Should i eat less in a day if im going out drinking?



  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    That's actually a serious issue that has landed many people in the hospital.
    Sorry I can't find the article that goes a long with that but it's really dangerous.
    I would just eat normal and allow the alcohol as a "cheat meal" replacement.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    I'm 45 now and still enjoy the occasional bottle of wine with friends (to no ill effect to my weight loss) but I remember my college days. I used to drink A LOT of water at the clubs. Back then I was religious about no extra calories. Heck I drink more now than I did then LOL. I think if you are counting the calories, the loss of nutrition of one days food does not hurt you. Besides, nutrition is overall, not day to day, or at least my nutritionist says so. You dont have to have 3-5 'balanced' meals as long as your average intake is nutritionally balanced. Log the calories, have fun and be careful.
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    If I drank that much, I would be so sick the next day I probably wouldn't eat at all anyway.
    Not really a great idea.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I do more of a work out when I drink a lot
    nuff said :drinker:
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    I used to do this in college - backfired every single time. The only time I didn't come home and drunk eat was when I had a guy over (don't judge me please it wasn't that often hence the weight gain!!). To me it's not the alcohol (unless you're having seriously sugary, heavy stuff) but what you eat AFTER or DURING. We all know what I'm talking about. And you can't keep up a charade like that and lose weight. Sorry.

    I heard a term for saving calories for drinking - "Drunkorexia"
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Drink lots of water throughout the day - eat healthy - have something with protein & fat before you head out. Take a multi vitamin before bed.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Also, those shaming the OP about having 10 y'all not remember being 18-22?

    That was a pretty standard college Saturday night for me...
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    Rum and Diet Coke is about 60 cal per drink...
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    LOL 10 shots of vodka!!!!!!!

    Anyways - before a big drinking night I get a kick *kitten* work out in then eat one smaller meal, then enjoy the night and eat some big *kitten* greasy breakfast the next day.

    Just remember to be safe and no driving :)
  • MDfour
    MDfour Posts: 20
    Blahblahblah, binge drinking in college is bad blahblahblah. Give me heat for saying this, everyone else, but I agree with OP. You're not an alcoholic until you graduate.

    ANYWAY, when I want to drink and party, I listen to good old Martin Berkhan:

    It's a very lengthy article, but below are the basics of what to do on your drinking day. This method is tried and true. Everytime I drink, I do this, and it absolutely works as he claims. I can personally vouch for it.

    "The rules are as follows:

    * For this day, restrict your intake of dietary fat to 0.3 g/kg body weight (or as close to this figure as possible).

    * Limit carbs to 1.5 g/kg body weight. Get all carbs from veggies and the tag-along carbs in some protein sources. You'll also want to limit carbohydrate-rich alcohol sources such as drinks made with fruit juices and beer. A 33 cl/12 fl oz of beer contains about 12 g carbs, while a regular Cosmopolitan is about 13 g.

    * Good choices of alcohol include dry wines which are very low carb, clocking in at about 0.5-1 g per glass (4 fl oz/115ml). Sweet wines are much higher at 4-6 g per glass. Cognac, gin, rum, scotch, tequila, vodka and whiskey are all basically zero carbs. Dry wines and spirits is what you should be drinking, ideally. Take them straight or mixed with diet soda. (No need to be super-neurotic about this stuff. Drinks should be enjoyed after all. Just be aware that there are better and worse choices out there).

    * Eat as much protein as you want. Yes, that's right. Ad libitum. Due to the limit on dietary fat, you need to get your protein from lean sources. Protein sources such as low fat cottage cheese, protein powder, chicken, turkey, tuna, pork and egg whites are good sources of protein this day.

    * For effective fat loss, this should be limited to one evening per week. Apply the protocol and you will lose fat on a weekly basis as long as your diet is on point for the rest of the week."

    SO, DEFINITELY GO FOR THE VODKA and eat like he says to. Pretty much only eat protein, I usually do tuna, shrimp, or other meats that I'm SURE have little to no fat, cottage cheese, protein shakes, and vegetables up to the carb limit.
  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    There's something about alcohol that adds to belly fat specifically, just something to consider.

    Have fun! Be safe! :)
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    You'll likely be too hungover to eat tomorrow :p So I wouldn't worry about the extra calories you consume tonight.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    I hate to be Devil's advocate here, but prior to my injury I would drink on weekends with my friends and YES I did still lose or maintain my weight. I realize some people have different opinions, but I enjoy going out drinking with friends and I'm not a college kid. I did eat less that day to allow for some of it, and I would also workout that morning to allow for some of it. While I couldn't do 10 shots, I could definitely do a bottle of wine or some beers. MGD 64 is a good option if you want to drink the night away and not use up too many calories. I think Rolling Rock Green Light is also extremely low in calories. I say, LIVE IT UP! If your lifestyle calls for nights out having fun with drinks, then you find a way to make it work into your plan!

