Anyone starting 30 Day Shred on April?



  • TrishB1954
    Thank you - I will look to see if I can find a copy here in the UK:smile:
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member

    I started 30 DAY SHRED 11 days ago.

    I'm on Level 2 and LOVING IT !!

    I run every other day along with doing the DVD.

    I hope i get the results i want from it!!

    Does anyone have any before and after 30 DAY SHRED photos ????????????????
  • Skeen903
    Skeen903 Posts: 408 Member
    I am on day 5/30 level 1 :) I'll add you... we can get through it together. So far I love it!!
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    I completed day 6 today, I'm loving it too. 2nd and 3rd day were the hardest for me but I can actually do about 8 press ups in a row now. I've never been able to do them before ever!!!
    I'm dreading moving up to level 2 , a lot of people seem to find it a big step up.
    How is everyone planning on doing their 30 days? Everyday? Or are you taking rest days? Ive done my 6 days straight so far, am wondering wether to take a rest day. I read somewhere you lose more weight if you take rest days?? Anyone know if this is true??? X
  • NiniLeeMarie
    i started yesterday(:
  • cookierinthia
    cookierinthia Posts: 72 Member
    What is 30 Day Shred?
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Did Day 3 today (started on the 1st) then after a bit of rest I hit the treadmill for at least an hour even if it's walking.

    Sore but loving it!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I'm going to start tomorrow. A bit nervous as i've never worked out and im not sure i will be able to keep up. But going to try! Feel free to add me as a friend to encourage each other everyone :)
  • josettenehmelman
    josettenehmelman Posts: 20 Member
    I think I will do this too for a month!
  • kenroc
    kenroc Posts: 1
    i am on day three! join me??
  • aprilkazmi
    Well this time last year I was down to 145 and I went up to 170 and stuck at 160, I am trying to do 30 days to loose something. Anything. I would be happy with 5Lbs.

    I am doing Turbo Fire, hiking and some light weights.

    Any suggestions to make this work, or what I should set my goal at for this month?
  • ruthvbailey
    ruthvbailey Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I am with you am started the 30 day shread on the 31st March. No weight loss to date though or loss of inches. Hard but have got through it ok. Its the jumping jacks and skipping straight after that affects my feet so do what I can and then jog instead of skipping. I also do other exercises for 1/2 hour before hand so I am really warmed up before I start the shred. Without doing the 1/2 hour exercise I dont think I am warmed up enough before I start the jumping jacks. My thighs are killing me but working through it.
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    I started Tuesday 4/3/12, I am using 3lbs weights. I also do an hour on the elliptical,but on my 1st day I could on do 30 mins. My legs were WEAK!
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    I have started :) love it so far! Pretty sad that the jumping jacks about kill me..I do the tape and walk/jog in the evenings as well.

    those jumping jacks were killer! and the ones where you have to kick your legs back, i don't know what it's called but they had me too.
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    What is 30 Day Shred?
    a work out dvd by Jiliian Michaels. It has 3 levels, the work out is about 20 minutes long. i've heard and seen great results from it.
  • laurzishot
    Started 1st day of level 2 today..owww haha.
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    Started 1st day of level 2 today..owww haha.

    did you take any days off since you started the shred and how long were you on level 1?
  • meggers127
    Started 1st day of level 1 on April 3rd. I'm soooo out of shape but I'm going to push through it. My boyfriend is also doing it with me because I don't want to do it alone. It's fun watching him get tired from this workout, and he's in pretty good shape! :)
  • laurzishot
    Started 1st day of level 2 today..owww haha.

    did you take any days off since you started the shred and how long were you on level 1?

    No i haven't taken any days off, was on level 1 for 10 days. It's not like i'm in heaps of pain or anything, it's just obviously a much harder work out!! :)
  • Candida1983
    Candida1983 Posts: 188
    Today is day 3 for me, I think it would be awesome to join in this and have a bunch of people that are doing the same thing! :happy: