For the 500,000 time EATING MORE WORKS



  • It would be nice if, instead of constantly seeing this EAT MORE CALORIES OR YOU'LL NEVER LOSE ANY FREAKING WEIGHT DUMBASS! craziness, it was delivered with some better instructions on how to increase your appetite, how to forcefeed yourself without crying because you are trying not to vomit, or how to make your stomach bigger.

    1. get weed
    2. smoke it
    3. evoke the munchie monster
    4. eat more
    5. win
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    some better instructions on how to increase your appetite, how to forcefeed yourself without crying because you are trying not to vomit, or how to make your stomach bigger.

    not everyone has problems with eating too much or exercising too little. Not eating enough because of a crappetite, for 15 years will make you just as fat as overeating.

    Yes, undereating can screw up your metabolism and with in certain constraints cause you to gain weight and have difficulty losing. *raises hand* That's where I started.

    Liquid calories are an awesome way to make up calories. Often you can drink something even when you're "stuffed" without inducing nausea. (by liquid calories, I'm referring to protein shakes, smoothies, and fruit juice.... although alcohol once in a while is fun too).

    Calorie dense foods help too; a single serving of almonds is 160 calories, a small handful is 300 cals. Fat is not the enemy. Healthy fats can be a great help when trying to up your calorie count; add a bit of olive oil to any savory dish for an extra 120 calories.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks for this. I have been stubborn for YEARS about this and I am going to make some changes today because of this thread and see how I do.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Bump for later!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    What should I be eating please? I am showing a gain since last week which I know isn't right as I haven't gone wrong anywhere. I am currently on 1350 cals, eat all of my exercise cals and am set at a 2lb rate of loss.

    RMR - 1671
    BMR - 1688

    TDEE - No Exercise - 2025, Light Exercise - 2321 or Mod exercise - 2616

    I don't actually exercise every day as such, but do walk into town with my daughter in her pushchair most days, takes me roughly 50 mins altogether. I then do small amounts of aerobics and toning every other day usually for around 15-20 mins.

    Interesting, was your RMR measured then somewhere?

    So your real BMR is actually lower than your RMR.

    So the question is, did you get the RMR measurement after you had been netting below your BMR for some period of time?
    If so, you are looking at the result of feeding your BMR less than it might like to burn, it had to slow down - meaning your RMR also slowed down.

    So that would be Light Exercise, actually rounded down probably to 2200 to get in-between levels, if this was using the fat2fit calculation at goal weight.

    And that walking is the best fat burning exercise since you don't actually have to feed it. Total deficit on that.
    Of course, at 2200, you don't eat back any exercise calories anyway.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    are you guys eating over your BMR on days that you don't work out?

    I never net below my BMR.

    I on the other hand never net above my BMR
    what works for one may not work for another

    There is no denying you can lose weight on a slower metabolism - just takes longer, and more prone to error if you really workout a lot and don't feed the exercise, just slowing it down more.

    And for those just starting, starting on the high level and leaving the metabolism burning fully is much smarter, than starting on the huge deficit side and getting all the topics about people's weight stalling.
  • Julieta17
    Julieta17 Posts: 37
    I'm eating 1600 net- 2000-2200 calories when I work out. I lost 3 lbs this week. The closer I get to my goal, the more I have to eat! And I feel great. You have to trust that it works and then you have to give it time. I changed my weight loss goal to 1/2 lb a week and didn't lose for the first 2 weeks. Then I started losing! It took my body a few weeks to adjust. And I was scared. But if you don't give it time, you'll never be able to see the results!

    You look amazing!!! Good job :happy:
  • tisamg
    tisamg Posts: 62 Member
    Bump for later
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Yep!!! I lost 50 pounds pretty easy cutting back to 1200-1300 calories and crazy cardio 3-4 times a week, but after that I was very slow to lose even a pound or two and then nothing for 2 whole months, I switched to mostly strength training instead of cardio and upped my calories to like 1600 and now the scale is FINALLY moving again.

