People who weigh themselves daily



  • SusanleeBee
    SusanleeBee Posts: 144 Member
    Don't lose your cheat day, it's important for making you not feel too deprived. On my cheat/high sodium days, I drink lots of extra water and take a dieuretic, to ensure I don't retain water. I wouldn't recommend "water pills" every day, but they're good occasionally, especially if it keeps you from getting discouraged. I got mine at wall mart, $3 for 30, I think.
  • juliedee6
    juliedee6 Posts: 46 Member
    When you have your cheat meal, are there special things you can ask the server to have the kitchen do to reduce the impact of the meal. For instance, if I have a steak (limit 6 oz.) I ask that no butter or oil be used in the preparation. They can add a terrific amount of calories this way. The steak still tastes wonderful without it. Same with chicken or fish. Ask that the seasoning be limited. If a huge amount of salt is used, it will affect your water retention. Ask if the kitchen has a low cal dressing as a substitute, or have it on the side. I do this and dip my fork in the dressing before going to the salad. I use less than half the dressing they give me and still have the dressing taste with each bite. If cheese is part of the dish, ask that half of the usual cheese be used. When you read the menu, think of ways to minimize the impact of the ingredients.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    without reading all of these. I take the daily weigh in as a mile post you could say but my Friday weight ins are the only ones i worry about. If each Friday i have gained i look back over the week and try to see by the weight where i might of goofed up. same with loss but what i did right. I just try to take the days in between as a guide and something to learn by. So pick one day and use that as your "weigh in weight" and the rest as something to judge your weight for the week. Hope it helps and not a repeat
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Daily for me until I have stabilised and am remaining within a few pounds of 126Ibs.
    Must admit though, I do get a bit upset and feel bad about eating if I find it has jumped up a few pounds from the day before.
    It has been pretty stable the last 4-5 days though and I have been at my target for 2 days.
    I hope one day I can get to just once a week or even not at all.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I weigh everyday, but it means very little to goes up, it goes down, it goes round and round. I'm learning to not care so much. I'm much more interested in measurements and progress pics now. I do like to track the trend of the scale, but I never get upset about it either way anymore. :flowerforyou:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I weigh every day now. My weight goes up and down like a yo-yo every day. There are 3-4 pounds that go up and down for about 2 weeks, then suddenly my weight goes about 2 pounds less than the least of the yo-yo weights (then repeat process). It's crazy and it's driving ME crazy! In the end, I am losing just a hair more than the 1 pound per week that's my goal. I started weighing every day because when I weighed once a week sometimes it would show a gain of 3-4 pounds and that was totally discouraging. Sometimes I LOL when getting on the scale. I am still amazed and just shake my head. I still "officially" record my weight on Mondays.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    if you weigh in everyday, compare the number to the last week's, not the day before. In my experience, the daily weigh ins don't give you the right perspective, but looking over the week shows a bigger picture.

    This is what I recommend, as well. I also slack a little on Sunday (which I happen to think is good for several reasons), so I expect my weight to be a little higher on Monday and Tuesday and then it drops again Wed. - Friday, and then maintains within a pound or so on Saturday and Sunday.
  • erikkanicolejessen
    erikkanicolejessen Posts: 5 Member
    You need to weigh yourself at THE SAME EXACT TIME everyday. And as for counting calories, even that cheat meal counts. For me, after a cheat meal, I go really light the next day. I don't starve myself, I just eat lightly. Those are my "digesting days". And beer is HUGE in calories. All I can say is log it ALL down. You'll be surprised. I weigh myself every day, at the exact same time. I notice that when I have ONE cheat meal, the VERY NEXT day I can gain two pounds easily. Indulge, but do it mindfully. I can't even imagine what my weight would be like if I added beer to my cheat meal in addition to doing it every weekend. It is a diet killer. And also, if you HAVE to have that cheat meal, do extra workouts. Trust me, it helps.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I log it daily as a food note and although it used to drive me crazy, it not longer has that affect on me because I have a month's worth of fluctuations recorded, now I just literally laugh at the scale