    Agree with this ^^^^^ Make smarter choices and don't do it every day, but you can still lose weight. I haven't given up beer, and I'm down 33 pounds in 2 months. I switched to the MGD 64 and/or Bud Select 55... You don't get loopy as quickly, because there is less alcohol, and it's about half the calories of regular light beers. It's a win-win in my book! :drinker:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Blahblahblah, binge drinking in college is bad blahblahblah. Give me heat for saying this, everyone else, but I agree with OP. You're not an alcoholic until you graduate.

    ANYWAY, when I want to drink and party, I listen to good old Martin Berkhan:

    It's a very lengthy article, but below are the basics of what to do on your drinking day. This method is tried and true. Everytime I drink, I do this, and it absolutely works as he claims. I can personally vouch for it.

    "The rules are as follows:

    * For this day, restrict your intake of dietary fat to 0.3 g/kg body weight (or as close to this figure as possible).

    * Limit carbs to 1.5 g/kg body weight. Get all carbs from veggies and the tag-along carbs in some protein sources. You'll also want to limit carbohydrate-rich alcohol sources such as drinks made with fruit juices and beer. A 33 cl/12 fl oz of beer contains about 12 g carbs, while a regular Cosmopolitan is about 13 g.

    * Good choices of alcohol include dry wines which are very low carb, clocking in at about 0.5-1 g per glass (4 fl oz/115ml). Sweet wines are much higher at 4-6 g per glass. Cognac, gin, rum, scotch, tequila, vodka and whiskey are all basically zero carbs. Dry wines and spirits is what you should be drinking, ideally. Take them straight or mixed with diet soda. (No need to be super-neurotic about this stuff. Drinks should be enjoyed after all. Just be aware that there are better and worse choices out there).

    * Eat as much protein as you want. Yes, that's right. Ad libitum. Due to the limit on dietary fat, you need to get your protein from lean sources. Protein sources such as low fat cottage cheese, protein powder, chicken, turkey, tuna, pork and egg whites are good sources of protein this day.

    * For effective fat loss, this should be limited to one evening per week. Apply the protocol and you will lose fat on a weekly basis as long as your diet is on point for the rest of the week."

    Amen sister!!!
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I was with you in college :) I would maybe save a few calories from eating, but you definitely don't want to drink on an empty stomach... I would get some exercise in to help offset the calories. And if you are going out dancing, you can put that towards it.

    I still have a few too many drinks the odd time... I know how to control it and when I shouldn't, sometimes it's fun to let loose, but I try and get the exercise in because I know I won't want to the next day LOL
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    going out drinking after not eating much wont end well, so id go for the working out more a day or two before to earn the extra calories, or eat less calories (and plenty of water to rehydrate) the day after. ok maybe drinking so much in one night is not the best idea, but you're not the only one to do it and at least you are planning it into your diet.

    as long are your calories are on target over the week, being over or under some days doesnt matter. I had a huuuge night out a few weeks ago, had probably my days calories in alcohol (after id eaten the full days calories already in food), and lost 2lbs 3 days later :-)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I usually don't worry about it. I drink infrequently though, so it's not an issue for me
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    In short, yes.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I remember when I used to do that kind of stuff. Ah, college. :P To be honest if I was drinking that much I wasn't thinking about my weight or my health even a little bit.

    Usually I'm thinking about how crappy the last term has been and how frustrating all of my project partners were. And I drink until all I'm thinking about is how sweet this beat is and trying not to fall over while I goofily dance to it.

    Also when I drank I would get hungry and eat all sorts of food that's horrible for you but feels freakin great to eat when you're in a bad mood.

    Then there's the whole thing where drinking on an empty stomach has nasty (usually vomit-y) results. Just comes with the territory.

    Basically what I'm saying is drinking heavily and being responsible about your calorie intake doesn't go hand in hand. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to go with the other posts and say that if you want to stay responsible about your calorie intake, you shouldn't drink that much.

    If you're drinking for the same reason I used to, I recommend befriending people who would rather sit around watching Disney movies and building blanket tents and coloring (omg SUCH good tiems) or take a quiet evening to yourself having a nice long bubble bath and read a book instead. There are great ways to relieve stress and irritation without resorting to eating/drinking. They just don't sound as fun, lol.

    If you're going out no matter what, then I would say that you should eat enough food so that you're not drinking on an empty stomach, and just deal with the fact that you're going to go over your calories. Log everything. And just know that it's going to put a speed bump in your weight loss progress. It happens. *Shrug*

    Anyways good luck and whatever you choose, stay safe and don't drink and drive. For reals.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    That's why I say if you're going to drink an entire bottle of wine, you're taking a cheat day... So stop caring about your diet because you can't make up for it. Just do it if that's what you want, stressing over it is anguish for no reason.