    I used to be so worn out by Thursdays at kickboxing that I could barely punch, I definitely wasn't eating enough with what I was burning and after losing the initial excess fat I was carrying my body just held on to everything, I still have about 40 pounds or so to lose, but 40 pounds of FAT not muscle too :)

    I can relate to this! Lower calories and lots of cardio (walking/hiking) when I started, but a couple of months ago I hit another plateau; also, I noticed I wanted to eat ALL the time. Turns out all the cardio was making me hungry--no surprise since there were days I was walking 2-3hrs! Lately I've only been doing strength training 3x/week and eating more. First week of this I lost 0.6#, the next week 1.6#, and this past week I was down 3.2#.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    this is so effing frustrating

    its like everyone on this stupid planet thinks that overeating is the only problem people have.

    Some of us are killing ourselves trying to reach 1200 and seeing everyone constantly vomiting EAT MORE in our faces just almost is enough to make us quit.

    It would be nice if, instead of constantly seeing this EAT MORE CALORIES OR YOU'LL NEVER LOSE ANY FREAKING WEIGHT DUMBASS! craziness, it was delivered with some better instructions on how to increase your appetite, how to forcefeed yourself without crying because you are trying not to vomit, or how to make your stomach bigger.

    not everyone has problems with eating too much or exercising too little. Not eating enough because of a crappetite, for 15 years will make you just as fat as overeating.

    Actually, you will see a lot of posts and threads that give good advice when someone actually asks this question.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    this is so effing frustrating

    its like everyone on this stupid planet thinks that overeating is the only problem people have.

    Some of us are killing ourselves trying to reach 1200 and seeing everyone constantly vomiting EAT MORE in our faces just almost is enough to make us quit.

    It would be nice if, instead of constantly seeing this EAT MORE CALORIES OR YOU'LL NEVER LOSE ANY FREAKING WEIGHT DUMBASS! craziness, it was delivered with some better instructions on how to increase your appetite, how to forcefeed yourself without crying because you are trying not to vomit, or how to make your stomach bigger.

    not everyone has problems with eating too much or exercising too little. Not eating enough because of a crappetite, for 15 years will make you just as fat as overeating.

    Eat more calorie dense foods, ditch the low-fat/fat free/'diet' crap? It's not that difficult really.

    obviously you dont suffer from this. thanks for taking my life's struggles and shrinking them down to an itty bitty little condescending BS response like - 'its not that difficult really'.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    some better instructions on how to increase your appetite, how to forcefeed yourself without crying because you are trying not to vomit, or how to make your stomach bigger.

    not everyone has problems with eating too much or exercising too little. Not eating enough because of a crappetite, for 15 years will make you just as fat as overeating.

    Yes, undereating can screw up your metabolism and with in certain constraints cause you to gain weight and have difficulty losing. *raises hand* That's where I started.

    Liquid calories are an awesome way to make up calories. Often you can drink something even when you're "stuffed" without inducing nausea. (by liquid calories, I'm referring to protein shakes, smoothies, and fruit juice.... although alcohol once in a while is fun too).

    Calorie dense foods help too; a single serving of almonds is 160 calories, a small handful is 300 cals. Fat is not the enemy. Healthy fats can be a great help when trying to up your calorie count; add a bit of olive oil to any savory dish for an extra 120 calories.

    thank you. I feel like ive been living with nuts and peanut butter supplements my whole life, drinking milk with everything, anything to trick myself into not realising how much Ive eaten. I dont do diet foods, I eat clean. I still struggle around 11-1300 calories perday intake, and then I go and burn 700 more calories... ive been at a plateau for two years, cant lose anymore weight, cant force myself to eat anything denseer than I do.

    when i grow up, im going to kill every almond on earth.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    It would be nice if, instead of constantly seeing this EAT MORE CALORIES OR YOU'LL NEVER LOSE ANY FREAKING WEIGHT DUMBASS! craziness, it was delivered with some better instructions on how to increase your appetite, how to forcefeed yourself without crying because you are trying not to vomit, or how to make your stomach bigger.