    That's a good idea; logging it in your food notes. I'll try that. I have been logging it nearly every day on a weigh-in, but only reporting weight to my group once a week on Mondays. GL :happy:
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    I weigh myself every time I go to the gym. When the scale goes up, which it does at least once a week, I consider what I've eaten and decide if it is a real gain or not. If I've eaten below maintenance everyday, but gain 5 pounds, I know it isn't fat. In that case, I figure I still weigh about what I did at the lowest weight, maybe even less, and the rest is fluid retention or something like that. Generally speaking, once I get back down to the lowest weight again, it isn't long before I drop a couple of pounds and I reveal the truth.

    When I'm up two pounds, I'll tell myself, "I think I'd notice if I ate an extra 7000 calories, so I know it isn't a fat gain".

    Any gains I make that aren't fat, I'm not all the worried about.

  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    I weigh myself daily, and write it on the calendar in the kitchen. I have learned, however, how my body responds to certain foods or meals. and also how it responds based on when I eat my last meal, and what time the meal was eaten.

    I don't obsess over it, and I don't get upset when it goes up or down. I use it along with how my clothes fit and my journal to make sure I am staying in line. I've only been on maintenance for a few weeks now, but I had lots of practice with my last plateau.

    I make sure I log EVERYTHING that I eat. Granted, there are some things I tend to forget, and no, I'm not going back to a week ago monday to log the three triscuits I ate mid-morning at the office, but if I remember it THAT DAY, I will log it. I generally do a pretty good job with the things that I eat that were not planned, as I will usually enter them on my cell phone notepad.

    I don't know if I'll ever do away with the personal weigh-in each day, because I feel that it at least makes me aware of what I'm doing weight-wise. Not paying attention is how I got up to 235+ lbs. Paying attention is how I got back to 160.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    What worked for me was changing my "real" weigh day to FRIDAY! Then, if you slack on the weekend, you have 4 days to lose it. Also, I weigh very day too. Always have, always will. Someday's I am up 4-5 pounds, and I think WTH? If I had put the darrn food on the scale, it wouldn't have even weighed 5 pounds? But, I suck at math so...:grumble:
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    i track it everyday so that I can run my chart at the end of the month and compare it to my period and eating habits and understand myself better - how long it takes for big eating days to show themselves, fasting to show itself, what my sleep and weight is like on weeksn when I workout more than normal, etc

    LOVE THIS ^^

    I've learned enough to "know" what's coming and to better prepare for it :)
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I have noticed two things about weekends. I always weigh more by Monday morning and I rarely poop over the weekend. I'm sorry if that's TMI, but it's true. I think there are two main reasons for these things as well. During the work week, I get up at 6, at work by 7:30 and I sit at my desk and drink coffee and work. The combination of coffee and sitting seems to get things "moving" if you catch my drift. I also drink more through the course of the day. On the weekends, I get up late and often skip coffee. Then I'm running around and doing errands. I don't get a period to quietly sit and let gravity work. I also eat more higher sodium foods so I know I'm retaining water. So over the weekend, more goes in, more water stays in, and less comes out. Leads to a depressing Monday. My solution: drink more during the weekends. Flush the extra sodium before it has a chance to make me sad. Also, on Saturday nights I take 1 swiss kriss. It's a super mild herbal laxative and 1 is a half dose. It doesn't do anything dramatic, it just helps make sure that things keep moving. I'm still a little bit higher on Mondays than Fridays but I don't feel like I'm losing the same pound over and over.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I am one of them. I know it may not be for everyone, but it seems to keep me inline more then if I weigh monthly or even weekly. My question is how do you handle your weight fluctuation!? This is driving me crazy. I work hard all week on my calories and workouts staying within my calorie limits (sometimes not eating enough, bad I know) but it seems like every Monday morning I am up 5+ pounds! I know this is my sodium intake I allow myself a cheat meal and normally have a few beers. But really? 5+ pounds!? It takes me all week to lose that extra weight that I have put on...then it's the weekend again. It is so frustrating!:explode: Do I really have to give up my one cheat meal a week? Anyway I am hoping maybe someone can relate and give me some advise on what has worked for them. Thank you in advance!

