Vegan vs Health



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Try vegetarian first, then go for vegan. It's a huge switch to go from one to another.
    Being a vegetarian is much healthier than being a meat eater. You DON'T need supplements when you're eating a vegetarian diet. Just eat healthy.
    Being a meat and vegetation eater would be more healthier as equals more nutrients.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member

    Being a vegetarian is much healthier than being a meat eater.

    Seems like a pretty broad statement that can't be substantiated.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Vegans as a group are statistically healthier than vegetarians or omnivores.

    What statistics? Last I checked there are no concrete statistics one way or another on ANY way of eating to substantiate these claims. The basis for veganism being healthier resonates with people because it SOUNDS like it should be healthier, however flies in the face of biology, biochemistry and other evidence to the contrary.

    I've met some pretty dang sickly vegans, my sister's boyfriend being one of them. The guy is just pale, thin, frail and not at all manly. Suffers from testosterone/estrogen imbalance and gets sick constantly. My sister went paleo and as a compromise feeds him a ton of fat from plants and he's getting better, but the guy could really use a good steak and the animal fats that go along with it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Vegans as a group are statistically healthier than vegetarians or omnivores.
    Actually, statistically, vegans have the exact same life expectancy and disease risks that omnivores have. Of the 3, statistically, vegetarians are the healthiest, actually.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I really would like to start eating vegan. It may be a stupid situation, but my family thinks it's unhealthy because they say we need certain amino acids that can be found only in meat and blablabla...
    Is vegan really that bad? To me it seems very healthy :|
    How can I change their minds?
    Thanks :)

    Actually you can find all you need in plants, though many vegans and vegetarians do take a daily multivitamin. All you get from meat basically that is 'good' for you is protein. Meat and animal products include lots of saturated fat and cholesterol and hormones. If you look at a package of cheese you'll see most calories are from fat.

    You can also get many vegan subs for foods you already enjoy that I don't think your family will have issues getting for you. Brands like "morning star farms" and "bocas" are in most larger grocery stores like walmart. They make many fake meats like chick'n nuggets and ground meat crumbles. You can also find cheese subs like daiya and milk subs like almond, soy or rice milk. I like almond and soy milk. Earth balance is a fake butter and tofutti makes vegan cream cheese and sour creme and they taste great.

    Of course, you can also make many vege dishes. Also eating out, you can look at menus ahead of time online and see what vegan options they have. Even some pizza places you can find vegan pizza, you just might have to order it without cheese which I promise you is still delicious.

    You'll find that many people, including some medical professionals are unaware that a vegan diet can be healthy and there nothing you NEED from animals that can't be found in plant sources.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Vegans as a group are statistically healthier than vegetarians or omnivores.

    What statistics? Last I checked there are no concrete statistics one way or another on ANY way of eating to substantiate these claims. The basis for veganism being healthier resonates with people because it SOUNDS like it should be healthier, however flies in the face of biology, biochemistry and other evidence to the contrary.

    I've met some pretty dang sickly vegans, my sister's boyfriend being one of them. The guy is just pale, thin, frail and not at all manly. Suffers from testosterone/estrogen imbalance and gets sick constantly. My sister went paleo and as a compromise feeds him a ton of fat from plants and he's getting better, but the guy could really use a good steak and the animal fats that go along with it.

    That's interesting because I'm vegan and my legs are built like a horse.
  • myonepack
    myonepack Posts: 7
    Being vegan is very healthy compared to the standard American diet. You should do what you love. Take a multivitamin and eat a colorful diet, you'll be fine. You can be a fat and unhealthy vegan too, so don't let people fool you about it being a cure all. Try to eat a lot of raw food and pay attention to calcium, iron, b12 and you'll do great. My family children have been mostly vegan and are healthy and smart, my husband and I have been vegan on and off and feel 100 percent better when vegan vs vegetarian.
  • myonepack
    myonepack Posts: 7
    Um Ive been vegan on and off and have always felt better vegan than any other diet. If people you know who are vegan are sick, it's because they aren't eating right. Any diet can make you sick if you aren't getting a variety everyday.
  • myonepack
    myonepack Posts: 7
    Mine too lol
  • myonepack
    myonepack Posts: 7
    Have you looked at the dental records of the "cavemen" you speak of. Do some research online and in medical journals, you will find we are quite different than they were and have less incidence of some major health problems due to malnourishment. That being said, vegans can be fat and unhealthy too. It's not a perfect diet but it's not harmful either.
  • inagaddadavegan
    inagaddadavegan Posts: 46 Member
    You can't change their minds because they're right.

