Sexual orientation



  • I wouldn't say there's less of a stigma for women to experiment, the stigma is just different. Women are more likely to be labelled as sluts while men are more likely to be labelled as sinful abominations (yeah, our culture's a tad messed up). More women are comfortable experimenting and/or coming out as bi due to this difference than men, who are more likely to remain in the closet and call themselves heterosexual men. It's absurd to say all women or most women are bisexual until sufficient evidence comes out and until more bisexual men come out.

    I'm a bisexual male, by the way.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member

    What episode was that ?I definately would remember seeing that
    Seasons 3..... Will try and find which episode, but below:
    My mouth dropped at " if you care to join me"
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    I was talking to my brother yesterday, and he was talking about this girl in his office that was "bi" and he said "but that doesn't matter because every straight girl is "bi""


    No, that statement is not correct. Everyone is different and yes some women like other women but you should never assume that every straight girl is also "bi" or visa-versa. I don't mean to be rude, blunt maybe, but I think that was very ignorant of your brother to say (ignorant as in ill informed). But I can only speak for myself and I am 100% straight (and never will be with a women, ever). Again, don't mean to offend anyone.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    haha it's true, girls don't admit it. They "THINK" it's something else. Sometimes if you ask a girl if she's bi she'd tell you no, but then a week later she tells you she had a girlfriend.

    Ask a girl this, "if you where watching an adult film, would you rather watch guy on guy action, or girl on girl action." This was done in a study. No one liked the guy on guy action, everyone liked the girl on girl action. This was tested with both sexes.

    Sexuality is more on a spectrum. Guys are either very straight or very gay, not really in between. Girls fall in to the between category.

    I actually love guy on guy porn and dislike girl on girl. I know plenty of women who feel the same.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I check out women more than men. I'm not sure if I would want to be in a long term relationship with a woman but I wouldn't mind having "fun" together. I am attracted to men and women. People are beautiful. :)

    I totally agree with your first sentence.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I am the only girl in a family with four children... and yes, my youngest brother is gay. I honestly think that there is a difference betweeen sex and appreictation for beauty. i also believe that there are many people that do not realize that they are unwilling to even concieve of a homosexual "act" is because it has been ingrained into them that it is wrong. Then there are the people that do it, because they were told it is wrong. And then there are the people that are born to prefer the same sex to the opposite sex. I personally believe that the amount of estrogen or testosterone in a person's body can lead to the way they see sex, the way they view an attractive person, either gender, and that ultimately, everyone is physically capable of choosing what they do and do not act upon. I wouldn't say that all people are "bi" nor would I say that most people fall "in the middle" on the spectrum of sexuality... there are straight people, there are gay people... and then there are people that are up for what life throws at them. Sometimes, it's about being in the moment... not what it "means"...

    Very well put

  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    haha it's true, girls don't admit it. They "THINK" it's something else. Sometimes if you ask a girl if she's bi she'd tell you no, but then a week later she tells you she had a girlfriend.

    Ask a girl this, "if you where watching an adult film, would you rather watch guy on guy action, or girl on girl action." This was done in a study. No one liked the guy on guy action, everyone liked the girl on girl action. This was tested with both sexes.

    Sexuality is more on a spectrum. Guys are either very straight or very gay, not really in between. Girls fall in to the between category.

    NO one likes guy on guy........???? *whistles, walks off in to sunset*

    Walkin next you off into the sunset. Hahahah.

    *holds hands starts skipping* Even True Blood did it! Bill and Sam, come on that was hot people!

    *wipes sweat off forehead* wasn't it though!

    What episode was that ?I definately would remember seeing that

    All of you need to add me!!!!! :o)
  • Oh my goodness. So many bi girls. Plz friend me. All of you. We will all be friends and it will be sexy and amazing. Ready go.

    What they said^^^^^
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    If I were a girl I'd definitely be a lesbanim
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I was talking to my brother yesterday, and he was talking about this girl in his office that was "bi" and he said "but that doesn't matter because every straight girl is "bi""


    No, that statement is not correct. Everyone is different and yes some women like other women but you should never assume that every straight girl is also "bi" or visa-versa. I don't mean to be rude, blunt maybe, but I think that was very ignorant of your brother to say (ignorant as in ill informed). But I can only speak for myself and I am 100% straight (and never will be with a women, ever). Again, don't mean to offend anyone.

    I seriously think it was said in more of a joking manner.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    haha it's true, girls don't admit it. They "THINK" it's something else. Sometimes if you ask a girl if she's bi she'd tell you no, but then a week later she tells you she had a girlfriend.

    Ask a girl this, "if you where watching an adult film, would you rather watch guy on guy action, or girl on girl action." This was done in a study. No one liked the guy on guy action, everyone liked the girl on girl action. This was tested with both sexes.

    Sexuality is more on a spectrum. Guys are either very straight or very gay, not really in between. Girls fall in to the between category.

    This is wrong. So very wrong.