    1. get weed
    2. smoke it
    3. evoke the munchie monster
    4. eat more
    5. win

    I wish. Pot makes me thirsty as ****.
  • raechelandsean
    raechelandsean Posts: 8 Member
    how do I calculate the amount of calories I need having TDEE and BMR? - use the Military Bodyfat and then the BMR/Cal Calculators :)

    Congratulations OP :D

    I just checked out this site And I am NOT eating enough Calories! I bet this is why I'm having a hard time losing.
    Thank you for this! I'm going to eat more and see if this helps.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Ok I posted early in this page 3 or 4...and said I don't buy it because I lost 40 pounds on 1200 calories over a few months...and I upped it to 1450 for two months and was still stuck at a 1 pound loss for the two months.

    So after reading all the rest of the comments and going to the sites with the BMR (I always knew that...but was sure I should never go over it)...and the TDEE...It says the minimum I should be eating is 1800 calories.

    I am at 221 pounds, 48% body fat...and my goal is 170 pounds. I walk about an hour 4 times a week and that's it. I am 5'9" there's my info...

    I take back what I said earlier...apparently upping my calories to 1450 was wasn't near enough to give myself a real chance. I am convinced (I will come back and thank you in a few months when this works!) to go to 1800 calories, even though it feels like I am jumping off a cliff. Although it is making sense...I have been cold, tired, crabby and exhausted after a couple walking days in a maybe this is what I need?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok I posted early in this page 3 or 4...and said I don't buy it because I lost 40 pounds on 1200 calories over a few months...and I upped it to 1450 for two months and was still stuck at a 1 pound loss for the two months.

    So after reading all the rest of the comments and going to the sites with the BMR (I always knew that...but was sure I should never go over it)...and the TDEE...It says the minimum I should be eating is 1800 calories.

    I am at 221 pounds, 48% body fat...and my goal is 170 pounds. I walk about an hour 4 times a week and that's it. I am 5'9" there's my info...

    I take back what I said earlier...apparently upping my calories to 1450 was wasn't near enough to give myself a real chance. I am convinced (I will come back and thank you in a few months when this works!) to go to 1800 calories, even though it feels like I am jumping off a cliff. Although it is making sense...I have been cold, tired, crabby and exhausted after a couple walking days in a maybe this is what I need?

    Very good realization. See, the 1450 wasn't that bad a guess actually, with BMR 1500.

    I would suggest, and this is going to freak you out even more, you are not Sedentary.
    Slightly above, on the way to Lightly Active. Because at least walking is a great fat burning workout that is really closer to normal daily activity you get the deficit from. I'd still say 1900 to 2000. Current weight TDEE is still 2430 or higher, allowing for 1 lb weekly.

    But 1800 is great start goal to get to and use for a bit.

    I would suggest, work your way up. 200 extra cals/day for a week, then another 200, ect. You want your body to know it is regular and can increase metabolism, not just store as a gift.
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    I'm so happy when I see this thread still on the first page:heart:
  • McMellll
    McMellll Posts: 15
  • ili_s
    ili_s Posts: 66

    thank you. I feel like ive been living with nuts and peanut butter supplements my whole life, drinking milk with everything, anything to trick myself into not realising how much Ive eaten. I dont do diet foods, I eat clean. I still struggle around 11-1300 calories perday intake, and then I go and burn 700 more calories... ive been at a plateau for two years, cant lose anymore weight, cant force myself to eat anything denseer than I do.

    when i grow up, im going to kill every almond on earth.

    Honey, if you still have the body that is on your profile then why on earth do you want to lose more weight? Shouldn't you be maintaining now? Isn't that why you can't lose any more weight? Listen to what your body is telling you.

    If you are here for nutrition stuff you are better off going to see your doctor and a nutritionist who will be more in the know than a bunch of people on the internet.
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    Congratulations! And you look great, I must say. I look forward to "having" to eat more as I lose weight!