    Sorry. I completely respect veganism for moral reasons but it's not a healthier way to live.

    Agree about it not necessarily being healthier. The moral reasons I just don't get. Those that go vegan must be wired differently to feel overly compassionate towards using animals for food. This is not meant offensively. For example some folks may have impulse control issues which is due to a certain area in the brain.

    Maybe the ones who aren't vegan are missing some wiring for compassion and empathy.
    This is not meant offensively.
  • inagaddadavegan
    inagaddadavegan Posts: 46 Member
    Vegans as a group are statistically healthier than vegetarians or omnivores.

    What statistics? Last I checked there are no concrete statistics one way or another on ANY way of eating to substantiate these claims. The basis for veganism being healthier resonates with people because it SOUNDS like it should be healthier, however flies in the face of biology, biochemistry and other evidence to the contrary.

    I've met some pretty dang sickly vegans, my sister's boyfriend being one of them. The guy is just pale, thin, frail and not at all manly. Suffers from testosterone/estrogen imbalance and gets sick constantly. My sister went paleo and as a compromise feeds him a ton of fat from plants and he's getting better, but the guy could really use a good steak and the animal fats that go along with it.

    That's interesting because I'm vegan and my legs are built like a horse.

    Not to mention, elephants are vegan and hell, they have legs like... elephants! Hmm where do they get their protein? lol
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Maybe the ones who aren't vegan are missing some wiring for compassion and empathy.
    This is not meant offensively.

    Pure awesome.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Oh man. I'd love to be a vegan, but I have trouble maintaining my protein goals as a pescetarian who eats the fish on occasion. I actually would go cold turkey on meat, and then begin the gradual switch from veggie to vegan. It gives you a chance to feel the VEGGIE POWER instead of a gradual energy increase. You'll be like, "Damn, I feel like a CHAMPION THIS WEEK" instead of wondering if maybe you feel better because of the vegs.

    Try not to rely on soy too much, since you're a lady. Definitely stack up on the elder grains (yeah, that's what I like to call 'em, and what?) quinoa, kamut, farra, millet. All have decent protein ratings and a quinoa is even complete as far as amino acids go. If you get a good variety of foods you'll be perfect. Taking D and B12 supplements are a good idea, too.

    If you make a decision to buy cruelty free products and see how expensive they are, you'll slowly remove them from your diet naturally. Cage free, happy chicken eggs are expensive. Grass fed joy cow milk? Expensive as eff. Cheese from that cow? ridonkculous. And by then you'll know how to cook balanced meals from plant sources. GO TEAM.
  • veggieshark
    veggieshark Posts: 153 Member
    I think it's unhealthy for young children who're developing still but you're definitely developed so I say just go for it! I can't wait to go vegan once I move out of the house and am buying my own food.
  • inagaddadavegan
    inagaddadavegan Posts: 46 Member
    I think it's unhealthy for young children who're developing still but you're definitely developed so I say just go for it! I can't wait to go vegan once I move out of the house and am buying my own food.

    " Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate **for all stages of the life-cycle including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.**" -- Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: vegetarian diets
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I recommend reading, googling or even searching YouTube anything by:
    Jeff Novick
    Dr. Joel Fuhrman
    Dr. Neal Barnard
    Dr. John McDougall
    Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
    John Robbins
    Dr. Michael Klapper
    Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

    A whole foods, vegan diet is extremely healthy!!

    Best of luck!
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I think it's unhealthy for young children who're developing still but you're definitely developed so I say just go for it! I can't wait to go vegan once I move out of the house and am buying my own food.

    Please read "Disease Proof Your Child" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Lots of great research on why a vegan or near vegan diet is optimal for a growing child.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Except for the cases where children die from being forced to eat a vegan diet while developing right?
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Except for the cases where children die from being forced to eat a vegan diet while developing right?

    Vegan does not necessarily equate to healthy (i.e. Oreo cookies and soda are technically vegan).

    I think parents need to make decisions for their children, but there is research to support a whole foods, plant-based diet:

    The only vitamin that one cannot get from a vegan diet is B12. B12 is a bacteria found in dirt. One can get it from eating dirt, eating dirty produce, eating animals that eat food from the ground thus eating dirt, eating enriched foods, or supplementing.

    People just need to eat more natural produce. Period.