can do this
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Katherine i do like the new pic - you look faboulous.
    Wheres that dress frm!
    im going to post a new pic at the end of this week :)
    Hoping for some good results.

    Mmm Haribo milk bottles - My favourite!

    i hope you have a nice holiday - Are you all packed and ready??

    how is everyone else today?

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Katherine i do like the new pic - you look faboulous.
    Wheres that dress frm!
    im going to post a new pic at the end of this week :)
    Hoping for some good results.

    Mmm Haribo milk bottles - My favourite!

    i hope you have a nice holiday - Are you all packed and ready??

    how is everyone else today?



    The dress is a golden oldie i got when i was 17..!! seems so long ago.. but it was from TOPSHOP - The vintage range.. so i doubt you will find it n e where!!!
    Thank you for saying you like the photo!!
    Nope.. not packed yet but im ready to go now! hee hee!! I have got most of my clothes out... just a last few things i need to get!

    xx x xx
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Everyone looks slimmer than me! :laugh: I should post an updated pic actually as I'm slimmer and my bubba much bigger! (he's 8 months now)

    Having a good day, have done a 7.2 mile walk in just under 2 hours :drinker: Food:
    B - porridge
    L - 3 slices ham, pickle, 3 slices white bread, few strawberries
    D - homemade bacon and egg quiche with salad this is verrrrrrrry naughty fat and cals wise but I still come much under allowance because of the walk :drinker:

    Have made a big batch of zero point soup for snacking on too :drinker:

    Keep it up everybody!
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    It was the Kiddie mix Haribo! They were such a temptation when I was at the till because they were half price. I can't resist cheap Haribos!

    They seemed to not have affected me that much though because I weighed myself this morning and I've lost another 2 pounds :happy:

    Amy x
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi All :happy:

    Katherine most diet metabolism boosting diet pills contain megadoses of caffeine, a common ingredient that provides this is green tea. Caffine is a diuretic so it promotes water loss. Thought I'd better mention this as you are going somewhere hot. Have a great hol. You look fab :happy:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    nightshift is turning into a bit of a challenge for me now that I have changed my goals, I have set calorie intake down to 1200 calories and exercise 60 min. a day yesterday I reached 1000 cal. which 800 less due to exercise. (it's 3am) I just had a bowl of crunchie nut cornflakes, I have logged it as breakfast because I have no idea what time I will be getting up later on when I will have a bowl of porridge before my work out. (call that my lunch) then I am thinking of doing either chilli con carne again or have a tuna, wholemeal pasta with sweetcorn and low fat mayo.

    Loving the fact that we can share our food diaries, they have been keeping me occupied on my break :happy:

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, I will log back in later. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Oh Helen! 3am you wer on here!
    Damn this sift work!

    I Had A bigg bowl of Bran Fales for brekkie with Blueberries and Strawberries with my Lemon Tea! Mmmm Yummy!

    Well Done Amy :wink:
    I bet you feel great!

    Yeah Shoppie post an Updated pic! Of you and Bubba :happy:
    Bet hes massive now :tongue:

    Im aching today! I was yesterday bit i could manage it then. I ran on monday in my Flat pumps because they looked better than the blackones (Ehich yes they supoort me better but i wanted to look good :happy: ) and i realised when i was running that if i ran flat footed i would end up with Shin splints or something so i ran on my tippy toes and now my calfes are really aching! I could slendertone either lasy night cus my bum is still hurting (Please say if that is to much info :tongue: )
    but on a good note :

    I drank my 5 Glasses of water
    I was wayy below my cals!
    I did 30 mins of running with 2 massive hills! i almost died!
    I did all my strength training and i did a plank for 1 45 seconds
    but no lunges.

    Same again today! Day 3 here i come :happy:

    Have a good day __x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Pg Tips - Tea With A Dash of Semi Milk
    Sainsbury's - Wholegrain Mini Wheats, 40 g
    Bananas - Raw, 0.5 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
    Kellogg's - Bran Flakes, 0.75 bowl
    Sainsbury's - Honey Oats With Rasins and Almonds, 20 g

    Sainsbury's - Fusilli Pasta - Wholewheat (Dry), 80 g
    Sainsbury's Taste the Difference - Jumbo King Prawns, 1 container
    Sainsbury's - Naturally Sweet Sweetcorn In Water, 75 g
    Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.5 cup slices
    Bell Peppers Red - Red Peppers, 1 oz

    Peas - Green, frozen, unprepared, 0.5 cup
    Sainsbury's - Tuna In Brine, 1 tin
    Carrot - Boiled Carrots, 100 g

    London Fruit & Herb Company - Lemon & Lime Zest, 2 Teabag
    the Food Doctor - Multiseed & Cereal Pitta Bread, 2 pitta
    Braeburn - Apple, 0.5 medium apple (154g)

    Total: 1,458 cals
    Your Daily Goal: 2,016 cals
    Remaining: 558 cals
    *You've earned 646 extra calories from exercise today

    Just thought i would share with you all what i had yesterday!!