    If it is happening every weekend, then the answer is "yes". Either that, or work out a lot more.
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    I weigh every day and some times it shows I am up a pound when I know it's not from lack of exercise or over on my calories. We are women - it just happens :) I try not to let it get me down and I know it will be gone in a day or two
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    I also don't really trust scales. I have owned several where I can weigh myself once pick it up and set it down and then get on again in a few seconds and it will change my reading by 2 or 3 pounds! Even digital scales. They just aren't that acurate I guess...

    I have an eat right digital scale. It's the first scale I've owned that I trust to be accurate. You can't pick it up though after you weigh and expect it to be accurate. If it's been moved you have to 0 it out to reset the balances in the feet. I can get on off and back on the scale and it always weighs the same. We really like it.

    I also weigh in everyday. I do notice I fluctuate up 2-3 lbs after a high sodium/low water day. On average I still lose 2 lb per week. It's encouraging for me to see the little losses every few days.

    I don't have unlogged cheats. Everything is allowable is it fits within my cals. A splurge meal out is balanced by a light breakfast, light lunch, and exercise. If I need to I also add extra exercise the next day that I don't eat back the cals on. A few times, my anniversary and valentines, I allowed myself to eat up to my maintenance cals to ensure there was no weight gain. It was just a no loss day. I still lost 2lb those weeks. I think it's because I've raised my metabolism and my body let the meal go. Also, even though I had decided to eat up to maintenance cals on those treat days I found it very difficult to. I'm more aware of what and how much I eat. Making better decisions about what I'm eating seems to becoming a natural thing. I hope so.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    To me, focusing on the scale indicates that your priorities aren't necessarily on a lifestyle change or on health, but rather on the belief that the amount of weight you lose is an indicator of your ultimate success. I've lost SO much more than weight. I think I may actually be up another pound this week, but I'm in a size smaller pants, a size and a half smaller bra, and a whole lot better place mentally.

    The scale is NOT your friend. Measure your success in inches and you'll be LOTS happier, IMHO.

  • smallerman
    smallerman Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh daily first thing in the am, naked. I chart it on a spreadsheet and calculate the average of the last 5 days. The graph of the trend line is the one I follow, not the daily weight. Learned this from "The hacker's Diet" - a free book on the internet - google it - it is weight loss from a computer engineer's perspective - he is a millionaire and owns his own company, very successful at everything else, but frustrated by his inability to control his weight until he approached it like an engineering problem I found it very interesting!
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi, I know you are frustrated and understandably but I think you really have to look at your diary for answers not the scales.
    As has been said if you only weighed once a week you would be staying the same weight every time. You gain 5 then lose 5 so its a 0 weight loss per week.

    Looking at your diary it's clear you aren't having a cheat meal you're having a cheat weekend, at least the weekends I looked at.
    It starts Friday and goes into Saturday and I'm guessing today Sunday will be similar ending up with a 5 lb gain on Monday.
    This is the problem, right there.
    There is nothing wrong with having pizza , a beer or chocolates,as long as you try to fit it in without interrupting your weight loss goal.
    I rarely have a cheat day as such but I enjoy all the things I like within my calories, with only occasional overs. You can do it.
    I also noticed during the week in desperation you are keeping way under your calories for a few days, also not good. You need to keep as close to it as you can. Then suddenly even though you are still under calorie goal you have eaten your exercise calories where earlier you didn't.
    Nothing wrong with eating exercise calories, MFP recommend it but are your estimates correct?
    Unless you have a HRM eat only half to 2/3 of exercise calories just in case it's incorrect.

    Bottom line
    Set your goal to only losing 1lb or less a week, stick to it even on the weekend if you can.
    Allow yourself your treats by all means but try to work it in better so you don't have this vicious circle going.
    Be careful with exercise calories
    Drink plenty of water.
    Good luck
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