    The reasoning behind women wanting to watch girl on girl over guy on guy is because it is more sensual and erotic, not because there are two naked women. This was also studied very closely. It does not make them bisexual or even close to it. We are just typically less visual and more erotic/sensual and girl on girl pornography is usually much more sensual, romantic, sexy, etc.

    I do agree that men are typically more black and white when it comes to sexuality and what they're into, but it is not always the case. There are plenty that fall into the in between category.

    I know an awful lot of guys that fall in the middle. Granted, I would say a few are not being totally honest with themselves, my ex included. He always swore he was bi, but I always thought he swung more towards gay than he was willing to admit, why?? I have no idea. I also know plenty of women that are in no way interested in other women.

    As for the porn thing, my personal thought is sex is sex. If I want a story, and sensuality, I would not choose a porno! I would choose a romantic movie with better actors that maybe show a bit more that some darkened hot and heavy making out. If I choose porn, well, obviously it has nothing to do with a storyline, and I could really care less tabout he genders.

    I have never had a relationship with a woman, but that does not mean I wouldn't. I am looking for a person as a whole, not a gender. It just so happens that my oppurtunities have always been male.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member

    What episode was that ?I definately would remember seeing that
    Seasons 3..... Will try and find which episode, but below:
    My mouth dropped at " if you care to join me"

    Episode one, I know right *drool*
  • 100% false.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Oh shut up, You're like the only one getting your panties in a twist. Back out of the topic if you don't like it.


    that's not at all what I said. There are tons of people with different views than me, and not exaplinging their points by being really b!tchy in their posts in hopes that SOMEONE might notice them. It's sad that you feel the need to be rude to get your point across, but not everyone thinks like you or agrees with you, so move along now dear.

    At what point was I rude? :S Blunt perhaps, not rude. You're rather thin skinned if you think that was rude.

    or you're just really bad at it :flowerforyou:

    Maybe it's a cultural difference.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    I check out women more than men. I'm not sure if I would want to be in a long term relationship with a woman but I wouldn't mind having "fun" together. I am attracted to men and women. People are beautiful. :)

    I totally agree with your first sentence.

    How you doin???
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member

    p.s. MFP forums are perhaps the lowest ring of hell when discussing important and sensitive topics like sexual orientation and rape and parenting and psychology. Let' s stick to fitness people. A "bi" girl and a "straight" girl walk into a gym....a pansexual says "hey, babes! Let's hit the IRON!" Straight girl and bi girl and pansexual girl join tranny girl in the squat rack while hetero-normative bio-boys and bi-boys and gay boys cheer from the sidelines "Girls lifting weights RULE!!! Way to slay it!"

    I absolutely love this.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I think there are a lot of women who will not allow themselves to open up and let go of their inhibitions, insecurities and fears enough to enjoy a great many things. One of which is experiencing what there is to gain from being with a woman. I think those fears hold up a LOT of pleasure (not just from being with another woman) that they wont allow themselves to have.


    Um, if a straight person said the opposite about a gay person, it would be gay bashing.

    Is it really that difficult to understand that there are women out there in the world who have no sexual interest in other women? I have no problem with people being gay, but I'm not in any way, shape or form. The idea of kissing or having any kind of sex with another woman is not a turn-on to me.

    I'm not afraid of it. I just have no interest in it.

    I doubt I'm the only one.

    You're definitely not the only one.

    I find plenty of women attractive, still have no desire to have any kind of sexual contact with them. And the same could be said about men--I find plenty of men attractive; it doesn't mean I want to be sexually active with them! Most people are a little more selective and don't want to scr$w everyone they see, male or female. LOL
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    There's a bisexual and then there's the stupid 'bar sexual' girls :P

    THIS!!!!!!!!!! :heart:

    but I wouldnt know what a hetro girl thinks of feels cause im not one

    Oh dear ****ing God yes! Jeez, so ****ing annoying -_-

    I just find it really bad on some girls who do it just to get attention and free drinks from perverts. When there are real lesbiens/bisexual girls who are with their partners who just wanna be a couple and left alone, but they can't, because then guys come and bother them. It's really sad.

    and a guy that tries to get with a BI girl..thinking he will get a 3some out of the deal
  • Charlahorr
    Charlahorr Posts: 37 Member
    No not always!... yes women may look at other women n comment on her boobs or *kitten* or whatever but doesnt mean u have to be BI... thats just what girls do! :) Nothing worng with looking
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

    p.s. MFP forums are perhaps the lowest ring of hell when discussing important and sensitive topics like sexual orientation and rape and parenting and psychology. Let' s stick to fitness people. A "bi" girl and a "straight" girl walk into a gym....a pansexual says "hey, babes! Let's hit the IRON!" Straight girl and bi girl and pansexual girl join tranny girl in the squat rack while hetero-normative bio-boys and bi-boys and gay boys cheer from the sidelines "Girls lifting weights RULE!!! Way to slay it!"

    I absolutely love this.

    Weight lifting rocks!! :)