Women--How do you keep your confidence up?



  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Is it possible to be up and feel good and confident 24/7/365? I can’t and haven’t up til now.
    I know I will have good and bad days. I push thru the bad ones the best I can and enjoy the good ones to the fullest.
    I don’t depend on others on how I feel cause I own my emotions good and bad. No one can make you feel anything, all we feel is how we choose to react to others..

    So you have to just decide to be a happier person, it’s not easy but then you takes steps to start making yourself happier. If that means new friends/job/S.O. so be it. Get rid of the users/moochers/abusers in your life. Nothing will change for the better until you do. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about here. You will become something you aren’t and you won’t like it.. Sometimes to make a change you have to MAKE changes. Major changes. They can be scary and hard but in the end isn’t being happy and confident worth it?

    After a while you will realize that life is better, I do feel more happy/confident/content and just all around good about myself.
    The more I work on myself the more confident I feel, the happier I am. And apparently the more attractive I am to the opposite sex.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Honestly, I think you have to start loving yourself. I never been the one to look for validation through others. When I became happy with my life and success it showed in my confidence mentally and physically. Maybe you should talk to a counselor or family members about your fears. If you have low self esteem, the only way to improve it is to start from within and others won't matter.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I don't have any confidence, but I do have the ceaseless, burning determination that NOBODY is ever again going to take advantage of that fact.

    It's a start.