Should i eat less in a day if im going out drinking?



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    if you're going to drink, then you might as well forget about the food plan for the day and go for it, but 10 shots...thats pretty heavy going. make sure you eat something first and drink 300 gallons of water after..

    and also remember not to mix grain with grape.
  • ferrahcn
    ferrahcn Posts: 65
    I totally agree with you! I drink everyday almost... I DO LOVE my wine.. teeheehee.. That is why I work out so I can use the extra calories for my wine, not extra food.
  • Everybody's getting worked up over 10 shots.... 10 shots in an hour? in 5 hours? depends on the time frame.

    To the people that say you can't binge drink and lose weight - I certainly have done both. You can't do it everyday but I've had 2-3 start at 8pm finish at 4am evenings since I started. Scale is still dropping.

    If I know I'm gonna have a rowdy night I try and exercise alot to bank some extra calories, but don't limit my eating. Drinking on an empty stomach never feels right.

    Be responsible have fun and call it a cheat day.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    I don't drink at the moment (and I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't either, because it's not my place) but if I were in your shoes I'd actually need MORE food to line my stomach and soak up the booze. Drinking on an empty stomach gives the most killer hangovers. I really don't think that one session on its own plus the extra food calories would be enough to make you gain weight long term, but it depends on what your body is like and how it works.
  • babigurl86
    babigurl86 Posts: 129 Member
    line your stomach,workout more and stick to wine(healthier) - dont wanna get too @!%$faced lol
    most of all ,HAVE FUN!
    u clubbin? even better! more lost cals.

  • carinaut
    carinaut Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on the same boat! When I go out drinkin, I try to save as many calories as possible to compensate for it.....but NOT AT DINNER! As a college student you probably know it already, drinkin on an empty stomach is EVIL! You react totally different to alcohol and end up way too drunk without having consumed the half of what you drink normally. Workout is also highly recommended :-) Make sure to have carbs and fat for dinner! and of course...have fun, I will too ;-)
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Yeah yeah, i know, drinking is bad and all that, but im a university student so its a given.
    I plan to either have 10 shots of vodka (500 something calories) or a bottle of zinfandel wine (400 odd calories), does that mean i have to eat 400-500 calories less?

    Trouble is you are in a catch 22 situation.

    If you eat as you normally would, the drinks' calories are extra and push you over your daily limit.

    If you cut your food for that day right down, it means you will nearly be drinking alcohol on an empty stomach - bad idea!

    Do you normally eat your exercise calories? If so, exercise for the extra calories.
  • BLy82
    BLy82 Posts: 33 Member
    Yeah yeah, i know, drinking is bad and all that, but im a university student so its a given.

    No, it's not. Plenty of people have been university students without engaging in heavy drinking. There is no diploma requirement that you must have binged on alcohol a certain number of times.

    You are certainly welcome to make your own choices, including choosing to go out and binge drink. It's your body and that's your right. What is not all right is making excuses about it. It's a choice that you are making. Own the choice.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Just as an FYI, your profile mentions that you're 19 so you're pretty much admitting to breaking the law here (which I think can get your account banned?) unless you're in a country where the legal age is 18.
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    After what everyone has written all I can say is do what you do before you go out and have a blast!!!! And then keep doing what your doing!!!!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Oh give her a break! When I am out with friends and drinking I lose track of how many drinks I have had! If I were to count how many glasses of wine I've had on a night out it probably would equal a bottle or more!

    With that said, Friday night is my happy hour/business meeting night and I KNOW I am going to over indulge so I just plan for it: I try and burn a lot of calories wheni work out so that I din't feel guilty when I go over on my calories due to copious amounts of alcohol, I don't beat myself up over it and get back on track the next day.

    Have fun and please don't drive!
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    Even as a university student, I have never taken 10 shots of vodka over the course of a night. That's...liver suicide, at best.

    That being said, yes, I reserve a certain amount of calories for my alcohol. For example, tonight I'm planning on having 3 pints of Miller Lite. Not my fav beer, but I've committed to a healthier lifestyle and I intend to continue on that way. Maybe instead of 10 shots, stick to a bottle of wine. Do yourself a favor and set a limit. =P

    Happy Thirsty Thursday!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't know, I woudn't save all those calories, maybe just like 200 of them. And 10 shots, wow that is a lot.
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    I am a college student who parties every weekend...and I still think 10 is a lot. Most people I know (ESPECIALLY girls) would black out if they drank anywhere close to that...and I don't have to tell you that that's dangerous.

    However much you decide to drink, I would say eat your normal amount of calories for the day, and then exercise to burn off how ever many calories you plan on drinking.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    I have been known to drink my *kitten* off when I go out. No judgement requested....Best thing I have found is to eat lighter early and have a good workout. Later in the afternoon I'll eat a heavier, slower digesting meal like red meat and potatoes so I'm full and reduce the risk of chucking. PLENTY OF WATER ALL DAY. Slam your 10 shots, make it 12 for good measure, take a multi and an aspirin and pass out. I'm the guy who polishes the Jack by myself and hardly looks buzzed so if you're trying to keep up with a 6' blonde haired, blue eyed man at the bar....have fun but use caution. :drinker:
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    I binge drink at least once a week (Milwaukee culture, holla!) I pre-log several vodka drinks early in the day to make room in my net calories for it so I know how to juggle what I eat beforehand. Sometimes I go over my limit a hundred or two hundred calories because of the alcohol but I'm not here to prevent myself from enjoying life. Eat healthier foods during the day to compensate for the calories you're wasting on alcohol at night or if it's possible, burn off calories just so you can binge. I happen to enjoy stationary biking and chanting in my head how I earned the alcohol I'm about to drink (sort of how people pray over meals before they eat lol)

    Eff those holier-than-thou people. I workout, eat within my calorie range, and look and feel great. AND I LOVE ALCOHOL!
  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    Your gonna be drunk and sick. If not you'll want to stop at some diner on the way home and not care about what you eat. So eat and have some drinks and if you drink more then you should at least you'll have a base on you. Been there done that! Good luck, have fun and don't drive.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hahaha at the posts saying 10 shots of vodka is a lot. Being Scottish that is like nothing, that's pre drinking :L

    Oh dear.

    Judging by the bus she's on, OP looks like she's in Britain, and (Sadly? Gladly? Both?) binge drinking is like a uni/college requirement :P

    I may be wrong about the bus. But I usually know my buses. LMAO.

    Also, for me, I try to make sure I dance when I'm out, walk when I can...get some exercise in and eat a little lower calorie, and you sould be fine (: get vodka with diet coke or something, will last longer and diet coke has 0 cals
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Don't consume less calories if you're going to drink that much. That is binge drinking, that girl on the first page was right. I would make it a cheat day and try to make up for it the rest of the week with a bit extra in the workouts.

    But -please- keep in mind when you go, college kids who were on diets and were saving their calories for booze have died from it. People just like you. If you're going to have that much, please do so responsibly.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    umm... 10 shots of vodka is more like 1000 calories, just so you know.

    you definitely want to eat if you're goign to drink that much otherwise you will get very very sick these same night/next day and will be hugging your toilet :laugh:

    before i have a crazy night drinking, i make sure to have something ready to eat when i get home, that way i'm not making matter worse by getting several slices of greasy pizza and fries. you definitely want to make it before hand because cooking + drunkness = bad idea. my favorite post drinking meal is homemade chicken lo mein made with lots of chicken, veggies and rice noodles.

    meatballs with cheese are also good. i make the meatballs with ground turkey and mushrooms